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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Hm, seems like they're just some animated scenes from the manga. My bad.
  2. http://comic-con.gamespot.com/video/6387208/sleeping-dogs-all-access-comic-con-2012 Some Sleeping Dogs open world stuff.
  3. I imagine that as one is an mmo and the other is not that they aren't competing with each other for sales so everyone is satisfied. It's like how Sega contracted Obsidian and Gearbox to work on two different kinds of Aliens games. Isn't Harebrained the SR IP holder or something? (One of) the guy(s) who came up with it leads the bunch or something.
  4. Blame, it's possibly even more nightmarish.Oh and Needless. It's a Dragon Ball sorta thing, completely bat**** after the 6th or so episode. :D
  5. And people who suck playing with a mouse. And 2-3 choice trolls.
  6. Oner


    It's a really great roleplaying game.
  7. The second season, if you must. Oh right, forgot Gungrave. It's an adaptation of the video game of the same name, but focuses on the events preceeding the game. Suffer through the first episode and you get a genuinely great mafia story.
  8. No! No! Nononononono!There's a manga interquel, read that if you want an extra fix. I'm not sure what your problem with it was though, could you describe? Berserk's english dub is awesome, too.
  9. Oner


    Of course! Ponder the DLC too. I still haven't played that,
  10. You all missed the important part. Fantasy RPGs. 2 out 5 games (not counting expansions), if I'm not misaken.
  11. What about people who write ten exclamation/question marks?One is okay. Two-three I could pass as very frantic shouting. But 8-10? Do they have a spasm from exertion, their mouths foaming as they gargle their message?
  12. Hellsing Ultimate and TTGL were already mentioned. Then there's Berserk - Medieval fantasy about the leader if a mercenary band aiming to become a king with the help of his right hand. Vision of Escaflowne - Fantasy with steampunk mecha (better than it sounds). A girl is transported to a different world, where an empire is apparently looking for Atlantis. Redline - Awesome racing IN SPACE! Ano hi mita hana don'tremembertherest - A group of friends drift apart after one of them dies in an accident. Years later, her ghost appears before her closest friend, looking to get into the afterlife. Expect lots of bawling and an overexaggerated ending. Then there's good ol' Cowboy Bebop - Cowboy headhunters IN SPACE! The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - This one defies classification. It's a story about a girl who announces that she doesn't care about ordinary people, just ESPers, aliens or time travelers. Next day, she meets them. Black Lagoon - Mercenaries being mercenaries. Armitage III - Oldschool Cyberpunk. Afro Samurai - Samuel L Jackson. That is all. Also, shame on you. Darker than Black is awesome.
  13. http://www.amazon.com/review/R2E1992AEAUA8Z/ref=cm_cr_pr_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B00178630A&linkCode=&nodeID=&tag= Amazon "review". :D
  14. Red Alert 3 + Uprising Wish there would be an RPG where the playable classes are the Empire's infantry units. Also, Quest for Glories. All of them!
  15. Resembles a Turk or an Arabian more actually. O maybe a Hungarian. >.>
  16. I still don't why this Ouya is supposed to be a good thing?
  17. *cough* Dead Island. *cough*
  18. There should be an autosave before the Dam.
  19. Personally I enjoyed DNF, the second playthrough moreso than the first. Make sure to play the Dr wo cloned me too. .
  20. Must not have been paying attention when Double Fine and InXile were doing their things. Anyway, awesome news.
  21. The trailer is still english.
  22. http://www.guildwars2hub.com/features/interviews/profession-and-traits-interview-jon-peters
  23. http://gamepod.hu/hir/final_fantasy_vii_erkezik_a_pc_verzio.html FF VII PC finally announced.
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