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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Sometimes there's never any key. Or the amount of xp is so irrelevant that it's not even worth it to bother picking unnecessary locks and disarming traps you can avoid. Like BG1, there's a tonne of traps at some level of Durlag tower, who would bother disarming all of 'em when taking a single doppleganger down is worth more, and you'd just have one rest encounter to meet one. Disarming traps in BG1 didn't give XP... that was a BG2 invention... The more you know!
  2. Standard Game Development 101? Well, since the era of interwebs anyway. Or to clarify, non-spoilerish, a "Day-one patch" fixes issues found between going gold and release.
  3. No Obsidian Forums visit till a full-playthrough... I'll post my list of bugs then, might aswell one thread for all than for each individual
  4. Ah, I remember when a friend and me tried playing Medal of Honor PVP on consoles... Lot's of fun was had with not being able to hit each other at point blank, but aside that, there was not much to it. I seemed more capable of controlling chaos (winning 10-0), still KB+M FOR LIFE.
  5. @ ComplyorDie: Check the additions tab of the backer website... digital stuff atleast should still be available, physical probably not Ehm, not sure where that D:OS story comes from... AFAIK that's simply not true. Obsidian and Larian are not all that different in the RPG department with games. Divinity II: Dragon Knight Saga sold well, giving Larian fame. People still incorrectly attribute BioWare/Bethesda to Obsidian sequels, draining their fame. So overall it's a pretty stable comparrision I think. *cough* Star Citizen* What does it have, 80 million since it's Kickstarter? And it's not even RELEASED! Nothing will ever thriump that, EVER. Pretty much all Kickstarters I followed and Kickstarter devs who talked about it mentioned the money gained by KS was dwarved by the funds of the release, so I'm not that worried about Pillars. And I happily slap along people who go "Why is it a $40,- game? It's already funded, they could just give it a $10 pricetag" "I don't understand economics at all!". You may laught, but a few already appeared on these forums. And I have NO clue how anyone can be that dense?
  6. Have you checked the Divinity forums for the outcry over what's obviously a huge improvement (Dark Rot/Tenebrium now now influencing damage but weapon skill, not nullifying all weapon skills once Tenebrium comes in game)... Gamers have difficulty with changes... over-thinking, calculating, plotting RPG-players even less. "They ruined my OP munchkin build... I hate you, I'll never buy a game of you again, I will spread dirt about you to all my friends...!"
  7. So, what's the solid UI in the latest build. I still say instead of the icons above the sets (don't need them, really) you can pretty much fit all buttons from the right, and make the most left-one formations and have the other button act as the different formations, nuking the right side into a nice L-shape. But apparently, I'm weird like that. EDIT: But good to see this thread still going strong...
  8. Don't feel bad. While we 'paid' for PoE, you and all the others who buy it after release will decide what's in the expansion, and wheter or not there be sequels. So instead of a cheater, become one who spreads the legacy further... arm thyself for a PoE legacy brother!
  9. Oh, the days that I spend an hour or 2 writing IWD character biographies no one reads and no-one cares about... And yeah, ability scores, skill scores and whatever the hell else scores are awesome. I want my build to matter in dialogues too, dammit.
  10. Probably only playable when Steam updates (usually around 7PM here in Europe). Seriously doubt a midnight release, not to mention there would be around 24 different midnights in the world Surely it's a midnight release somewhere. Don't expect to get in earlier in Australia than the US though...
  11. Same here, guess Kickstarter fluked on this update... and shame on me for ignoring the Obs forums for so long 0_o Anyway, looking forward to the 26th, or pre-loading . GIMME ME KEHHHH! The joy of not having a credit card. I need to drag my dad over here, or go through friends who do have one to Kickstart. And if you say "why not order a credit card?" well... my bank account will hate you
  12. Ah, Dreamfall... the game where the female protagonist walking around in her panties was the best part of the game... Yup, that's as sad as it sounds...
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh... that's all, just had to relieve myself of that...
  14. Wow, this thread is old... me suggesting TSLRP and 'soon to be released'... oh old times. But yeah, *our* TSLRCM is out and fixed this along with thousands of others.
  15. Are you sure it's not equipped on a teammember?
  16. It was simply a discount compared to the similar tier one higher up, which was the same but $5,- more expensive. And thus did exactly what it said.
  17. I know, I was there... (in the conversation, not at OE sadly enough)... And what's with asking to remake games that are, what, 5 years old? Seriously how much of a graphic whore must one be to ask such recent games to be remade? It keeps boggling my mind, but people keep suggesting it. Like we as community can't stand graphics that are 1 year old anymore or so. And then complain about sequels, how quality suffers...
  18. I hate, absolutely hate, crafting in RPG's. There's yet to be a RPG where crafting adds to the game rather than drains my enjoyment out of it. Even if they are apparently well designed (like Divinity: Original Sin) they are just... a royal pain. Sure, you can make overpowered items with them, but why would I even want that. Why would I want to torture myself with crafting, only to get something that will reduce my game pleasure EVEN MORE as result. I just don't get this crafting fetish modern gamers have... I agree... A goldsink would be an arbitrary and factual rather useless addition to the game which sole purpose is to make you spend a lot of cash. MMO's usually thrive in these, since they want to sell ingame currency for actual money. So stuff like item repair (upkeep), houses which you can buy 1 million gold chairs for, giant sums of money to learn skills etc. are added to make people get rid of their money, without getting anything in return for it. With such systems you usually don't care about gold, it's an asset you grind just to check off checkboxes. "repair" check. "skill" check. So what do I do with leftover cash... oh, there's nothing to spend money on since it's all locked behind other assets. The opposite of that would be to actually give gold a worth, by instead allowing it you to get good stuff for that gold, something oddly a lot of modern RPG's are afraid to do. Let me just tl;dr it: "If gold is just something you collect to that 10 million for an achievement rahter than something you want to gather to buy that sweet item you found from the store, something's wrong..." During a gameplay vid I noticed a lot of these common goods dropped extremely often, and the player ended with 20 ropes or something, which was a bit extreme. Seems some events require items, but why would you not use 2 of the 20 you found in that last dungeon rather than using skillchecks you might fail?... :/ I'm soooo going to miss identify and cursed items... (we don't even have an crying emoticon? Whyyyy?)
  19. No doubt about it. TW2 I pre-ordered to support them since I liked TW1, and it was very much a dissapointment. Than they add open world to TW3? Budget bin purchase detected... I have no faith in it at all.
  20. I'd say it was better than ME2, except for the ending. Still think ME1 is the best. And I don't remember if I knew the twist, kept Kashyyyk last, and that machine is a dead give-away so maybe I didn't. Really want to replay it once after 100 times or so KOTOR2 (the shock) but waiting for K1RP. Are these guys done yet? (Oh, the irony)
  21. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Why have a beatiful windowed UI and ruin it with popup windows inside there rather than full-screen in that window?
  22. Does that surprises anyone? We stop people trying to join ISIS. But if they join the rebels in Syria against Assad, all is fine. So volunteers against Eastern Ukraine are good, but if they fight for Eastern Ukraine they're bad. Not quite what I call "impartial"
  23. Damn. I should have sold my 1 year UE4 subscription I won from the Moddb MOTY awards sooner *sound of money flying away*
  24. And by "reactive" you mean you needed to have the right spell equipped WAAAAY before the encounter. I'm not sure you know what reactivity means. By that definition The Witcher II is the most reactive game ever. As in, after you die, you reload, take your potion before the combat, win. Unlike, say, using potions during battle in TW1. Bonus points on "reactivity" if between the point you can 'react' (lol) and the final battle there's an unskippable long cutscene. Yes, I'm looking at you Kraken.
  25. They are making the game very ugly pretty so you don't buy it. Also D:OS graphics are rather meh... but who cares when you can kill enemies by electructing the water under them? (EDIT: Where did my strike-out go?)
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