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Everything posted by FalloutBoy

  1. I know you guys just polished and shipped a game on a brand new engine, but I just watched a video on youtube and I think you should throw everything away and start over.
  2. We used to have beautiful 2D games. Then there was NWN and that was the end of 2D. Now we finally got 2D back and you want to go there again?
  3. How many cry threads are you going to make? You aren't any good at this game. That's no one's fault but yours.
  4. There's your problem. You are getting yourself worked up over something you haven't even experienced. I didn't even know you could double-click on something to equip it. That never even crossed my mind. I'm sorry you aren't having as much fun as I am.
  5. A Turn on auto-slow mode when combat begins. B When combat begins let the melee characters establish position before trying to fire spells. C Fire spells D Collect loot
  6. After playing this game for a while I've come to the conclusion that the only stats that matter to me for a main character are the conversation ones, Resolve, Int, Perception mostly. Because the game is easy enough with good combat tactics that you don't need the DPS increase.
  7. The mystery surrounding the PC is why are you a Watcher all of a sudden? Because the answer is not "cuz the cutscene told me so".
  8. They don't bother me in the least. At least I can read a little story about them if I feel like it. I am far more annoyed by all the people named "Commoner", "Guard", etc.
  9. Cue the "Normal mode isn't normal enough!" thread.
  10. I guarantee you they read everything. I wouldn't expect any of them will post because it would make things a thousand times worse.
  11. I never used the party AI from past RPG's because it would work great for easy encounters but would be totally wrong for hard ones. I don't need AI to help me with easy encounters and I'm going to micromanage the hard ones regardless.
  12. Not much more to say than this. It's an outstanding game. Some people were going to hate it no matter what. Let them be miserable.
  13. I'm no rocket scientist, but clearly if they just point the nose of the ship towards Mars and hit the gas, they will eventually get there, right? Nope.
  14. I only get 2 rests on hard mode, which is probably 1 more than I need. I really only rest in cases of emergency when I really screw up. In fact I would be totally fine if they removed camping supplies altogether, and in all the places where they put a campsite in a box for you to find, instead just put a campsite on the ground for you to click on to rest. Get better at combat or stop fighting things that are beyond your party's capability and you won't have to rest much.
  15. I wish there was a backer tier that removed jerks and their stupid suggestions from the forums.
  16. The language has changed a little bit in the last 15 years. You might want to give it another chance. I used to think Java was a toy also, but now I'm the one playing catch-up with everyone else.
  17. That line. That one right there. It invalidates every single argument anyone makes about me wanting the game to be easier versus the way it is now. Easier and dumbed down is exactly what that line represents. There is absolutely no risk if you play that way. No matter how bad of a decision you make; you won't suffer the consequences of it. Just reload. And it applies to every single aspect of the game, not just combat. I hate playing that way. As I've said many times in this thread. I want to make intelligent decisions, not no-risk decisions. You've already stated your opinion many times now, why do you keep arguing with anyone who does not share your opinion? Sounds like trolling to me... Shall we go count posts? Because the last 3 I see are from you. Why does it upset you so much that some people prefer to not play "try and die" game mechanics? Anyway I'm done with this. Great game regardless.
  18. You probably should stop talking about C# because you don't know as much about it as you think you do, and the people who do are laughing at you.
  19. There is plenty of space for a pet, cloak, and an amulet if they just moved things around a little. This was a very strange design decision. If it was a balance problem, then they could have make cloaks non-magical.
  20. Thanks I got one of them. And oh my god I didn't know that you get new bounties after the initial four! Curious how many there are total. I wonder where that ominous sounding arquebus is... sounds pretty bad ass. 8D There is a vendor there that sells a bunch of uniques. They don't seem to be very good though. The damage on them seemed lower than they should be. Maybe I read that wrong or maybe it is a bug.
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