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Everything posted by SChin

  1. Hey powurz! The team took a look at your save and said that everything looks good. They mentioned that you completed Poko Kohara before speaking to Director Castol, so the quest didn't count as a faction quest as a result since the RDC and VTC didn't send you. They also mentioned that they were able to obtain more VTC quests by progressing the main story a bit further(Hasongo). I hope this helps!
  2. Hello Brasil! I did indeed, thank you for that I attached it to the bug report and pinged the Systems Design team so they know it is available for their use during their investigation of this weapon. If you happen to discover any more about this bug, please continue to post about it here as I also linked this thread to the report to be used as a reference. Thanks again for all the help Brasil!
  3. Hey Boeroer, Yea, this one didn't make it into the upcoming patch. The only news at the moment is that they do indeed see the problem and that it is still being investigated to see whats causing it. I'll keep you updated once the status of the bug changes Thanks for reaching out!
  4. Hello Svennis, I'm sorry you are running into this issue with the missing DLCs. Would you be able to launch the game again and then send us the player.log file from your computer? If needed, you can find instructions on where the player.log file is here. If you could send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference, that would be amazing. It is a strange variation that it is requiring the unpaid DLCs, but you should be able to "purchase" them for free from MacPlay to get that message to go away for those ones at least. The paid DLCs I will need to help you with. Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing Svennis.
  5. And what exactly determines that? Can you tell us? Hey InsaneCommander, I'll post my response below: I hope this helps answer some things for you
  6. Hey everyone, The Area Design team took a look at the saves and noticed that they all had reasons that would trigger Pallegina to leave the party. Most of the companions have triggers that can cause them to leave the party if they are unhappy with decisions being made by the watcher. I'll list Pallegina's triggers below. I do believe there was a bug where Pallegina was not leaving the party properly earlier in Deadfire's release, but the bug was fixed and allows her to leave the party as intended. If you think you are not triggering any of these situations, we are more than happy to take a look at the conditionals set in your saves(send it to me at support@obsidian.net), but so far the devs have seen that the conditionals of the saves have been triggered negatively by one of the above reasons. Thanks everyone, and sorry for any confusion with Pallegina.
  7. Hello Oasx! Thank you for bringing this missing string issue to our attention! I didn't see this one in our system either, so I put a report together and sent it to the Systems Design team for an investigation. If you discover any more of these, please continue to post about it Thanks again Oasx!
  8. Hello Aranduin! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I put a report together and sent it to the team for an investigation. If you find anything else that is doing this, please let us know! Thanks again for all the help!
  9. Hello Powurz, I'm sorry you are having trouble getting the VTC quests. The save file would be greatly appreciated so we can take a look into what might be going on here. if you could email it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference, that would be great! Also, if you happen to discover anything else about this issue, please continue to post about it here as I will be linking this thread to a bug report for the team to use as a reference during their investigation of this issue. Thank you Powurz, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  10. Hello Generic! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I'll be putting a report together and have some folks investigate this issue to see what might be going on. If you happen to discover anything else about this, please continue to post it here as I will be linking this thread to the report as a reference for the team during their investigation. Thanks again Generic!
  11. Hello Bernard, Thank you for reporting all of these issues!(It's a big help!) The saves you have will be very useful If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If the saves are too big for the forums, feel free to send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference. Thank you Bernard, and sorry for the inconvenience these bugs have been causing.
  12. Hello Gift! Would you be able to send me a copy of your save file so we can investigate this for you? If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If the save file is too large for the forums, feel free to send it to me at support@obsidian.net. Thank you Gift!
  13. Hello Kodetze! Thank you for reporting this issue! Fortunately this has already been reported and fixed. It is currently awaiting a patch to be implemented into Deadfire. If you discover any other issue, please continue to report them Thanks again Kodetze!
  14. Hello Physician, Thank you for reporting this issue. Fortunately it has already been mentioned and has been put into the system for an investigation. If you discover anything else about this, please feel free to continue posting about it here for reference. Thanks again and sorry for the inconvenience this causes.
  15. Hello Daylen, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Would it be possible for you to send us a copy of your save file where this is occurring so we can use it for testing? If needed, you can find instructions on where the saves are located here. If the save is too large to upload onto the forums, feel free to send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference. Thanks again Daylen!
  16. Hello Hollerer, I'm sorry for the inconvenience of this long standing bug. I believe you are referring to this issue here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/106039-konstanten-respec-bug-30/?do=findComment&comment=2130210 If that's the case, it looks like the issue is awaiting a patch to get implemented into Deadfire. Thank you for reporting the issue to us, and sorry for the inconvenience it has been causing.
  17. Hey Daylen, Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Would you be able to send us a copy of your save file that we could use for testing purposes? If needed, you can find instructions on how to obtain the saves here. If the file is too large for the forums, please send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this ability is causing.
  18. Hey Matt! I saw the PM you sent me. In case you see this first, please send the afflicted save file to support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread for reference. I'd like to have someone take a look at it and see if I can do anything to fix it for you. Thanks Matt, and sorry for the inconvenience of this bug.
  19. Hello Purudaya, Sorry for this UI bug. Would you be able to provide me with your save so we can use it for testing purposes? If needed, you can find instructions on how to obtain those saves here. If the file is too large for the forums, feel free to send it to me at support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread as a reference. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  20. Hello Jacket, I'm sorry your saves are not appearing in game. My first recommendation would be to make a back up of all the saves and to put them into another folder. I would then have you open the game, and with the game still open, put copies of all the saves back into the save folder. After closing the game, the platform you use to play Deadfire should sync with their cloud save system. Once that completes, open the game again and see if the saves are there. If the saves are still not there, I would recommend uninstalling Deadfire completely, then reinstall the game to make sure there are no corrupted or missing files. Don't forget to put copies of those backed up saves into the new save folder after the reinstallation. Please let me know if these troubleshooting methods work for you. Thank you Jacket, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  21. Hello Meshade! I'm sorry you aren't getting the passive effect. I took the save you provided and added the effect to your Watcher. The save was from a couple days ago, so I'm not sure if you've progressed further since. If you have and want a different save edited instead, please send the new save to support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread so I know what the message is about. If you haven't played since, you can find the updated save in the link below. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1cZ9QNCOpmUIVCOEmSRDggflK2uAj7bMD Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you! Thank you for your support of Deadfire Meshade!
  22. Hey everyone, I'm sorry you are running into these issues with starting the Forgotten Sanctum DLC. Would you both be able to send me a copy of your save files to support@obsidian.net along with a link to this thread so that we can take a look at what might be going on in your playthroughs? If needed, you can find instructions on where to find those saves here. Thank you, and sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.
  23. Hey Malanir! It looks like you have the option Solid HUD background selected. You can uncheck this option by going to your in game Options menu, and going to the Graphics tab. From there is a list of checkboxes, one of which is the Solid HUD Background option. Just uncheck that, save the change, and you should be good to go! Hope this helps!
  24. Hey Balthazar! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! I'll put a report together and have the team investigate this breastplate. If you notice anything else about this, please continue to post about it here as I will be linking this thread to the report as a reference for the team to use during their investigation. Thanks again!
  25. Hello Thoux, I'm sorry you keep getting these crashes when you transition into different scenes. I put a report together with the information you emailed us and sent it to the Programming team for an investigation. As they come up with information regarding this issue, I'll update you to keep you appraised of the situation. If you discover anything else about these crashes, please continue to post about it here, as I will be linking this thread to the bug report so the team can use it as a reference. Thank you Thoux, and sorry for the inconvenience these crashes are causing.
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