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Everything posted by Oner

  1. I'm curious what that hole in reality(?) at the end of the prologue is.
  2. Reinstalling VtM:Bloodlines. Do you guys know any good graphics mods for the game? Or anything else worthwhile? Apart from the "true" patch of course.
  3. Episode 2 of The Walking Dead Yay!
  4. That's not entirely true, to be honest. Yes, it's a combat romp from start to finish, but enemies, situations, and to a degree, weapons too are pretty varied. Ork boyz who swarm you, the rocket guys with the semi-random rocket paths, Nobz charging at you, being mini bosses, teleporting Bloodletters, cover-using traitor Guardsmen, etc.
  5. "Judgement time..." Really?
  6. Imperium Galactica 2 IOS trailer
  7. That's piracy, you know! Yarr!
  8. Gee, what do you think?
  9. The whole reason GW2 gets so much attention is because it's actively trying to set it apart from WoW. If you can't be arsed to read up on something, why are you commenting, and if you're too friggin' stupid to comprehend two short sentences, why are you flapping your braindead mouth?
  10. It's not a WoW clone? That's the whole point of it?
  11. Don't see what problem you guys have with a game being a sport. o.O
  12. So you like, watched the first 2 minutes?
  13. Bioware considering F2P for TOR: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/117933-BioWare-Considers-Free-to-Play-For-The-Old-Republic
  14. It's going to be a 10 parter, right now the first 6 are out and available. The basic premise is that BrianD, after killing the legendary The Law during one of his pubstomp runs, gets invited to VGHS to become a pro. The acting is surprisingly awesome, The Law and the Drift King pretty much rule the scenes they're in, though many of the initial jokes are of the lame "protagonist caught in embarassing moments" kind. Regardless, enjoy!
  15. Watch TB's 5 parter stream video.
  16. APM exists because in RTS, positioning and ability usage are always important. The higher your APM, the faster you can update your units' orders. APM is just more often more spectacular than thinking. Nice tricks still have their moments of glory and they are still the reason you win in the end. APM may be very important, but no-one thinks that's what'll win your game in the end in SC2 for example.
  17. SqueEnix isn't that type I think. What with having 3-4 FF titles announced at once usually, Versus XIII being waporware to the point that XIII-2 has already come out.
  18. They want to release it this year (being the Year of the Dragon), but apart from that, who knows.
  19. AH: What players sell, you can buy. (Which reminds me, I forgott to file a bug report when I couldn't search for Lemons.) You can buy a crapton of common mats, because they're common and there's a crapton of people selling them.I don't see where minis give players a significant edge over anything. Yeah, melee can be chaotic, and it's easy to die. Tried WvWvW, was kinda fun at the start, but when I started seeing the "LoL pattern", only applied to a few hundred people, I lost my will quickly. That and constantly having to run from the spawn point was boring, The domination-like mode went similarly. Five enemies everywhere I turned, allies only happened rarely.
  20. http://deusex.wikia.com/wiki/Talion_A.D.
  21. Looks like a sidescroller.
  22. Yep. It works similar to EVE Online. Buy gems for real money, then either spend them on small boosts, minis or costumes, or sell them ingame for ingame money. Behold my Necrogangster.
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