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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. @Boroer Thanks for the very valuable insights!. I went with Concelhaut Corrosive Siphon and crafted myself a scroll Burn of Summer Flame. Got lucky with the rolls it did quite some damage to those phantoms. I'm not sure where to get Combusting wounds perhaps i have to retrain my character to get it i guess. Manage to stomp in the to hall where the Steward is. Most of the fights end up many unconscious. Some questions regarding Armor. For Chanters, i read just put it on heavy armor with 1H+Shield. How about other casters? Should they wear light armor? I just found out Aloth Concelhaut Parasitic Staff is so... powerful!. Right now he deals quite alot of damage on those Raedric Guards and Spellsword! I'm loving him already. Seems like now the game has changed that most must go melee now? Also i read that, building Eder as a tank is no longer viable strategy as he needs to deal damage now. I also found that some spells are kinda useless? Mirror image +25 deflection for 78s but last only for 1 hit. With so many mobs i'm not sure what's the point for withstanding 1 hit though.
  2. Thanks Boroer! I'll give it a try. But Eldritch Aim gains ACC right? I'm not sure does ACC plays a factor for caster? I thought what goes through the defenses were only Deflection, Fortitude, Will and Reflex. I have Aloth that can cast blindness though. But the AOE isn't big enough for so many Phantoms and Shadows. Also i just checked on Chillfog. Aloth is only able to blind for 3.9 secs, that isn't going to help if you asked me. Curse of Blackened Sight will Blilnk for 26secs which will be much better?
  3. Thanks Jerek for the awesome insights!. I saw that enemies now break engagement to go for my squishy Aloth. That's nice!. I'm now having some problems with Phantoms and Shadows. So i can't even enter Caed Nua. Their stats are so high and my Fan of Flames don't work easily on them anymore. I'm just level 4 now and crafting seems off as i lack the materials for Scroll of Defense (i think that is very important for my party to survive the onslaught of these Phantoms and Shadows). I'm taking alot of debuffs skills and it seems hard in penetrating these Phantoms and Shadows. Need to bring down their reflexes for the Flames to penetrate them. Any tips in going thru these ghosts?
  4. hey sorry this isn't related to the skill. i'm currently playing POTD, i like to ask can the game completable if i have my companions auto-level? or in order to play POTD efficiently, each companion i need to reset their skill and attribute points? in other words min-maxing for POTD difficulty? For Durance, is it going for 1H+Shield better? My current playstyle he needs to near the frontliners for the buffs, debuffs, etc. My chanter is going with 1H+Shield. She's currently very weak. Is she good for DPS? My current party: Myself (Chanter) Eder Aloth Durance I seem to have alot of frontliners. My first PT was having Pallegina. So maybe i dont need her anymore. Hiravias was awesome so i plan to have him again. My first PT was a cipher, so maybe i'll get Grieving Mother? Sagani was boring and weak? Is she any good now? Maybe i'll go with Zahua or Devil/Maneha as i never have them before. Are they viable for POTD? Thanks
  5. It's macro. Shouldn't be taking twice as long to cast as it defeats the purpose. It's more like action queue then.
  6. means 2 rolls for 1 full attack? that be nice!. but that means characters with very fast attack can be very challenging to balance. very fast attack animation should proc with CC and combined with damage.. screen wipe?
  7. i think action queueing would be punishing if let's say no cancellation of assigned commands. but yeah.. action queueing pls so that priest can queue up all the buffs he needs to perform. or how about a skill that let him combine 2-3 buffs into 1 casting? of course that would be higher level skill. should be obtainable during mid game (not end game). that would greatly benefit party buffers so that he can be used for something else. i find that in a lot of games.. good stuff comes late in the game and it's pointless where you hardly have the chance to use it. so i hope develpers will be aware of such things.
  8. wow thanks i didnt notice we have that. i just replaying back poe for the 2nd time. first vanilla was.. i can't recall.. is without any expansion. and that time was tank and spam and everyone need survival/atheletics. if not your character will get fatique and need rest. i'm replaying 2nd time on POTD. it's kinda tough but i'm loving it.
  9. I like to have following simple feature for Deadfire and maybe devs kind enough to make it for POE1 too? It's a very simple request. 1) Auto-pause every x seconds: 4,5,6,8 seconds during combat. 2) Disable pausing before the x seconds lapsed. 3) Toggle to allow the auto-pause mode like the slow/fast mode. I find myself woody-pecking the space-bar alot and the auto-pause feature will be very handy for my playstyle. The disabling option is some kind of penalty to disallow cancellation of wrong/bad decision during battle. I personally suggest minimum of 4secs auto-pausing? Without playtesting, maybe 5-6 seconds auto-pausing is a good idea? For idea no. 2) disable pausing before x seconds lapsed can work on it's own if option 1) is not enabled. Means no auto-paused but once you unpaused, you cannot paused again after x seconds lapsed. What do you think about my idea? Thanks!
  10. I love Inon for his work music on couple of stuff: Prince of Persia, Icewind Dale 2, Dragon Age and now he'll be doing the score for Pathfinder. Did Justin did the battle theme for PoE? I'm probably thinking at this point on making a post on how to mod/change the battle music. I find it abit annoying though.
  11. Was wondering the composer of Deadfire? Basically i'm a big fan of Inon Zur. Was wondering why Obsidian did not go with Inon?
  12. I hope Obsidian won't affiliate itself with Paradox. But wild guess they probably will go with Paradox again.
  13. Few comments from me: - Is the sailing world map final? It looks plain and maybe it can be polished and made more beautiful - Inventory screen, the 3D character is too huge. maybe reduce it to suit the UI and look better.
  14. Wow thanks! i didn't know that i could take both. I'm just starting of the game. Here's my stats: MIG - 20 CON - 10 DEX - 3 INT - 18 PER - 16 RES - 11 At first i wanted something like a DW Chanter. Then it seems the only way to go is 1H+Shield for tankiness and to last longer to unleash the most powerful chants.
  15. Hey i just started a chanter for the first of my life . And i'm kinda loving it. My only gripe it's so slow? I played the first vanilla (without any expansions) using a cipher. I probably would play another cipher again... maybe DW cipher? But anyway.. a stupid question.. i can't decide between Ancient Memory or Veteran Recovery. Ancient Memory: 2.3xEndurance for Party AOE Veteran Recovery: 3.9xEndurance every 3secs for 63 secs. Going AM will help the party better in long term? Or being selfish for self regen is the way to go? Currently playing POTD and i'm back to basics.
  16. Having 1 lesser party character is a clear sign. Many would mindlessly defend Obsidian here but i would not. Their initial plan was 4 party characters. Due to how well the reception on Tyranny (if you asked me, Obsidian testing the water). And they know making Deadfire with 4 party characters and hell will break lose and so they go with 5. The issue here isn't consoles. It's the controller. Many cRPGs designed with controller in mind would ruin that game hard. If it sells like hot cakes on consoles, then say goodbye to Pillars franchise. Is the same as Dragon Age. It is why we have Dragon Age 2 and Inquistion. Button mashers. Also i have completed Inquisition on the highest difficulty. There's no tactics. It's an action game. Sure many would say more moneys to devs the better. I agree. But you really like the franchise to get watered down in terms of gameplay and design because of controllers? Nope. I'd rather it stay exclusive.
  17. Nah, it's best DLC policy I've ever seen from a company. Fite me IRL if you think different. Five bucks for a portrait pack, 7 bucks to unlock features present but not completed in the base game! IT STINKS! It was such a great gift that PoE allow custom portraits. 5 bucks for few portraits are the reason behind why modding were discouraged.
  18. It's a game but it's kinda funny i'm replaying witcher 3 now and i'm munching drumstick on my left while fighting wolves on my right
  19. The biggest issue for me with paradox is that the pricing of games in my region doubled!. If anything in my country, inflation has been going pretty bad due to increase in taxes. So saying about aligning the purchasing power of regions are pretty BS if you asked me. If so, then the pricing should be lower not double!.
  20. A little variety can be a good thing. This setting is more like the Age of Exploration than the Middle Ages. For example, on Earth the wheellock was a 16th century invention, which is post-medieval. Pillars in general is post-Medieval, as you point out. Another hint is the way Caed-Nua is called an old-style fortress; fortresses were redesigned to resist cannons. However, as a History teacher who teaches this exact subject to unimpressionable young minds; we have a problem integrating Histories of multiple locations or intuitively seeing history as a gradual change. Unless educated in it, we tend to see history in a linear progression of: Medieval = everything bad (food sucked and plague was everywhere, including in your shoes). Then the Renaissance = Books and **** made people think again and make pretty art. After that the Age of Exploration = Columbus and a bunch of dudes colonized all of America at once and killed the Native Americans with their super-technology. When in reality Shakespeare wrote about colonization in the Tempest; Renaissance militia used a mix of guns and pikes; and that platemail coexisted with guns for a long time. Perhaps most interesting is how violent, superstitious, greedy, and downright medieval most of the explorers were. My favorite primary source of all time is an account of Sir Francis Drake's Journeys where the author talks about robbing churches, eating penguins, and stealing the fire****ter. Pillars is the struggle of a man passionate about middle ages & rennaisance history and fantasy rpgs (Josh Sawyer), trying to keep a balance between them Yes that is my biggest issue with deadfire. I'd like PoE stay faithful to fantasy rather than renaissance history. I know Josh is a big fan and wanted to do his historic RPG. I think he may get a chance to do (looking at all the hint on a historic RPG). So going to tropical island, pirates and modernization is really a big minus to me. The whole reason i backed deadfire because the magic in first Pillars revive my nostalgic craving for a successor to Baldur's Gate.
  21. I don't believe that at all. There is no way a mod can match DLC quality (unless it is a complete ripoff). Even phenomenal and extensive mods like long war for XCOMs are obviously not in house developed. I suppose mods for Bethesda games feel more professional than base products, but thats Bethesda for you. I wonder if they make shoddy games in purpose, so mods fit better in. Maybe i should elaborate more on what i meant. I normally download aesthetic/cosmetic mods, UI improvements, camera, and all sorts of interesting mods. One thing i found myself doing was.. i often buy story content DLCs from devs and i didn't really go for content related mods. That's me of course. But what i meant was, many devs/publishers discourage modding simply because of price DLCs as they too would like to do cosmetic/aesthetic DLCs (horse armor anyone?). At least that is what i believe. If Tyranny didn't teach you anything, did you see the portraits DLCs?
  22. Also there's another gripe about ship.. it seems the ship dont look good to me. The design is so plain. Can they maybe learn from Ubisoft on how good ship looks? Sorry this is no mean of bashing. I just like the ship to look good.
  23. modding discourage priced DLCs . the only mod i want for deadfire is adding the 6th character back
  24. I do hope so sincerely because of obvious reasons. But seeing first PoE there isn't much mod at all IINM. Even Witcher 3 didn't have much mods :/
  25. A little variety can be a good thing. This setting is more like the Age of Exploration than the Middle Ages. For example, on Earth the wheellock was a 16th century invention, which is post-medieval. Yeah that's true. I did backed deadfire as i'm willing to give it a go. But my preference are medieval fantasy like LOTR and stuff :D.
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