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Everything posted by Phenomenum

  1. Thanks, guys. But this is just a concept. And i assume you approve it. Good start.
  2. Chifting Croma concept (Hellstone prism icon as reference) "The colors within the helstone shift, applying random defensive bonus at the beginning of combat."
  3. To @Boeroer You're fast one! Combat Focus - try to use less elements (8 for example) Weapon & Shield style - ***ing great! Great Soul - still don't like this Hypnotoad. Confident Aim - it's an... Arrows harvest ot what?) Sneak attack - Why just use a masked face with dagger? Slippery mind - get off this snake from mouth. Desgant.
  4. I set "StackWithAllSimilarDataEffects" for both. Just in case) 3x8 or 2x12... - 10 Flanked = -34. Vanilla max penalty is -33. Sounds fine by me.
  5. Ok, then we can use odd numbers for effect duration: 5% every 3 sec. for 9 sec. = 5*4 = 20. But in this case tooltip will say HELLO Total amount: 15. BTW. Show me the man, who designed all this things to work in such perverted way. I'm just interested. With his "skills" he shouldn't approach to game development within a cannon shot.
  6. Then tooltips for ApplyOnTick is also wrong? Becose... With additional "starting" tick at 0 sec. Damage should be obviously 160. Ohh... Agreed. Well, i think we should know how exactly works ApplyOnTick, before doing anything.
  7. Calm down guys, both Flanking debuffs - AR & Deflection - will be stackable with everything. 100%. Take it into account for your suggestions.
  8. 99,9% should be. Better (and quickest) way to know - is to try, instead of asking questions on forum and waiting for answers
  9. Wait. So ApplyOverTime HAVE benefits from INT? Confirmed? I'm forgot to test it) I just don't understand - if ApplyOverTime Damage/Health total amount depends of INT, so what's the point of all this s***? Besides of bugs. Mm? About Deep Wounds: don't see the reason. If we convert it to ApplyOnTick then it will be 10% every 3 sec. for 6 sec. = 20%. And with 20 INT it will be 10% every 3 sec. for 9 sec. = 30% (just like now, in fact). I don't think it will be OP. It's becose Wounding Shot DoT is s**tty. In PoE 1 WS DoT has much longer duration, givin synergy with pet ability "+N damage to targets affected by DoT's". Now WS DoT have only 6? sec. duration and i see no point in this.
  10. No agruments here. But effect is tricky and if we make it simply stackable, we just create another exploit. This is not what i want. How you feelin' about stackable -10 from Flanking and -2*10 from CB for total -30?
  11. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/175
  12. Those changes, approved via poll. I work on this too, but i started with few hardest ones. Because most of "suggestions" are easy to mod simply adding/changing values (even no test needed, if original effects works fine). Currently done and tested: Stag Carnage - Identical to Barbarian Carnage but 20% base damage as AoE. Identical scaling: +2% damage each PL, starting PL 1. (Barbarian Carnage have 33% as AoE and +3,3% each PL). Barbarian Carnage Fix (discovered this oversight by accidentally). Backstab - 15 Raw Damage with +1.5 each PL, starting PL 2. Focus generation for Ciphers also 15 + 1.5 each PL. Detonate spell fix. Confounding Blind - in process. We need to understand what to do with penalty values to avoid cheap -40 Deflection penalty at PL 3. Keywords refining - in process. + some other small fixes. Icons - adjusted gradient color to perfectly match original one. Other stuff i can make quickly. Just want to see that "ton of bugfixes" from Obsidian. P.S. Tried to fix chants scaling, but it's seems hardcoded into one of scaling "ruleset" (FallbackScaling to be specific). So currently fix is unavailable.
  13. We can do Flanking passive and 10 stacks for CB, but with step of 2 (2*10). So Flanking Debuff (-10) and CB Max value (-20) = -30 total Deflection.
  14. Currently is only 8 abilities uses ApplyOverTime formula: Disintegration_SE_RawDamage Taste_of_the_Hunt_SE_RawDOT Unbending_SE_Health / Unbending_Shield_SE_Health / Unbending_Trunk_SE_Health Cleansing_Flame_SE_BurnDamage Wounding_Shot_SE_RawDamage / Accurate_Wounding_Shot_SE_RawDoT / Hobbling_Shot_SE_RawDoT Deep_Wounds_SE_RawDOT Combusting_Wounds_SE_BurnDOT Blightheart_Heartbeat_SE_Health We can simply change them to use ApplyOnTick. Eg. Deep Wounds 20% for 6 sec. >>> 10% every 3 sec. for 6 sec. Nice and simple. And without bugs. + they can be affected by Int bonus, finally.
  15. Current reactions for @Gfted1 post: I love you, you're good, but sad.
  16. Bump, Heheh... As always, all further information was precisely tested and verified. First of all, no offence to @theBalthazar, but his topic full of wrong information, based on his own speculations and conclusions, but no proper testing. No offence, i say. The only truth, is that Flanked Deflection penalty don't stack with CB Deflection penalty. But... 1. CB ability apply additional -3 Deflection penalty on FIRST attack landing. In fact we have not -3*10 penalty, but -3*11 penalty. Maximum value: -33. 2. CB Deflection penalty triggers 'On Damaged'. That means it will trigger not only from physical weapon damage, but from most damage sources from ALL party members. You can use Wall of Flames, Ray of Fire, all Cipher's ray spells and so on. Player can very fast apply Maximum penalty value to target, just attacking it from various sources. 3. Efficiency of CB ability Attack highly depends of used weapons and number of it's projectiles, because after CB effect applied, each additional attack (or projectile) triggers -3 Deflection penalty. Even your Secondary attack when using CB ability with DW. And all projectiles of Blunderbuss. And all this triggers applied INSTANTLY, when you Graze/Hit/Crit by an attack. I had a huge test session, but also i looked in status effect data to be sure about my implications. The final results are here. Read carefully, feel free to ask questions if you don't understand something. My test subject's Deflection value was 61. Currently @MaxQuest and i working together on some sort of Community patch. I can make Flanking penalty stack with everything - it's not a big deal. But i want to ask all community members interested: A you really want it? Because in fact, currently you lose ONLY ONE attack (and ONLY IF One Handed style used). But if Flanking and CB penalties will be stackable, you'll be able to apply INSTANT -37 Deflection penalty (-10 from Flanked, -3 from initial CB penalty, and -24 from 8 projectiles triggered) with dual Blunderbusses, and raise it to -43 within next 2 sec. just landing two additional hits on enemy.
  17. Look at descriprion - you need to deal 1500 Damage to KITH enemies (humans, elfs, aumaua, godlike, orlan...) Imp is obviously not belongs to kith races.
  18. BTW, anyone else noticed that awful gradient banding on thread's titles? Om my monitor (not the best, but not a cheap one) i see 4 sections of banding in the center. Very annoying, i say. About Reaction emoticons: It will be fun if those emoticons were representing various Obsidian games charachters, depends on forum. Something like this:
  19. Damn! I just noticed Obsidian ruined my brilliant avatar concept. As usually. Get Sawyer out of forum design, please.
  20. Honestly, i thought it's a browser related. Is someone with Crome, Edge can test it? Anyway, i love my FF, so it will be stupid to change browser becose of this feature. Even a nice one.
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