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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Not sure if serious...But that laugh was what made that scene work. Which scene, I seem to recall him laughing at least twice in the movie? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9wOHJa-GgICan't recall the other one. Starship Troopers: Invasion trailer: http://filmbuzi.hu/archives/2012/05/29/starship-troopers-invasion-frissiben/
  2. Can you bang Shodan's artificial human avatar?
  3. Not sure if serious...But that laugh was what made that scene work.
  4. Am I the only one who gets some Blue's News error instead of the pic?
  5. What about gw2 then? Dunno, maybe it'll only earn them 1 million instead of 20? :< Why thank you.
  6. I'm not sure how marketing is supposed to work over there, since here is zero "offline marketing", so to speak. I saw the Mad World TV spot for GoW 1 once, and that was it. On the other hand, BD had plenty of trailers, which is my main contact with marketing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha
  7. Why? I mean, there's enough GTA fans that will likely buy into the hype if they market it as another "crime simulator" Dunno, games I buy these days tend to perform poorly. 'Sides, Binary Domain was a sci-fi cover based shooter, still bombed regardless.At least my hunches regarding quality are still spot on.
  8. Pre-purchased Sleeping Dogs. Which means it'll be another game that will turn out to be great but will bomb/be a small success.
  9. It's scary that a whole generation of geeks are going to grow up thinking that this is what naked women look like. Well, the ones on TV and porn sites do.
  10. Your point? I for example hadn't seen this till a month ago. And no, that isn't screaming Diablo. Could be his sister for all we know.
  11. Or maybe you shouldn't decide what's a spoiler for others or not?
  12. What the... Oh hai, spoilers!
  13. Highlander: the Hydra Lots of decapitations to be done then, yes?
  14. Jensen Shut Up and Jam Gaiden
  15. Considering it is the most pre-ordered game in history, that was a foregone conclusion.
  16. So will there be some kickstarting, or should I stop caring/waiting?
  17. MechWarrior Online beta announcement: http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/05/259-operation-inception http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/05/260-operation-clarification
  18. Level scaling is supposed to be a positive feature? .... *takes a long, cold shower*
  19. So Berlin won. Fatality!
  20. I suggest you play as a Thief, and make the Thief Sign to everybody you meet. I think CFG1 is the only one of that series that I've actually beaten. I was terrible at the combat system, and I don't think I had worked out that the games are structured such that you really need to spend some time grinding your skills higher in order to succeed. I decided on the Fighter, and yeah... I suck at this kind of combat as well the whole timing crap, I'm bad at it. But I'll figure it out. I plan on trying all 3 classes. Really enjoying it so far. And the and playing with my MT-32 is GLORIOUS <3 Play a mage, when something too hard comes along, just spam flame darts. :D
  21. *evil laugh* Yeeessss, join uuussss... In other news, the new look of the Tengu sucks. And second beta event should be at the end of this month.
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