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Everything posted by C2B

  1. They will not be using Onyx. https://twitter.com/...804807514054656 But Tim Cain did say they already had an engine selected, which would lead me to believe that they did not and will not be creating one from scratch. That doesn't really completly rule out the "heavily modified Onyx" part.
  2. Till the engine is revelead this is going to be the part I'm worrying about the most. Is it an engine suited to Obsidian games. Or do they need to fumble around in it to get certain things to work?
  3. In the video, you can see even more of those sketches. The variety in the video does not even show all of the sketches that our artist did. She tried out a variety of styles and levels of dress. It's a high-level, low-detail pass on character ideas. Does that mean there will be muskets in the game, or is it all just a terrible, terrible mistake? How are muskets a mistake?
  4. That's ..... surprising. So what are they going to use if they go for the same style but not infinity? (Also, let's bring the kickstarter up as high as possible so that they can use their engine )
  5. Eric is working at Obsidian, but still full-time on SouthPark (where he is the creative lead. So has a bigger responsiblity) South Park releases next year, so it may happen that he swaps over though.
  6. They will reach that amount, no problem. Even if pledges got much slower, the last day bump would put it over the line.
  7. In spirit, it will be like the Infinity Engine. Since it has no name yet, I used IE as a reference point. Onyx. The same engine that was used for Aliens, DSIII and now South Park. As I understand it they program another render for it to *emulate* a modern version of the infinity engine style.
  8. They are not going to use the infinity engine. (If you meant it differently, sorry)
  9. Considering there might be more Choice & Consequence involved, for cutscenes I'd have something that is easy to produce and change, like how DSIII did it.
  10. Dragon Age III announced http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-09-17-bioware-announces-dragon-age-3-inquisition No sleep for the Inquisition.
  11. Sawyer has been answering questions the whole weekend, Feargus was in the Kickstarter comments. And again weekend. Passionate as they may be, Weekend. Weekend after successful funding in 24 hours. I'd rather they partied it up a bit for now and give us full force this week.
  12. Yes, and I don't believe whatever they have, they planned to release on a sunday. A sunday.
  13. Thumps up. Sadly, I never really experienced him myself. Though, I remember one of the first things I read in the Obsidian forums was about his death.
  14. I live in Europe, Czech Republic, thank you. And...Do things properly, otherwise don't do them at all (or postpone them to better time when you are able to do them properly). That's all I can say regarding the stretch goal UPDATE. Point of it all is that many people got pissed or confused by such a brief message which is asking for more of their money (It feels like promoting DLC and that's what everybody hates). If Obsidian had a free weekend and were unable to come up with more personal message then they should wait until Monday. Now they face damage control which is never a nice situaton. Sorry, bull****. Previously to the stretch goals coming out people DEMANDED stretch goals in the comments. The devs came into work later just to make them up. And they did say thank you. Both Adam Brennecke and Josh Sawyer. Josh even sung for us.
  15. IMO it this the best time to say that to devs because they have the time to fix it. And since they made "a mistake" already it is IMO allright to tell them. Nothing more, nothing less. Except there IS no mistake (regarding communication. The mistake was they underestimated themselves. That's something nobody can predict). It was the weekend. Do you really believe they planned to reveal something on saturday/sunday?
  16. What? That has nothing, absolutly nothing to do with why they need money. Nothing. Obsidian doesn't think that way, but PUBLISHERS still do. And they provide the money. If Obsidian would do this on their own, they would have to let even more people go. Not to mention would carry the full risk if the project ends up a failure. Or do you have the magical ability to rain down money from the sky? Stop trollin'
  17. I like the idea of Obsidian as a single entity.
  18. 3D models on "2D" background is what we know. We have no idea how exactly they will do it though, just that they made a new render especially for this.
  19. None. Avellone specifically mentions that he is glad not to have adjust the game to consoles. And Tablets would probably come first if they port it after release.
  20. Link to Ziets Formspring if you have questions for him regarding MOTB http://www.formspring.me/GZiets
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