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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. I wished it's another RTwP and isometric game? Well my wish is basically close to 0 hope.
  2. Biggest problem for me was i can't have Eder in my team in PoE. Thank god i can have a Dragon Born Eder in Deadfire!. Dual-wielding with shout.. Fuuus Roohh Dahhh. Or.. if i'm picking Taheku i guess next class suits Eder the best would be Barbarian!. Fighter/Barbarian and Eder finally can wield Hours of St Rumbalt! Of all.. anyone has suggestion for Ranger? which class would be best?
  3. most probably new fallout? but i have no interest in that though. props to others who love it.
  4. If there's one that be ~!@$% awesome. On crit it deals chain lightning. Hoping that someone could make a mod perhaps? Or if Deadfire having such a weapon!
  5. I have not read elsewhere but what are the combinations to reach 0 recovery? I reached level 9 and took Swift Action. Not sure if this is a wise choice? Swift Action - 20% Sure Handed Ila - 20% Gauntlets of Swift Action - 15% That's like 55% another 45%? Is it possible with a ranger? Out of so many builds.. Ranger is my top favorite at the moment . Glad that i found this build here.
  6. Does anyone knows if Swift Aim stacks with Hastening Exhortation, Sure Handed Ila and DAoM?
  7. Thank god for whoever created Shod-In-Faith. The reason why i dump RES on my Barb because i wanted it to trigger Consecrated Ground XD. Currently i can't live without the following party members in any of my party setup: Kana, Pallegina, Aloth, Hiravias, Durance This makes it so hard for me to mix in a Ranger as i have main Barb. Kana is really a great support.. damage dealer, and CC. At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff has became my best favorite . Aloth... Maura Tentacles, Exposed Vulnerabilties, Blind, Miasma .. also Devotions of the Faithful i found that it buffs spells ACC Multi-classing Eder as Fighter/Barbarian would be really awesome in Deadfire. Eder really lacks AOE.. after playing a Barb.. i had really hope Eder main class is Barb.
  8. Was it mentioned that there will be exclusive multi-class abilities? It would be great if they have and sorry if was mentioned before.
  9. Thanks. Then it seems i'm living with HoSR for now. Btw.. does DAoM stacks with Frenzy? Or i should forget about DAoM? Also.. i was wondering myself regarding Chanter. Does Chanter need ACC? How much Survival you normally give to a Chanter? Is he better off taking Lore instead? I'm always taking Survival for the Racial bonus. Was wondering if Invocations or Dragon Thrashed.. does it rely on ACC? Yeah i'm playing a crit build as Prone/Stun very much relies on crit so.. Merciless Hand seems to synergise well with Crit. By the way why not Mob Justice instead? +ACC means better chance in critting ?
  10. I find myself loving Hours of St. Rumbalt so much now. At the moment i only have Shatterstar. Godansthunyr only comes quite late. Haba or Jarpie doesn't seems to have any disabling effect ie. stun or prone. Any other Warhammer that i can pair with Shatterstar? Initially i wanted a really fast DW disabler. But seems like HoSR does better because of the crazy +ACC.
  11. Hope to see more skills for Ranger. 1. Scatter shot (passive) - 20% chance upon arrow impact burst will send send razor fragments that jump to nearby enemies 2. Power shot (active) - 1/2 activation per encounter. Pierce/Crush damage through every enemies from a straight line. +30% damage. 3. Double shot (passive) - 12% chance to shoot 2 arrows. 4. Ice Arrow (Modal) - Deal freeze damage and chance to slow enemies. Work with Scatter shot and Double Shot. If anyone has more suggestions can add in
  12. @Boeroer I always trust you kind sir . I didn't go for Novice's Suffering because that's not my playstyle for a barb XD. I think the only character i have yet to try is Monk and Rogue. I heard alot of bad points about Rogue so probably the last will be Monk. Of all of my characters, i love the most is Ranger, Barbarian, Chanter now . I think my Barb don't have ACC problem. At the moment having him using Justice (reaching level 7) and he is so much different now with better damage. It's great to hear that my current party setup is fine for toughest dragon fights. Thanks!
  13. hey all im back. currently level 6. things been slow due to work and don't have much time for games. surprisingly my party is so good now. any feedback on my current party composition? Kana - Main tank for Dragon Thrashed, Stun, Resurrection and AOE Heal Pallegina - Off tank with a shield. Why is pistol 2Handed? If Pistol+Shield then that be awesome no? Durance - Can't live without his buffs. He is godly. Aloth - An awesome debuffer and summoner. His role seems to have shifted. He's not so much of a nuker. Hiravias - Storm, Shock, Debuff, Nuker, Shapeshift, Healer.. My current concern is... is this party setup good against the most difficult Dragon fights? I understand that i need a single target high damage character for Dragon fights. But i have no room for Sagani. I wanted her soooo badly. And i wanted Eder too but he MUST be replaced by Kana because i feel a Chanter role is so significant compared to a fighter. My main Barbarian (with only 1 Shatterstar at the moment and have him another Club i got from somewhere which has +4 ACC which isn't that shabby) .. but he seems to be the "lowest" damage dealing character. What am i doing wrong? I really need vulnerable attack? Or he must go 2Hander to really deal some damage? But with 2Hander he is so awfully slow :/. And my DEX is 14 IINM (including gear) which isn't that bad. The rest of my stats are godly. 18 MIG, 17 PER, 17 INT (19 with gear).
  14. @MaxQuest Thanks for the great and lengthy explanation! I'm wondering Obsidian will leave it again to you guys for finding those calculations in Deadfire :/. If they can put these details on Character sheet that be great. Like Regen/s, Atk Speed, etc. By the way, i often go for +ACC racial bonus rather than Healing Bonus. Anyone can share how you normally spend your resting bonus? I would normally go for Healing Bonus unless he'll be tanking. @Boeroer My Barbarian PT seems starting badly comparing to my Ranger build. Seems to have lots of KO/Injuries. I just notice that some 2Hander doesn't have reach. Which means he probably has to off-tank or flank. Dumping RES seems going a tanky Barb (max CON) seems like a better choice. But so far i'm getting it. Barbarian deals the most AOE damage for me so far. And with high ACC it's nice seeing so many hits!
  15. How does Veteran's Recovery work? It shows 3.7*Endurance per 3s for 60.8s. So if my Endurance is 81 starting of the battle, it means i'm going to get recovery of 99.9 Endurance per sec? That doesn't make sense. If it's just adding 3.7 End per every 3s then it means i'm getting 1.2 End per sed. Isn't that useles?
  16. That's the drawback of min/maxing. There's answer to dump RES. You need great healing/regen. You need to ensure you don't get interrupted and cast protections spells on him. The worst affliction against him i think would be Will. Manage those and you can dump RES.
  17. I saw the UI of the Character screen are quite spaced out and looks simplified to me. They actually has to add the Injury beside the portraits to make it not so obvious. I personally like the portraits to stick closer to each other just like first PoE. The GUI in first PoE looks perfect to me. I hope there can be a classic UI options for Deadfire. Personally with just 1 injury, i would have just rest. Would anyone stack so many injuries? Or they made it part of the resting mechanics so that resting are very limited?
  18. @Boeroer I think i'm going to go with your suggested stats and refine it abit: MIG: 18 CON: 10 DEX: 12 PER: 18 INT: 17 RES: 03 Remaning +2 ATTR points do you think it's beneficial to dump it to DEX?. Also by the way, anyone knows about concealment? When i'm on Frenzy i didn't notice my HP. Can you actually die because you didn't know the remaining HP?
  19. I enchanted Forgiveness and give it to Pallegina instead. With Fine Enchantment only (-1 ACC) is so good . I gave Sagani a wand though for Immunities. I hope in Deadfire if it's possible to mod dual damages. Pierce/Crush seems reasonable for powershot i think . I read somewhere enchantment is Deadfire is... meh. We can no longer enchant the way we want it. For example if it's Fire damage then it become Chain Fire or something. Anyone has any insights on it?
  20. I mostly use all companions from campaign. I have never use custom party though. Honestly, i haven't try the expansions companions yet but here is what i love the most for my party setup: Kana - I kinda think Chanter > Fighter. This guy can tank. He can heal, he can revive, he can deal AOE damage. He is also a godly support >_>. Sure Handed Ila is godly. I can't seem to live without a Chanter anymore. Eder - I love him as companion alot but for reasons like chanter, I have to replace him with Kana. But his knockdown is so good is just that he has low INT IINM. Therefore the Knockdown isn't that long. Durance - This guy must have in every party unless i'm priest myself. In POTD i must need him. Pallegina - If you are playing in POTD, i think she is a must!. Her ZF (+6 ACC) to whole party and her markings . She can heal, her exthortations are awesome!. She's a godly support! Aloth - He's a great debuffer and he can be a godly tank in frontlines and from the back . Parasitc Concelhaut/Kalakoth + DAoM (Deletrious Alacrity) Hiravias - This guy ... Returning Storm, Relentless Storm and with Frenzy on Shifted form is no joke . Not to mention this guy can nuke, can debuff, can heal.. it's just i can't live without him in any party setup. See.. i have more.. but 6 party slots ... In Deadfire we have 5 And look at Sagani... you can check out the Returning Storm build. This makes me felt in love with Ranger so much!. She's like a machine gunner on steroid . And don't forget Itumaak . Therefore on other PT, i'm thinking that i MUST have Sagani too Poor Eder... I love him. It's just that his role ain't that good. I must multi-class him for Fighter/Ranger or Rogue/Ranger in Deadfire
  21. I have a genuine question why most build go with MIG? I'm thinking of a low MIG build (since we have Greater Frenzy). I'm going towards the Crit build (Probably stun). Is that a good choice? Since DEX and PER is so crucial for a crit build and i think 17 Int is also crucial (From 16 -> 17 nett a 12% gain in AOE). MIG - 10 CON - 10 DEX - 20 PER - 18 INT - 17 RES - 3 Is 10 MIG viable for HoSR? or I should go with 20 MIG and 10 DEX? I'm really bad in making decision.
  22. Is it true game is balance based on PER of 10? POTD v3.02. Are there any rebalance changes on 10 PER in other patches?
  23. Thanks for all the great suggestion. I'm still stucked at character creation as there's no way to respec character attributes. Or is there? At this point i'm more concerned in stats distribution. @Boeroer What is the recommended DEX in your opinion? I didn't really dump DEX. I just have it at 9. Is 14 DEX sufficient? Mig - ? (16 base wIth Greater Frenzy it will get to 22? and some gearing maybe 24?) Con - ? (Since Barb has highest Health/Endurance per level gain can we dump this? Is it fine with 3?)) Dex - ? (It has no penalty on action speed at 10. Maxing it to 18 yields only +24% action speed. Are there any Barb builds that max this?) Per - ? (Playing in POTD starting with max Per of 18 is still hitting like baby. For crit build Barb this is one of the most important stats?) Int - ? (Is 16 Int sufficient for starting Barb?) Res - ? (Since i'm mostly min maxing, this is only stats i can dump for maxing other high priority stats)
  24. Sorry can i ask does Sure handed Ila stacks with Frenzy or DAoM? If they have added those stats in character sheet, i think it will be much easier to know if it stacks or suppressed. Wondering how do you know and check if it stacks though.
  25. Hey guys currently loving my Ranger so much. Before this i'm not big fan of Ranger and i have now totally changed my mind!. I have Angio Ambeson on her and i took Frenzy. Do they stack? She's like a machine gunner on steroids! Also, does Azalin helmet stacks with Merciless hand? I think in Deadfire, Obsidian should include stats like Atk Speed and Crit chance / Crit multiplier on the character sheet. Or did they? Sorry because i didn't seem to have notice it shown anywhere.
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