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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. wow i'm amazed there's so many positive feedback on the mods. i think obsidian would greatly benefits hiring someone like boeroer and maxquest for their games. a shout out for great job!. i be sure to download this mod when the game releases and compared with the original design by obsidian.
  2. i'm in favor of per encounter vs per rest. if i were to design my own spell system, it would be a hybrid of per encounter with resource (aka mana). it seems to me the current state of the per encounter wasn't designed really well? as most of them are max of 2 per encounter. i would be in favor that as player advances higher level they gain more per encounter spells (for low level spells), fewer (for mid level spells) and even lesser for (high level spells). maybe at max level, you are able to cast 2-3 per encounter (for highest level spells), 4-6 (mid level spells) and 7-9 (low level spells). these are only casting per encounter. they can certainly increase the number of spells that wizards/priest/druid can cast so that you have more variety instead of spamming the same spell over and over again?
  3. Doubtful, that would require something on the level of Photoshop and even with that I'm not able to auto convert requests, because every portrait is unique and requires a different approach. Here's my post with instructions how to make it with Photoshop, nothing difficult but not automatic and time consuming: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1956411 The only response from devs about helping out with watercolored portraits was this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/91743-portraits/?p=1967609 Their own artist, iirc, was remaking watercolored versions of portraits by redrawing them, not running them through some auto filter. I'm not good with words.. Perhaps someone would be kindly enough to walkthrough the process via youtube video. You know a picture is worth a million words . But anyway that's just a suggestion. Personally i'm not too fond of the water-colored portraits. Still looking into those colorful portraits done by all the talented people around the net <3. Last but not least.. GJ Aramintai!
  4. I personally prefer the change as per-encounter. It was a big tedium for me that they use campfire as the resource. Could it be per-encounter was badly implemented in DF?. Maybe you should create a separate thread and it be interesting to read through your thoughts about it. Sorry for deviating the thread. And i would like to thank Obsidian team, at least they read through these feedback and concerns and are aware of it.
  5. wow awesome work! i'm wondering can obsidian make a tool or editor so that we can easily convert portraits to the watered color version ourselves?
  6. regarding pet.. not entirely cosmic.. since it's a pirate theme... i'm looking forward for a monkey pet? please i hope they are in.
  7. That would be a neat idea but i think it's too late for that now? As the game is nearing release and resources should be allocated on optimizations, bugs and balance it the meantime.
  8. Reading the feedback from veterans of the first game has me *really* worried. It seems that the designer has 0 idea what they were doing? I was quite fortunate that i waited more than a year after first PoE released and only to enjoy in it's optimized and balanced state. Seems like i will have to repeat the same for Deadfire. I'm not sure if there's any simplee fix can change the state of the game? As the release date is quite near now. I'm not sure when they send the disc for golden.. remember the game will have simultaneous release for consoles as well?
  9. the way i see it in pillars is that there's no accurate rules. there could be changes to mechanics or rules if what they first introduced are broken balance-wise or disliked by the community. there are pro and cons as i see it. the pros are that they can be more flexible in terms of changing the mechanics and the cons is the designers not have a definite rule set in stone for the game.
  10. I been lurking around as i'm not a beta backer. Based on observations and feedback from backers on long recovery and slow casting time, initially it has me worried. I greatly enjoy PoE and it seems they have made things worst. I'm not sure if it's just the beta or it will be different when the full game release. Seems like i'm not eager to play Deadfire at all when it get released as i'm expecting the start of PoE 3.0 and not starting with 1.0.
  11. i certainly dont like this exclusive content at all. but on consoles it seems to be a normal thing that each platform would promote exclusive contents or items to attract people in getting the version for that preferred consoles. i'm not sure if they are going that route.
  12. seems like it's also coming to switch. saying that deadfire design decision wasn't impacted due to controllers does not convince me. now that i think back.. it seems they dont really need the figstarter to begin with. they are quite far in the development already. i'm thinking of starting a business and where can i find loyal fans on the internet that help me defend or attack customers that complain about me in real life?
  13. wow that's an beauty orlan there. i really hope she's a fully companion.. or being made into one at least in the expansion DLC.
  14. I hope so. Really looking forward to the community on various mods. Hopefully they don't lock down and restrict assets and the only available options on modding are just xmls.
  15. Yeah.. i rather have the DR than the deflection. But those armor definitely good for my squishy ranger and the recovery. But if it performs bad, i rather switching it back to Wayfarer's Hide.
  16. - dex 4 because torment reach is a full attack ad is easily spammable, moreover retaliation doesn't care about attack speed at all. The only problem is the slower animation drinking potion, nothing else - we also need a dump stat for pump cons & str to the top. Also all other attributes have higher priority than dex was wondering with a dex of 4, would the casting animation of torment's reach or other abilities really slow? most monks build are retaliation builds. are there ones that relies on high dex? is the only optimal way to play as a monk is a retaliation build?
  17. That would be good, when a map has been fully explored or something. Yeah. I often found myself on fast mode opening the map and then have whole party move to the intended location. It feels really long (even in fast mode) for the whole party to move from one location to another... on a fully explored map.
  18. I think soon.. perhaps we will have PvP. 3 lane map 5 vs 5. PoE style. how about that?
  19. All great ideas where Obsidian can just copy and paste to add more options and choices.
  20. Maybe they should go with timed taunting instead of engagement? I'm not sure how it should be implemented but if there's no solution where there's many mobs in POTD and there isn't sufficient utility preventing the mobs to reach your DPSer, then it probably means DPSer has to sacrifice damage and look towards defense or escape mechanism. That will somehow forced every build to be tanky and that limits build diversity?
  21. I hate political and authority forced and intervened onto gaming. But EA predatory practices where making people pay micro-transactions for progressions are really over the boiling point. Micro-transactions should only be allowed for free to play games and for cosmetic purposes not pay to win or pay to progress. Gamers should unite to boycott such unethical practices!
  22. If this is true then is really bad. How can be the game designer became so bad at game designing out of a sudden? This is silly. The game is months away, this is the first week of beta testing. Lots of stuff is broken, unbalanced and unfinished, just like it always is. Many melee classes are currently attacking about 3x faster than they should do to a bug. Yeah i agree. I think it's really hard to balance stuff especially with multi-classing. I guess it will take months for them to fine-tune and balance it.
  23. Props that they made it for the people who want it. I found myself loving the fast fwd so much especially traveling in the map. Here i wished if there's are checkpoints in a map where you can instantly fast travel. Are there such options?
  24. If this is true then is really bad. How can be the game designer became so bad at game designing out of a sudden?
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