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Everything posted by Phenomenum

  1. No, I mean ONLY stars around helmet. About Eothas: Maybe we should make a poll?)) VS
  2. Stars in Frermas mes canc Suolias icon. You can take them from vailian sign They obviously will be more distinct
  3. @Boeroer about Eothas priest icon. Official icon is: Your icon: I think it's worth to change it to match official. Also i found some other useful stuff: https://www.rpgsite.net/news/5219-obsidian-entertainment-heavily-teasing-pillars-of-eternity-2
  4. Yes, i will change this to Lvl 0 ability to avoid confusion.
  5. Just checked. It's working fine on my side. Both with autoattack and martial abilities. With ranged and melee weapons. Could you provide a savefile? About Backstab in Base version - it's likely Max's mistake. It should be in Extras.
  6. Exactly! P.S. can anyone provide me a save in Neketaka (right after arrival)?
  7. I've seen a new version. Well, i admit - it's hell of a work. But we must to cook something. Do you remember Wildstrike icons - how it all began, and how finished? I'm sure we can do this.
  8. No it doesn't helps) Your version shows a boar galloping around some stick. Ok. It promising to be hard, but i'll don't give up. For now.
  9. You're not first encountering this problem. It's because Obsidian didn't rid of distance calculation in TB mode. And sometimes, when you not close enough to your target, game think that your target is out of range. There's no solution for this bug.
  10. About Distracted Training. First: It must be not a boar but fox. Because fox is cunning. It fits the ability idea to outmaneuver, outfox your enemy. Second: I did some quick reference: Can you do something similar, but add some dynamic?
  11. Woohah) Leave those one poor icon from vanilla it's an act of mercy) Strange. One of my favorite icons. Ok. I get your point. I blame Alice for that) Yes, yes... Hmmm... MMM... I look on this icon and see some kind of waves or lines... (of course i understand it's a human figure, but very indistinguishable one, with some kind of force field, or maybe emmiting those waves or lines...) All in all, this icon don't telling me: "Hey, i'm Transmuter!" Maybe worth a look for some symbol? https://www.google.com/search?q=transmutation+circle&newwindow=1&client=firefox-b-d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK4Z3l3K7iAhW8xMQBHeFuAS04FBD8BQgOKAE&biw=1920&bih=983 Of course! I share the same opinion.
  12. Nope. I was forced to implement additional condition scripts to make it work stable in our CP.
  13. On the second thought, maybe it's worth to add priest's keywords to Spiritual Weapons attacks, depending of god. Eothas -Restoration Beras - Protection Magran - Cleansing Skaen - Condemnation Woedica - Punishment Wael - Inspiration ...and the keywords might work together with Prayerbook's PL bonuses, that we plan to add. But this is just another idea.
  14. I understand, but it's will be look strange - increase summon duration, because you have Fire/Freeze etc PL bonus. I see no logic. Summoned weapons already has very fast cast times in our Patch. Honestly, i think that's enough. No WS don't have such a problem, because WS lashes added as separate passive status effects to characters and acting differently than ordinary weapon lashes.
  15. If we talk about abilities, which you use to summon weapons, it gives you nothing. As for the attacks entries... If we add elemental keywords to attacks, then you can't attack enemies, immune to specific damage type (Fire, Freeze etc.) Bad idea, honestly.
  16. Yes, performance is better with 5.0, especially in crowded areas - i'm getting almost constant 60 fps with ReShade and 70-75 without one. BUT! Storm weather drops fps to 40-45, boarding fights also. Opening and closing game menu drops fps by 5-7 frames (i experienced this strange effect on two different systems). Micro freezes on assets load still there (no preload to VRAM it's a shame). And Queen's Berth + storm weather bring fps counter to 30-35 fps. So, in comparison with other games with open-world and decent graphics, Deadfire still one of the most unoptimized games ever.
  17. Power Level for all Upgrades, that substitutes "parent" ability, is counting from "parent" ability PL. Power Level of all Upgrades, that NOT substitutes "parent" ability (Ranger's Hobbling Shot for example) is counting independently. Simple.
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