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Hassat Hunter

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Everything posted by Hassat Hunter

  1. Not if they stay as adamant(sp?) as they are on using a bottom bar rather than doing what IE already showed works best, at the side :/ One question; why... after making a beautiful UI, do you want to ruin it by launching the inventory and such INSIDE the window, rather than being fullscreen in that one .GIF. It just looks weird, a window within a window. Or am I alone on that opinion? Lastly; would love to see a progression post, from oldest to newest UI, so I can see what progressions I like, and which I don't without having to spit through all pages. Yes, I am lazy. Though I think it would also help OE/discussion...
  2. I agree; http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70187-merchant-gold/ The tl;dr version if you don't want to read that entire topic: * I don't think goldsinks or 'upkeep' are a good way to counter. Resources (like mentioned potions, bandages etc.) would be a good thing to spend money on. * The sollution doesn't only need to be in how the player *spends* his cash, but also how they *accumulate* that cash. * For money to have worth, shops need to sell something that you want to spend money on. Compare KOTOR1 (money = good) to KOTOR2 (money = very useless) for example. Unique items in shops always help. * Allow money roleplaying at times (bribes, compensate people for accidentily burning their homes while killing opponents etc.)
  3. Singleplayer here... I generally have one, and only one MP game at the side though. Used to be Enemy Territory, then switched to SW:TOR when it got F2P, and now it's Payday 2, all of them really only to play with friends. But it's rather hard to get people to join up with me to play :/ Singleplayer I can always do whenever I have the mood. Shame more and more of them decrease in quality due to forced bad MP... *sigh*
  4. Ah, looking at Europe being firm in first place still makes me proud. RPG fans r us...
  5. @ Luckmann; Go use "fleeing" in D:OS. You find it similarly OP. Another genre; Torchlight II. The bossfights were hilarious, since it simply went down to "if you die, simply continue from where you left." Some challenge, eh? If fleeing is an option enemies that have been fled from need to regenerate all their health, spells etc. Of course this too can lead to bad situations, just pick a few of the many games who allow this and bug out, regenerating them in-combat (basically making an undefeatable enemy), just hyper-warping them to their original location with few HP, where you need to be super-careful not to cross that invisible line that's the difference between your work being undone or not. I can't say I found such experiences that joyous either. "So I just tried to position myself mid-combat, and now the enemy has reset. Wow, this is great! Best game design decision ever!" said no one ever... But I assume you don't mind this and leaving mid-combat and enemies remaining damaged is all part of retreating, and is in no way a bad design of itself, right? Also, funilly, no, I never did so much exploiting regularly in BG2. Sure, I used the Balduran Shield (or what it was again) on the Beholders though. Still didn't have much of a good time most of BG2. BG1's combat suited me much better. There's a reason Planescape is considered the best IE-game, and the IWD-games the worst... combat really is just not good enough to carry the game. If it was, surely aforementioned was not the case, and this isn't just my interpretation...
  6. Considering there is no identification process (), nope. Wouldn't make much sense to have cursed items if you know all item's statistics from the spot. Which saddens me too...
  7. I would say manipulative is pretty close to corruption. And no, bad gameplay is not corruption... keeping people playing (read: shelling out money) despite that poor gameplay; that's the corruption.
  8. I did it fairly, but yes, that was possible. And funny thing, everything I used there comes back in post #1 as stuff Obsidian taken out of PoE, and that were 'Bad Design Issues'. Since apparently the OP and by extension the people agree that doing it the way I described before is 'Good Design'. So, what is it? Do you agree with the OP and say fighting Gromnir like that is good combat? Or do you agree with me that it's cheesing and exploiting and thus REMOVING it is 'Good Design'. Can't eat from both sides now... And that's why they were taken out, and not included without modding. Is that good design, or bad design? I say good, but apparently I suck right. Since I only post an example it MUST have been how I play. Cause there's no way an example can be merely an example! *shrug*
  9. This thread makes me (in a bad way) remind the "can we rape prisoners in our stronghold?" Sometimes you just need to limit your options to 1) Not account all psychopathic alternatives, of which you probably can think of dozens. 2) Not increase workload for next-to-no gain. Especially for branching stuff extra options can add an expenetional workload. 3) Guide the story forward. Sure, you want to dump Kreia... well, too bad for you, this is a game, we need to progress the story somehow, you're stuck with her. And probably countless more...
  10. Here's a fight with Gromnir: Go up stairs... fire all spells. Go down stair, rest. Go up, fire all spells. Go down, rest. Go up, fire all spells, most enemies are probably dead now. BEST. COMBAT. EVER. Or just a huge amount of design flaws stacked on top of each other?
  11. That sounds like a good solution if possible. I also thought about that, but it may make weapons difficult to make out if they have a similar color to the shield behind them then. Also; how likely is it a player actually gains 3 weapon slots, let stand 4?
  12. Just renaming a NPC shouldn't be too difficult. Of course that's not all that personal, but it's something. I got a NPC in Divinity: Original Sins, and I didn't even backed it. Also killed it ingame a few times just for fun Personally don't want spoilers (I haven't even read those on Kickstarter) wanting to experience the lore, character builds etc. all ingame. Having said that, all the questions are generally exterior of motivation; * Funniest bug? * Have a personal favorite sidequest in the game (more general to devs). * Scared/Psyched for release feedback? * Favorite backer-created content. Oh, so unoriginal... :/
  13. So you loved having to re-do the same spells in every wizard encounter... over and over... since difficulty was "immunity to X" *cast counterspell*? The more 'epic' the IE-combat became, the worse it got. Underdark was usually a cheese-fest... oh what FUN! (yes, that's irony) I personally think having to go around the melee defenders to get the mage is much better than the mage just casting protections forcing you to re-cast the same spells over and over (or run away and just let time pas, lol, totally not exploit but apparently "good design decision" according to this thread).
  14. Not sure why there's a huge discussion... MMO = Corruption... it thrives on it. Be it free or paid, they just find some ways to lure you in and spend more money on grindy and generally if looked at objectively; not terrible fun gameplay.
  15. Yeah, I have no idea what I should learn of this. You link specifically to some skills being talked about, namely reducing weapon slot change penalty or so. What does that have to do with seeing both hands vs. only seeing main hand weapon (of which I prefer #1). ???
  16. I like it. But of course I had to skip a box and go digital due to the high shipping costs...
  17. I'd prefered the old one, seeing both hands. But I guess it would be useful if anyone ever decided to take the additional quick-slot for whatever reason...
  18. Just wondering... you paid 15 dollar for the humble bundle without a need for either 2 titles there (Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs Still Ultimately Sucks Edition)? Why? I just want to know... 0_o
  19. Definitely pick up Majesty if you never played it before. Wont regret it.
  20. Or maybe, just maybe, those concept did confuse poor 10-year old me. You know, sometimes a banana is just a banana. Never-the-less I managed to get to the final chapter, even if in combat I pretty much mucked about. BG2 wasn't so forgiving with immunities, insta-kill spells, wizards with 5+ defenses on auto-cast and as 12-year old I doubt I made it past the Asylum. And funnily enough if I replay it now, I kinda quit at the same point since Chapter II is fun but the Underdark is just a drag, and it goes further down from there. EDIT: Also, unlike Luckmann, I didn't just shrugged it off but looked it up in the manual. Perhaps that was a mistake...
  21. Here I read the title, and was planning to comment "congratulations"... thread loaded, read OP... ouch. I love D:OS too, but PoE blows it graphically out-of-the-sky. If it does gameplaywise as well we're all in for a massive treat.
  22. Indeed. *slaps Lephys on the head... Oh darn, wrong thread.
  23. You must have not played BG and BG2 at the age of 10 with no 2nd AD&D experience. THAC0? Lower AC is better? And more similar fun... which didn't really made a lot of sense even after reading the manual up on it. And it's really preference.
  24. Why is that hard and silly. That's how I always did it in the IE-games too...
  25. There really isn't one "Ukrain"... it's more evident now than ever there's the Western Ukrainians (pro-EU) and the Eastern Ukrainians (pro-Russia). Now this could all have been resolved peacefully if people accepted that their country is so divided that splitting them in 2 would be best. Instead... West-Ukraine, having undone themselves of the East-Ukrainian leadership in Kiev, decided to pull out the army to keep the divided country a single nation... even if that meant destroying said nation, and the inevitable happening that the people are just too divided to keep one country without constant conflicts. It still only is the fault of the "West" that we have this conflict. The democratic chosen government (mostly by the East) was thrown over... what did we EXPECT to happen? Russia has nothing to do with it. "We" should have just accepted a split in 2 countries. Instead we pay in blood to keep 2 divided countries one single one. I am not blaming Russia or the Eastern "terrorists" as we like to call them. All the blame lies in Kiev for instead of just dealing with the fact the East didn't want to (or they never chosen the leader they did), they try to suppress them with force and violence. Something we apparently dispise Assad for doing, but we kindly look the other way here cause this time the dictators are on 'our side'... basically politics as usual thus.
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