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Everything posted by Oner

  1. You are confusing failure to sell with failure to create. The point of KS is that games get funded, so that's not an issue. Assuming you can plan around your assets, which some/many can't. And then the project fails.
  2. Welcome to half a year ago.
  3. So? Wasteland, PE, Star Citizen etc etc won't be released for month or years and there's plenty other games like that.
  4. They re-released Hosile Waters! *_*
  5. Add to that poor and repetitive combat. Still better than Tomb Raider. And then subtract the poor part.
  6. What they don't get its a chance to **** their favorite characters. VA = character, as far as they are concerned.
  7. Dungeon Keeper was a game about building a dungeon and defending it* and it is a famous classic. I don't see how being inspired by it, especially considering the lack of derivative works recently, is surprising, or out of the ordinary (in the negative sense). There's plenty of FPSs, "inspired" by Doom. No one is aghast at that. *By which I meant to say, it has a simple concept.
  8. Let me guess, Alice?
  9. I'm liking the idea of the game, even if the hiding aspect seems a bit too easy from that small glimpse they give. Also, that time cycle demonstration at the beginning would be more impressive if the lighting would have any effect on the island.
  10. Maia: Dungeon Keeper x Theme Hospital x Aliens
  11. Oner


    A few bugfixes?
  12. Oner


    I noticed the same, but I got it after rewinding my save a little.
  13. Oner


    I don't see what you guys' problems are. Almost every QTE is piss easy, the hard ones are all optional. The puzzles are simple, but they're pretty much just a change of pace for variety's sake. That may not be intentional, but who cares. It's a game about the characters, dialogue, atmosphere, story and C&C. Enjoy it for what it is, not complain about stuff it doesn't even try to do. Terrible gameplay? **** please, the game is 90% conversations.
  14. I think the whole episode and the ending of the fourth was pretty weird/confusing.
  15. Since a while already. I am in the beta since founders packs were available and I have to say, I get more and more angry with every patch. They delay everything all the time (which wouldn't be so much a problem) and when the next patch is released, they nearly fixed nothing from the old bugs. Since 2 months already the game performance gets worse and worse and they still didn't fix the memory bug that a lot people are experiencing. I don't want to restart my client after every 3rd game, especially when playing in a real group, etc. It just annoys the hell and fun out of me. Now there's processor leak too.
  16. It's "only" open beta, but yeah, playable.
  17. Likewise. I'm not sure what to think of the ending though.
  18. "pizza face nerds" That fourstar on the lawn must not have come from you then. Dimwit. What's next? Are you going to call me a noob, oh great genius of insults?
  19. Never tried EVE ? GW2 is a different feel from WoW, even Rift had that of sorts. TOR really could have lost VA for the non-class story and be no worse for wear. And the protocol droid could lose his voice as well. I'm talking about the feeling that the game could play itself, but it needs me to grind its numbers the same way people need monkeys in a zoo. To see something swing on a tire for entertainment. GW2 requires user input (unless you are playing Warrior with lots of health regen ) or you're dead and there's only as much grinding as you are prepared to do. I crafted my high-end armor without too much hassle.
  20. Honestly? They "wasted" most of it on VA. What makes it even worse is that IIRC every ...what do they call those? ...Data something.Anyway, both in ME and DA about 80% of players skipped the voice over, if memory serves. It's best to not make assumptions over how much money was spent on VA (or even the total budget of the project), nor make up numbers over how many people skip the voice overs in our other games. http://herocomplex.l...dlvrit=63378#/0I'm sure those voice actors were happy to work for Hungarian minimal wage. (~300 euros) And I said IIRC, twice.
  21. I'm not overly sensitive you dimwitted prick, I just hate morons like you.
  22. Honestly? They "wasted" most of it on VA. What makes it even worse is that IIRC every ...what do they call those? ...Data something.Anyway, both in ME and DA about 80% of players skipped the voice over, if memory serves.
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