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Everything posted by Oner

  1. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/6474298368
  2. Not a bad idea, start all the f2p folks out with bad acne and make them pay for clear skin. Might just be crazy enough to work!
  3. To be frank, Sejuani is severely weaker than other characters (though I've seen a match where almost every kill landed to her, still no idea how that happened), but hur ult it very potent. Malphite on the other hand is a very scary champion. His ult is a constant danger for the whole enemy team, he gains damage from stacking armor and with maxed items is very very hard to kill while having enough damage to kill a squishy carry with one combo. And that's the tank build.
  4. Which ones do you fancy?
  5. I hate cats and never thought I'd feel sorry for one. But now I do. In fact, I just realised that it's not the cat's thought, they are naturally evil little ****ers. It's the *owners* Our cats are nice, you must have been dogmatized by someone. Pun not sure if intended.
  6. Old, yet still awesome.
  7. http://www.guildwars2guru.com/news/685-dungeon-weapons-collection/ Dungeon weapon, armor and cultural armor skins.
  8. Btw if you have Nightfall, I can give you one piece of Sunspear armor for one of your heroes.
  9. I'm struggling a bit, I feel like I'm always out of money. I really need some Deldrimor armor remnants to upgrade my heroes, but there is no way I have the time to run a dungeon 5 different times. I know the Cloth of the Brotherhood is cheaper, but it also requires finishing a good chunk of the Eye of the North campaign. I also need just one more minipet to get my collection to twenty. That seems like an achievable goal at least. I'd say it's bbetter to go through the EotN storyline. You'll make progress with some title tracks, get money and unlock the related missions for the daily Zaishen quests, which net you a lot of money if done regularly. Besides, Slaver's Exile is really hard.I also usualy break down items of around 55 gold value into iron ore and sell the stack.
  10. Oner


    True Patch by dunnowho.
  11. Took half a year, but managed to get my 30 points. :D
  12. I've tried the beta, still like LoL more. Maybe Smite, but somehow I'm not too excited for that one either.
  13. http://www.arena.net/blog/reserve-your-guild-wars-character-name-for-guild-wars-2-by-july-31
  14. Which would be a good thing in my book. Not that I'm against id.
  15. Add Vykos Redmane in the game if you want, though I don't play much nowadays. Doing two Zaishen quests every day kinda sucked the fun out of the game.
  16. Yep, there's a new one in the making. The local fans are drooling already. Me too, a bit. :D
  17. Spent the last hour trying to comb together a trait build for my warrior. Still not done, but the world is starting to spin. http://en.gw2codex.com/build/generator/ Note that it's not up-to-date yet.
  18. Try Kessex Hills, south of Queensdale. I spent an hour there before I met a second player. I think it's still pretty empty. Vengeance is awesome. I don't what the specific requirements are, but I didn't drop dead when it ended if I managed to complete an event while under it's effect, I think. It pronounced last ditch effort feel of the skill greatly. :D
  19. Home server is AFAIK only important for PVP (and the bonuses you get from WvWvW). We can't group if you're not on the same server.
  20. I'm on Stormbuffs in America.
  21. Just a reminder: today starts the 3rd beta event, at noon PDT.
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