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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Because having varied mechanics that go beyond "health bar, mana bar, press x to kill people" is too complicated? Of couse. The burgerstuffing Untermenschen need simplicity so their primitive minds can comprehend things.
  2. I think you are trying too hard to find logic where there is none.
  3. Kawaii is so yesterday. Now they have to be moe.
  4. I think you're very insecure in your orientation.
  5. Nah, I think this is the result of people losing ~30-50 IQ since 2000. Deus Ex suffered the same critique yet people got past it. To be on topic, I'm currently playing the beta of MechWarrior Online. Having fun times with my Catapult. I should replay BGE&E someday, but.. SoT? The ending was the best part! The culmination of a journey of two characters, one making a big mistake because she can't bring herself to trust her love, while the other learned and matured, making the right decision finally.If you are referring to the battle with the Vizier, yes, the figh could've been better, but that has not much to do with the storytelling.
  6. Not entirely - it's a matter of expectations. Planescape as a fantasy universe comes with a set of expectations that it almost immediately breaks as it turns out not to be Tolkien inspired. This leaves players free to approach it without preexisting bias. Assassins Creed creates expectation of a historical setting which it fulfills for a good while but then suddenly it moves into the direction of a poorly handled sci-fi. In the end AC was always doomed to become a mess story-wise as you cannot make a long-running series work with conspiracy theories. You either need a new bigger mystery for every revelation you make or simply never resolve anything. Finally a good answer. Although I disagree about the particulars. I don't know how AC1 starts, but the whole animus thing makes it pretty clear from the get go that this is sci-fi. Or at least fi.
  7. Didn't get the memo saying stories are automatic turds if they serve no "purpose". Hint: stories are for entertainment. The fact that Torment's story has a lot to say adds to Torment's value, not detracts from everything elses. And I could just as well say the strange premise is a needless complication to an essay that could be explained on a few pages of paper.
  8. So one is good because it is completely fictional and the other is crap because it is a What If scenario. ...
  9. I know you are talking more about the fact that other games have crappy stories, but I find the key to my AC enjoyment is to ignore the overarching theme and enjoy the personal story of Ezio. I just don't understand how "guy relives his ancestors life through his genes and find out an ancient civilzation controlled humanity with high-tech stuff" is insane and nonsensical compared to, say, Torment's "zombie-guy searches for his mortality while opening transdimensional portals with junk".
  10. Would someone please explain to me how AC's story is supposed to be insane nonsense compared to every other game ever?
  11. Instead of morality driven quests, I'd prefer ideology based ones. Instead of choosing between, say, killing or helping a bunch of genocidal mercenaries I have/get to decide wether they're executed, imprisoned/treated or hauled off to PE's version of Mengele to advance medical SCIENCE! Black or white morality is just a no-brainer between being nice or naughty. Grey and grey sometimes ends up being imbalanced *cough* NCR vs Legion *cough*, or just cruel for cruelty's sake, and can easily be messed up. Like that quest in DX:HR when I was on paper supposed to convince some guys to testify against the bad guys instead of going on a killing spree, but considering the Illuminati (the bad guys) likely control the judiciary... Plus Obsidian probably wants to go with Fallout style freedom, letting the player choose which option s/he thinks best instead of spoon feeding the morality of each choice. My "idea" would parallel with that perfectly.
  12. For the same reason they are not using Onyx for Project Eternity? Right tool for the right job and all that. IIRC they use Unity because with it they have an easier time making PE for other platforms. The only reason right now (granted, I haven't watched the whole pitch video, so I maybe have missed something) for them to use this one is drunken master physics and pretty lights.
  13. Obsidian has Onyx, why would they license anything?
  14. There's some good in all of these games. BGs and Fallouts gameplay, the exploration of a big, misterious world. PS:Ts story and dialogue, IWDs graphics (I still think IWD1 was the prettiest IE game) and dungeons and combat. Fallouts combat too, and the reactivity and freedom. That you could go become a boxer or *cough* "movie" star. And all of them had great atmosphere to boot. And that's only half the list...
  15. Finished Nightmare in North Point. On one hand, the crazy dialogue was awesome. On the other hand the gameplay was very repetitious. The whole thing lasted about 1,5 hours, so it wasn't too much of a grind. The ending was lame and some lines regarding Mimi were rather off putting.
  16. I like the idea of the stronghold being part of the second city, as a district or similar. Would be a nice backdrop for intrigue, "simsing" (chillaxing, living your life instead of ZOMGWORLDSAVE) and some C&C with the city folk. I'm fine either way though.
  17. That's great to hear. I scooped it up a couple of days ago but am waiting to finish the main story before playing it. The trailer certainly made it look pretty fun and wacky. Out of curiosity, about how long is it? (If you've completed it) Haven't finished it yet. The crazy caught me by surprise and I just had to take a break. :D
  18. Nightmare in North Point DLC for Sleeping Dogs. That is the whackiest game I've played in a while.
  19. Hey guys, we're making a game that is a mix of IWD, BG and PST. Which one should it resemble most? Well all three, duh.
  20. I objectively state it's not.
  21. In no particular order: Stargate SG1 ST: Deep Space Nine Firefly Game of Thrones Black Adder That old Lucky Luke series with Terrence Hill Something I will remember 3 days from now and forget before I can write it down
  22. No it didn't. We're just waiting.
  23. It was funny how the big characters dropped off in the first fourth, then most everyone around the middle and the rest was a lonely road. :D
  24. Buggy physics engine in Skate 3: In short: XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
  25. The Mad King's Clocktower was a pain. typo
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