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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. A copy of Divinity: Pillars of Original Eternity. 1. Yes 2. More so yes. 3. Questionable to deny. 4. But funny means funny. 5. Call any one game in 5 years before it which is better. Not that simple, is it?
  2. I remember the times WC3 was Wing Commander 3, not WarCraft 3... Confirmed proof Gromnir is spying on all of us... playing PoE (Project Eternity) before us using government codes (provided by Paradox?) It's a conspiracy I tell you! *Dusts off Deus Ex*
  3. Heard about some Dock Strike somewhere? If that's true, not much they can do about that now is there?
  4. Not for about 17 and a half our atleast... (based on Steam's usual update time)
  5. Now it just needs to stay there as long or longer than Divinity:Original Sin... EDIT: Their > There (to be correct)
  6. Ehm, was that required. I wasn't being super-serious, and apparently my entry *is* super-flawed, but what the heck. Steam!
  7. Got the mail now, let's hope every KS backer got it
  8. Read that... guess I really don't de-crypt syllables properly... 0_o (as far as I can tell it's 5-7-6, but I'm probably wrong)
  9. Lol, Path of Exile... psssh... it's lucky it's got the same abbrevation as Project Eternity. I'm not going to change my ways to fit some action-RPG on Obsidian's own forums, thank you very much...
  10. Because it was fun? Because it actually had fun Turn-Based combat? Because mixing stuff in combat was awesome? Because Larian is good at making funny quirky games? Because it was literally the best RPG in over 5 years?
  11. Steam... I mean; who wouldn't want a Pillars background. Except I probably host one of Shelter 2 instead, but that's aside the point XD
  12. Now let's hope people actually get this KS news, unlike 91, which didn't seem to reach many people (including me never gotting it). Doesn't help much to make the KS not on the forum aware if KS doesn't send them their e-mails :/
  13. Give me a note if the Obs crew hits Europe. And when I say Europe, I mean the Netherlands... ;p
  14. This thread is 'bout games Give them away like no tommorrow. Coincidence? Release day! I seriously have no idea if that's a proper Haiku... 0_o
  15. Your base assumption is imho incorrect that nowadays press is the most important marketing channel for games of that kind. I'd say for PC exclusive games of some niche appeal word of mouth from enthusiastic fans is an even more powerful marketing tool. That's why streamers on youtube get more and more important as well. I don't see how giving copies to backers earlier should result in lower sales. You might elaborate on that? But you just missed the point and your whole rant is useless anyway because nobody here criticizes Obsidian for giving out review copies to the press before release. We criticize them for not giving out game copies to backers at the same time. You didn't need to immediately confirm my point... it stood well by itself, but thanks for reinforcing the speech with an example. Yeah, those youtubers would be the PR, yeah. But thanks for saying my point is incorrect and then saying my point should be my point. Or somesuch. It's already said. Piracy is the most obvious one. It's easy to keep a tight leash on the PR, who needs to sign NDA's and face penalties upon breaking their rules. There's next to no way to confirm these NDA's on 75K+ backers. By all means giving it to us early is like stabbing themselves in the neck... it's not disrepect, but a plain stupid thing to do. And somehow you can't see it... Yes, yes, you do. Your entire freakin point is "The press got the game before me, whaaaahaaaa, *entitlement issue* whaaaaa"... whatever you may deign to call it. They should have released the game as soon as the KS ended tbh! I mean, how hard can things like making a game or having a destribution infrastructure be? Some games are made by a single person. Ad hox, that means Obsidian can also do that for Pillars of Eternity. It's a disgrace they are so incompetent! Thankfully I know everything about game development, and my own suggestion is they should scrap everything and remake it using the Unreal Engine. I've played a bit with the editor when I was 7, didn't understand it, but can tell them all about it, and how to make their game awesome with it, and have a 40000 hours playtime with a billion maps and randomly generated foes and weapons and graphics that make [Enter latest new graphic game here] look like childsplay. HONEST!
  16. Then why does said person use GOG to generate a link instead?
  17. Ah, the woes of GOG gamers not being able to pre-load... Sit down young man and hear a story of when I was young... which is... approximately 8 years or so ago. We didn't have fancy Steam downloading all our stuff, we had to go out to a STORE (no not the supermarket, a video game store... what do you mean, you have no idea what that means?). We came home, and had to swap around 6 CD's (DVD's weren't used back then) to install our games. Then it was time to load up our dial-in interwebs of the awesome 56k variety and download some patches of a massive 20MB for several hours. When all that was then we booted the game, and looked into our box for a CD-key and manually type that in in a box before our game, hopefully, started flawlessly. Yes, you young kids don't know how good you have it. *grumbles into himself and walks away murmering*
  18. They have considered it... they put it infront of the backers, and they chose to release the disk later, with the day1 patch and stuff on it. Can't blame OE now for a result agreed by us all.
  19. And they probably expect people to buy DLC later on on that service... if it's true they want 2 X-packs, that means 1 additional X-pack if a backer didn't back it during KS. Long-term profit assessement
  20. Wow, this thread... many people who do not understand press, PR, capitalism, or probably a lot more. Why in the WORLD would Obsidian put the backers before the press at this point. The backers wont be sales. The press will reach them. Why would we, as backers, even WANT to be priviledged like that. Do we not want the game to be a success? To sell massive amounts of copies? Did we just back just to get this game knowing it's a one-shot amongs AAA-RPG's? Or did we back so more of these types of games could be made after PoE for us. If the second, which includes my backing, why would we want sales to stagnate? I definitely wouldn't want that. I want as many copies sold as possible. If press before us grants that, so be it. It's a small price to pay to get more of these types of games in the future rather than people saying 'I knew nobody would want those games anymore these days - just look at the sales figure' Is that a hard concept to grasp? Do you really, REALLY, want to put yourself ahead just to put the future of RPG's like this at risk? REALLY?
  21. Hmmm, which droid would that be, so I can check it out...
  22. Steam's being acting weird and dropping me and my friends randomly all day... oh well, pre-loading... keys next few hours... yay... Now it's time to sleep XD
  23. Here's my actual list of stuff I need to get rid off * Afterfall Insanity - Extended Edition * Penguins Arena: Sedna's World * RIP Trilogy * Anomaly 2 (great game) * Zoo Park * Skyward Collapse * Vertical Drop Heroes HD * Broken Sword 1+2
  24. So... ehm... What's Bloodborne? Never heard of it, should I have?
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