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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. usually? but will player see it? if player won't see i think that's totally fine.
  2. it also means the thread for devs to nerf the popular buillds and forgetting the "underpowered" build. i hope this is not the case with obisidian.
  3. sorry for off-topic. flurry of claws but the icon that represent it (a bicep?) the art design and representation in deadfire seems very inconsistent
  4. I hate randomness on empower. I need to know exactly what i'm getting. You need to make accurate choices so that you are managing the battle efficiently. Not some hoping that you RNG and get something good.
  5. i think part of the problem would be enemies having access to unlimited casting of afflictions? even with high will and grazes it seems that's possible to perma afflict our party and hence rendering high attributes useless. if that's the case it's better to provide players complete immunity (for a short duration) provided if they have the available skill/spells. not to mention content can be gated due to leveling requirements (eg. you cant have access to certain spells without reaching x levels).
  6. hmm... i'm not sure what to think of it. do you think that designer over nerf multi-classing? the idea of multi-classing is great but if their idea of over-nerfing to compensate of balance.. if that's the case then i think the designers did a very poor job. just look at why there's a speed mod and balance mod to begin with? trying this build at level 4 now at caed nua. don't feel that great as i'm constantly getting interrupted and stunned. if putting heavy armor on a monk i think they'll ignore him and go for the squishies. is there a taunt ability or something that cost wound? i think that may be a better idea.
  7. thanks for the suggestion!. by the way.. i'm thinking of a ravager build in deadfire. is it any good? aoe tormen's reach is the idea.
  8. one of the thing i hate about charm or dominate in poe was having high will doesn't help. i have to go the route to pop everyone svef or something. it was a big pain in the arse.
  9. 1 ability pick per level up? means 1 spell per level up? one of the reason i love priest in poe is that they are versatile. they have the answers available to them. if it's 1 spell pick per level up it means at max level we will have 20 spells only? if wrong skill picks then that sounds like bad design.
  10. was following this build... hmm is monkerlasher a better build? seems like the stats are pretty much same except monkerlasher low PER. i prefer 15 PER and 15 INT as we have better accuracy. gonna have a look at monkerlasher then.
  11. Dazir back to the matron now still not fixed . It's 2018.. any workaround?
  12. Day 2, 20 Majprima. I save and reload many times. This is not the first time i loot this mantle. I've did it with other couple characters
  13. I can't seem to get Rymgand mantle anymore at Day 2 in the black hound inn. Did Obsidian changed something? I really hate this RNG thing. Rymgand mantle and another Mechanic gloves. It's frustrating. Anyway to cheat the item in? And not count as cheat?
  14. And it has 6 party characters so.. . On a serious note.. the UI design is really beautiful. The spells/skills icon they look just awesome. But gameplay art it's no match for Deadfire. Only thing i hope they improved would be their in game visuals. I didn't get to back the game but i'll definitely buy it when it's out. And sorry for off-topic.. i couldn't find the fire monk build in poe builds. can you point me to it? need to continue with it :D
  15. i would say dos2 looks way better. in terms of art style. also.. i much prefer the art direction (UI) in pathfinder kingmaker. it would be great if the designers in kingmaker who did the UI design and art for deadfire.
  16. I'm kinda worried on the resource management for the ship as it depletes when exploring. I'm looking forward for an RPG with awesome real time with pause combat not some ship and piracy simulation. That feature should be a great add on and not so much a tedium and annoyance. I've read many feedbacks about it and i'm kinda worried about it already.
  17. https://jesawyer.tumblr.com/post/170559585501/how-would-you-feel-about-having-a-customizable will they be kindly to add it on original poe? i find that combat still quite fast even on slow mode. or is there a mod or ini files that i can customize?
  18. I kinda agree with this. I like casting spells with variety not the same spell over and over again. Often i end up choosing the best spell that is the most efficient and that render me not using other available spells. What Obsidian can do perhaps to make other spells more viable so that we have options or preferences. Maybe the idea of what Obsidian did with PoE was some kind of puzzle difficulty in the spell system. They introduced dozen of spells to confuse you and only veterans find out which are the best?
  19. how about re-positioning? like moving around the circles when still engaged? that is important let's say you were to target a cone AoE on chokepoints.
  20. Not a problem for people like me who always switch party members. There were 11 companions + the player character in PoE1, so I had plenty of use for most of the good weapons I found. I'll do the same in PoE2. good for you but not everyone. i seems to get discouraged switching party members due to the level gap in xp gain. if not mistaken to maintain everyone at the same level by party switching is quite a tedium. plus i like the idea of different party combinations in different playthrough as part of replayability.
  21. talking about disengagement.. i often trigger disengagement myself in poe when i try to "re-position" my characters. the idea is not to disengage but to manoeuvre during engagement. the idea is just to simply.. allowing my other characters to move through or to position an aoe so that the character dont gets targeted. is this possible in deadfire?
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