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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. How about winged elf? This time with an animation that the companion really levitating with faery wings? Or a character that is some sort of hybrid like Annah in PST which has a tail? That would awesome for me.
  2. http://www.pcgamer.com/pillars-of-eternity-2s-overhauled-weather-system-will-affect-player-status-and-npc-routines/
  3. It didn't work well in baldur's gate d&d. you couldnt make a low int wizard or a low might fighter. This is the point you didn't even have a choice. At least in POE there is some choice. And no perception is necessary for everyone. I've made builds with leaving perception even or slightly below. POE was a step in the right direction. If they tweek it i hope they dont go back to BG style for sure. I take it that it has pros and cons. Pros being fail safe that no one will build a bad character. Cons being possibly stats being "irrelevant" and solely for min-maxing. And if they decided to not off balance, might as well remove ability scores all together. Like many "simplified" RPGs ala Dragon Age Inquistion.
  4. It would be great if there's event that we meet Captain Le Chuck or Davy Jones and their crews. Or Guybrush Threepwod with Elaine they could join us as our agents!
  5. I bet Fulvano will make an u-turn yet again and found a secret passageway within a secret passageway and leads to a mysterious underwater island just beneath Dunnage!.. at this rate probably be keep discovering new sections just within these 2 islands!
  6. Since they are already adding sidekicks (if SG met.. but i don't see any reason why not?).. I would like that they give an option for players to "point buy" their attributes instead of devs hardcoding them? I'm not sure how attributes work this time. Are they the same as in Pillars1?
  7. I sincerely hope so. I'm still wishing for miracles. Miracles that 50K backers came back and Obsidian will start trembling.. as they do not know how many islands they gotta add XD.. basic maths tells me they gotta start unlocking 33.33 islands :D
  8. Does it ever not? I've never seen consolification do anything good to RPGs. I disagree. Look at Dragon Age franchise. It transitioned from a party based RPG to a 3rd person hack and slash RPG where the rest of companion are so smart i don't need to even manage them. It removes the tedium of micro-management of the party. And when i press a button "something awesome has to happened". If anything, Obsidian can learn from Bioware as they have "Made RPG great again"!
  9. Only 2 islands unlocked instead of 4. Tempest's Turn and Dungeon are on same Dunnage And Drown's Barrow. So we got a total of 3 islands to be exact. As long as each of these island are of quality content.. i think it's good enough. I'd wished the previous 50K backers will come back before campaign ends.
  10. i've commented on sidekicks previously and would very much preferred an 8th companion instead. now how about talking about the big city neketaka? just only 1 big city compared to first PoE. does this mean the content is much lesser this time around? or i'll spend 70% of my time just wandering in the city? while i'm big fan of big cities, i'm also a big fan on adventuring! i hope i can travel to more locales. i'm not sure how big is this city but based on what was shown on the introduction, it doesn't look very big at all to me. there's only 6 maps? correct me if i'm wrong: queen's berth, periki's overlook, the gullet, brass citadel, sacred stair and serpent's crown. now unless each of this section has it's own subsection.
  11. You have a year to work on your painting skill. I've already started working on my custom watercolor portrait Here's the original portrait (borrowed from here): And my watercolor portrait, compared to those from the Fig update: It could have been better, but I'm not that good with creating graphics :D Wow i love what you did there. Obsidian should have hired you instead!
  12. I have biggest problem with Rekke though. You saved him from flotsam and he doesn't speak a word of any language that anyone can understand. And he can become so well trained in combat and able to cooperate with the rest of the party and seems to understand instructions from the watcher so well. Kind of immersion breaking if you ask me.
  13. So Tempest's Turn is the same island as Dunnage? It's just a lodge or some kind of tavern? They mentioned trading, game of chance and poetry readings. Probably there's a merchant and ans for game of chance.. there's some mini-games over here? Mini-card games ala Witcher 3 Gwent? This sounds like a neat idea. Also regarding Drowned barrows, they mentioned dungeons? I certainly not expecting a 15 level dungeons here but 3-4 levels would be really great.
  14. Not for Pillars 2. Sawyer said that he likes the idea of doing something a bit more console or tablet-friendly in response to a question about the possibility of an Icewind Dale-type spinoff for the Pillars franchise. Can't wait for simultaneous release on console & PC! Also.. actually 5 party members are really difficult to be played on a controller. How about 4 please? On a second thought, why not i just control 1 character and the rest of the companion will do everything automatically? 5 will still make the screen looks cluttered, clumsy and there are too many stuffs on screen and too fast! I don't know what is going on. Can you make it even more simple please?
  15. ​​The word "current" seems deliberate. Maybe I'm reading more into it than is really meant - my own wishful thinking - but it gives me a tiny, dimly flickering yet tantalizing glimmer of hope that this is not yet cast in stone. ​ ​ 5 is final decision. Also Obsidian mentioned considering a console release. If you asked me this is very much confirmed. Who doesn't like money? That's the whole reason why it was reduced to 5 because of the UIs & menus have to be designed in mind for big screens and controllers. I don't really mind for console version unfortunately once again game has to be sacrificed for lowest common denominator
  16. I'm not sure if they are with pre-render. They are mixing 2D backgrounds with more 3D animations this time. That's why they can have grasses, trees, street lantern, objects, etc. that sway in the wind direction. It does looks a bit bland in the scenes. I'm not sure if ambient occlusion was turned on? AO will provide much more feels to a scene IMHO.
  17. I don't like this sidekicks idea. I rather have the 8th companion. It seem these are just custom characters from some of the quests without personality, party interactions, personal quests and not affected in companion relationship. These characters can actually be custom made yourself!. Plus this is probably the last stretch goal and i can't even fathom how would they release such a dull stretch goals. Look at even Rekke. He doesn't speak a word at all. I would say this is really one of the "laziest" stretch goals for asking money. So it basically means, they only make 3 custom characters with 'minimal' dialogue. Very disappointed.
  18. So... he just reached the second island? Seems like this is going to be a very short voyage... Unfortunately yes. If we don't see the return of the original 77k backers we probably see 3-4 island the max
  19. just 3K members only to unlock a free island. come on guys you can do it!. it's free.. what you need to do is just follow. not a penny that you need to pay https://twitter.com/WorldofEternity spread the love!
  20. for some reason.. this thaos looks seem to have similar face with Eder.
  21. How about love for PC? I thought pallegina in first PoE was a love interest. And I was wrong
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