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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. I for one find the battle music annoying in first PoE. I hope we can have more variety of them and on epic boss-fights, maybe Obsidian can learn from Dragon Age Inquisition dragon battle music.
  2. I don't like how CDPR is doing especially with the Witcher franchise. Sure they earn a truckload of cash but the game was casualized badly and I don't want to see PoE heading that direction
  3. I'm in favored for per encounter. Vancian is more of an annoyance to me. Per encounter means you can have the correct answers for you in every counter and removes the tedium of resting to get back your answers. Per encounter is not catwalk IMO. Josh even hinted the usage of "Empowering" to refresh the per encounter in longer fights. If the battle was "tweaked" correctly and with "limited" Per encounter spells/abilities, i'm guessing "spamming" your Per encounter unnecessarily probably would lead to losing a battle than winning.
  4. I'd like Ydwin to be Tsundered. I kinda dislike companions that were actually villainy or someone that would betray you after you have invested so much time with that character?.
  5. @messier i believe obsidian secure $2M fig investment quite early and later expaneded another $250K for it. A huge amount was released prior to the closure of the campaign and hence the huge spike in it. anyhow.. i'm more interested in more videos and content updates about the development of the game. i'm wondering what's the frequency would it be? once big update once a month? at this point i'm seriously hungry for game related information.
  6. You don't have to. They've hinted it couple of times. It's very much confirmed if you asked me. Tbh i prefer fantasy more but i don't mind giving historical one a try.
  7. Next game probably would be Turn-Based. I'm no big fan of Turn-Based on RPGs but my favorite franchise for TBS is Heroes & Might & Magic. Sadly that franchise is dead too on Ubisoft hand. And the second best TBS game that i love is King's Bounty. I think Obsidian can expand their portfolio with similar games like Heroes of Might & Magic or Might & Magic franchise. Those were my favorites too.
  8. @Fluoride I actually did a search and read up on Obsidian portfolio. Avellone was actually one of the founders and he has left. 200 headcounts are not a small number for a small-mid developer? If you do the maths, payroll per month probably exceed $1M excluding operating cost? Kind of having a genuine interest in how they operate if they have to keep relying on continuous incoming projects. They are considered "indie" devs so i'm wondering if they do have investors? "indie" probably means that they are not public listed. I'm also quite excited on the project what Tim Cain is working on. I did watch the streaming and i think Feargus hinted a new game starting with the letter "I". I'm wondering what would it be . Anyway, i hope it's something to do with "fantasy"? I love fantasy that's why i backed this. But i'm guessing they are probably "tired" with fantasy? I really hope not.
  9. 5 is final. Unofficial modding will be very difficult (according to Josh in 2nd Twitch QnA IINM) simply because all the menus and UIs were designed to work with 5. Even you can see in latest gameplay The scripted interaction UI book was showing only 5 portraits. I really hate it so much they go with this route. Let's hope they don't go further with 4 on PoE3 for "multi-platform".
  10. So there's roughly 50 people will be working on PoE2? I'm having an actual interest in knowing what's the average wage of each employee. That's like a very big team. Just put it that we funded 4.4M. If we divide it by 12, considering by next year 25th Feb 2018 the game probably has gone gold as they mentioned March would be the released date. We have roughly $366,666.00 of fund per month and the average wage per employee would be $7333.33. What's the total employee in Obsidian? They would really need to have multiple concurrent on-going projects with sufficient funding to sustain the whole organization. Big props to Feargus if he's the only one boss in Obsidian?
  11. I kind of having a mixed feeling now. Setting is so much different and major focus is on naval, ships, pirates and stretch goals for fishing?!
  12. OMFG he did a big U-turn just to discover the radiant court with a big tent which is just BESIDE Tempest Turn!
  13. +1 I'm glad this post was made. I couldn't make a better post nor do i have the time to do so. The first time i saw this sloop.. i was like "man this looks ugly". I'm sure designers put up much effort in it. But if it's ain't good then it ain't good. I came from games like Assassin's Creed Blackflag and the ship was awesome. I hope this sloop can be reworked to look much better as we'll spent most of our time in it.
  14. Fulvano already U-turned.. Which secret passage will he find again? I pretty much guess it!.. It must be from where he came from. Either Balefire of Dunnage
  15. Sadly we may only get Ydwin as sidekicks. Obsidian purposely put her as 5M where is impossible to get. Anyhow, i'm more interested in Radora instead personally.
  16. I doubt the difference is wording means anything. Well i hope so. I prefer something like a meaty expansion rather than "item DLC pack",etc.
  17. Look at the wording "expansion pass" instead of DLC. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/75481/
  18. I've noticed that they are going to the direction of DLCs / season pass instead of a full expansion. For the DLCs.. are they the length similar of an expansion?
  19. I'm getting the feeling that the majority of the traveling is by the ship on sea. Very, very different game design.
  20. It seems like they need lots of money badly. I think the armored warfare burnt them quite a bit? :/
  21. 5M for 8th companion.. that's really harsh. Plus.. i'm not so thrilled about sea battle after watching the videos. Also.. the sea looks greenish.. this is just personal preference but if the sea is blue that looks better for me.
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