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Everything posted by Oner

  1. Crysis 2? Ahh ok. I never played Crysis 2. Loved Crysis however. And it's the enhanced graphics version too, I think.
  2. There are three (apparently) great mods: The Nameless Mod, Zodia and 2027.
  3. Wohho! \o/
  4. http://mwomercs.com/news/2012/04/208-battlemech-9-raven MW:O Mech 9 - The Raven Love the fluff story.
  5. What? Besides requiring you to be online to use it? Banning you from Steam and access to your games cause of a system error and refusing to care.
  6. Finished The Walking Dead. Cool game, but episodic or not, the length was kinda disappointing.
  7. Guild Wars burning doggie pet!
  8. They announced the two guys who did the music for the original two games are returnin' and collaboratin'. No Alex Brandon, poo.
  9. Bought The Walking Dead, should be playable later today.
  10. From gameplay videos it seemed to me Witch Doctor = Necro, but I may be wrong.
  11. Because this is an RPG forum with people who seem to have an unhealthy obsession thinking RPGs are some sort of superior genre and FPS are all generic games with no redeeming qualities. And you happen to hang out on this RPG forum too.
  12. And putting some points into Speech and pressing the tagged line, talking your way past enemies, bypassing their AI script is any different?
  13. Gee, differing playstyles?! What a ****ty game! *goes back to his ARRPEEGEE and kills the boss to death instead of *shudder* sneaking*
  14. DotA 3, trololol.
  15. http://forums.goblinscomic.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=220 Why engineers shouldn't play DnD.
  16. http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=313
  17. I think I read you can skip it now?
  18. What's crap about it ? Skill ranges are literally longer than the screen, spell effect/animations are so nonexistent, you can't see what anyone is doing, the small color pallette makes it even harder to see what anyone is doing, the shop UI is an overcomplicated disaster (press SHOP, try finding the item in the unsorted mess, click on it, so you'll get the recipe list, not the item, right click to actually buy-but wait, it just sets the item apart, right click again to actually buy it- see the X on the UI? that won't close the shop, it's just there, press SHOP again instead, dummy).Oh and Traxxex' frost shot is bugged, making her extremely unwieldy.
  19. DotA 2. Holy hell, this is crap.
  20. Guild Wars 2 beta next weekend! \o/
  21. TOR showed of classes and their abilities, DX:HR showed some augmentations (WALL PAUNCH), DA showed you abiltiies (Morrigan spider, Leliana praying nonsense).
  22. I wouldn't mind a Rainbow Six-like tactical shooer/simulator set in Appleseed, playing as E-SWAT.
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