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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. we have 2 aumaua already... it would have been great to have more elves? or even a dwarf
  2. 8th companion SG ... female dwarven ala Dragon Age Inquistion Dagna? .. it should be a female i think? for balance gender composition.
  3. Nice update about companion relationships!. Unfortunately, i hope it won't be a tedium for players to manage the likes/dislikes between other companions that could leads to fights and leaving the party or attacking each other. It will only means that you could possibly just mix certain companions together and not encouraging different mixture of party composition.
  4. good catch!. i wonder why don't they increase it to 3M? it seems there are bigger party or individuals are more interested in investing than pledge.
  5. here's what i'm talking about. watch aloth boxing animation/stance: i find it that characters were having this boxing stance or animation unnatural and a little immersion breaking in a fantasy game. IINM i've seen this boxing stance in first PoE too. what do you guys think?
  6. Xoti actually is the character that i'm the most interested in compared to the the amaua female ranger with a pet hawk or the blue orlan dual-wielding pistols. so both of them considered as range companions i guess? i kind of like hiravias character.. not sure about this blue orlan character though. as for the female amaua ranger.. hmm i would really love a character that resemble "neytiri" in the move "avatar". if she's a little slender and in blue.. i'd be in love :D .. also neytiri and neketaka.. they both sound quite.. close to each other
  7. Savannah Folk There's no new race. Xoti is human i believe. Yes, Savannah Folk. It's a sub-race of human. For anyone who's interested: http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Savannah_folk
  8. we already have a blue orlan in poe2. so i guess it wont be blue again. so i believe it could be polynesian too.
  9. companion.. since we are moving towards a different locale with tropical and looking at some of the watered-color portraits... could the 6th companion be actually asian?
  10. So we reached the 2.6M.. thanks to? .. obsidian released another 50K from fig funds. it was previously 1.24M. it's kinda hard to achieve 2.8M.. i know.. i know.. everyone expecting the U-shaped return of funding. so please obsidian release a big one at 3M to spice things up: 3.0M Stretch goals - 8th & 9th companion - romance for all gender and sexual demographic - 3 big cities - 2 stronghold instead of 1 - 6th and 7th party limit unlocked ohh.. to add toppings and icing to the cake, 10 exclusive female warcry/chants googogoogo obsidian
  11. on the other hand.. i'm lazy for a titan thread. the engwithan titan is just so awesome!. i hope we can have more variations of titans like fire and ice. most games we see, dragons get all the love. the only titans that i fell in love was from might & magic games.
  12. They should not put in romance. When they put in they will have to be as inclusive as possible else they'll get the blame. So what we end up getting is one of each and all being half arsed. Straight, gay, lesbian, transgendered. What BioWare did was even worst. Female has way more options on romance than male in Inquisition. BioWare pruposely to be on the bias side and it's genuine why they have gone SJW. so screw them
  13. In regards to dragons, obsidian can learn how beautiful the dragons in dragon age Inquisition. They have one of the best dragon design and animations!
  14. Let's all hope it's true. Still disappointed with the number of returning backers. Hopefully they give us all a surprise.
  15. Source This is great. I hate randomized loot. It makes build impossible if that luck doesn't shine upon you. Also.. if builds have to rely on loot, then this will be Diablo 3... they gotta make respawning battles indefinitely.
  16. “Vocal groups” will exists regardless of what you do or don’t. You might as well stop making games if that’s going to stop you. Whether you like it or not.. this is how the current gaming industry is. Many developers and publishers were intimidated in social media and all were forced to bow to these "vocal groups". Don't forget Obsidian was once the victim on PoE on the backer phrase and forced to remove it.
  17. Don't expect anything too extravagant. From what we've been told about them they aren't a huge change in design. The Black Jacket is a fighter, but he has lower accuracy. However he gains Weapon Quick Swap, and gains multiple proficiencies for different weapons. If he uses a weapon Vs an enemy that it is susceptible to like a blunt weapon Vs a Stone Beetle(iirc) then he gains damage and armor pen bonuses. The Ghost Heart Ranger summons a spirit animal that isn't susceptible to charm beast, but is very susceptible to attacks against spirits. However, since it is summoned it may have an easier time being dropped on the back line of enemies, but on the flip side it can't scout like a normal Ranger pet. These are just two that we know of. They arent too different, but different flavors of the same thing. The Black Jacket and Ghost Heart Ranger sounds cool to me at least it's unique and actually offer solutions and beneficial in regards to combat. Regarding normal ranger pet on scouting, is it useful? Do they trigger combat when the party has yet to prepare? I only played vanilla PoE. Gotta start again after i finished farcry4.
  18. Alright.. thanks for the clarification!. My take on this is.. if there are more choices to choose from upon class specialization.. *ahem* sub-class.. I hope it has a significant difference and also impact and not just minor ones. Example +1% damage/level and -1% accuracy and something like that. If the above scenario is true, it means you need to be very high level for the class to show significance for the bonuses.
  19. Upon putting thoughts in romance.. and in view of current trending about LGBT and feminism, i would vote "No romance". These vocal groups of people were known for stirring issues with their ideology that games were not inclusive and indirectly mistreating them. I personally love romance, but i know where this all leads to.
  20. I have a question. Does the Shield Bash provides secondary effects such as minor stun or interruption? To me, a shield bearer shouldn't be really a damage dealer unless we are talking about action hack'n slash ala Diablo. If shield bash is dealing "comparable" damage similar with a shield without the ability, there really isn't really a need for this shield bash either. It would be much better that it provides lesser damage when shield bashing but it provides you a chance to trigger the secondary effects like stun and interruption. It's a trade-off in damage for better CC. I would like the secondary effects more than the same "comparable" damage which makes the ability pointless. Of course.. my humble opinion.
  21. Is my understand correct on sub-classes that upon advancement from base class, player has the option to choose 1 from the 2 sub-classes of the base class? Now if 2.8M stretch goal being hit, there'll be 3? Or is it that there's 2 level of advancement for sub-classes? For example Wizard -> Warlock -> Archmage ?
  22. I always like the idea that party characters shouldn't be tied to their formation. So that they move/walk more naturally during exploration. Is there a reason party formations play a significant role in combat? If i have a tank in front of said a caster or archer, does it help reduce incoming damage from range and interruption? If melee enemies start approaching the flanks of my caster or archer, would the fighter helps reduce the accuracy and damage of the said enemy? In other words, is there really a need for party formations in PoE2? It would be great that i'm seeing only 1 green circle (main character) that i'm controlling and the rest of the companion just follow without any circle beneath them. Circles on all companions should only be shown upon entering combat. I like this so that it looks more beautiful when exploring the world. Also.. if party formation plays a role in combat, can they only form the formation only when the battle start? Meaning there would be a formation phase that will happen for both players and enemies.
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