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Everything posted by Oner

  1. The Mad King's Clocktower was a pain. typo
  2. Oh? What happened?
  3. Maybe if you weren't so hasty, you'd notice it's a girl, genius. http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Irelia/SkinsTrivia
  4. Played Home. It had atmosphere, it had mystery, it had tension... And then threw it all away. Every clue is essentially a red herring and there's no cohesive story. You decide what happened in the end which just doesn't work, especially since the game seems to have trouble tracking the clues you found. I found the murdered girls, the guy concluded they must have been the owners of the empty camp, yet a few minutes later he wondered where the owners went. Many of the plot threads are left unexplained, which the game even flat out admits....Gah! So much potential.
  5. Oh, I thought he was taking a jab at my computer It's a Counter Strike feature/meme.
  6. Well, I'm setting myself up for a play through of ME2 and ME3 once I finish DA2 and the DLC's. I'll keep that in mind Hm.. I think you didn't get it.
  7. Congratz for all teh moneyz! ay your game be hailed for all eternity.
  8. My theory is those concept art pieces are in-universe and of relatively low quality.
  9. I'd like to see Requiem: Avenging Angel in their catalogue. My discs blew up one day during reinstall.
  10. The Walking Dead ep 4. Well, damn.
  11. How many threads do you plan to open about this?
  12. Btw, the stretch goals ad only the classes, or companions too? Companions haven't been mentioned recently.
  13. Isn't #10 from Half-Life 2? Not sure.
  14. I have done worse. A game called Paradise Cracked. My sniper crouched on high ground. Cybernetic eyes and the best sniper rifle money could buy. Enemies out in the open, no cover whatsoever. The game says 100% chance to hit. I missed 120 shots (or around there... stopped counting after a hundred, didnt start counting until I had gotten frustrated). Eventually I had one of my other team members rush out with an SMG and mow them down It's your own damn fault if you played that turd.
  15. Didn't they sue Interplay to get the rights back for the Fallout MMO? Though I guess they could've been after the money, or just wanted to do FO:O first, then settled with TES when they lost the lawsuit?
  16. Oh shush, there's already the priests AND monks as classes....the LAST thing we need yet is another righteous/religious sounding class. Yes, it is the last thing I need to have all my fav classes in. Re: atheism. It's a different world. Since gods are a proven fact, the people have no concept of a world without gods, so it's not far-fetched for them to have a different definition of atheism: refusing to accept a deity above you controlling your life in any way. You could have a different world for it, true. But there is also no reason to not use atheism either.
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