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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. I'm with you on this. But the game going multi-platform where consoles competing with each other (their own wanting some exclusives for themselves) isn't a good sign at all.
  2. not to sound negative.. but that huge amount of "mini" DLCs kinda worries me. i hope the planned DLCs/expansions are big "meaty" and proper expansions instead of these item DLCs.
  3. I couldn't tell if it's going to be goofy. Maybe we wait till the game is out? I don't mind some humor but i kinda like the settings and the tone of more like in the first Pillars. Nonethless i'm pretty excited for the game. Hoping Obsidian will release more promotional material, interviews, discussions, game features, etc. Throughout the fig campaign.. coverage on the game are really scarce compared to the first PoE on KS.
  4. I'm pretty hyped for the game... it's just before 1 month on the release date. Will there be more coverage on the game.. trailers, features, promotional material before the launch beside the critical role announcement?
  5. sorry for hijacking this thread. i've watched the latest QnA with josh and there's one particular issue (a personal one) is the aesthetics of the UI? when mouse hovering through characters, there's a tooltip that appear that display the name, health, defenses, armor, beneficial effects, hostile effects. was wondering how customisable are these UIs? i kinda dislike the yellowish color gradient they used. if i can change that color in an xml file? that will be great. also the circles beneath the characters. basically the default is green. and it can turn to light blue if you use the color blind mode. i personally prefer gold color. if these little details are customisable through xml files that will be great. some games like divinity original sins uses character highlight? instead of circles beneath the characters. can we have something like that? or is super difficult for obsidian's engine to do so? why i'm posting this here? well as the thread also relates to UI, that's why i'm side tracking alittle here. apologies.
  6. i probably play normal difficulty first to enjoy the story. i think i'm doing it wrong at the moment where every PT is potd. after few normal PT probably going to wait for awhile till the expansion out.
  7. i don't really recommend potd on your first playthrough. learn the mechanics first before attempting it and game knowledge (skill,spells,abilities,locations,gearing,etc.) helps on your potd.
  8. watched the stream. have a couple of question. 1st would be the tooltip stats information when hovering through monsters. dont quite like the yellowish gradient. anyway to change that color? another would be combat. based on latest beta, does every combat plays the same? i mean using the same tactics over and over again. hoping it's not. another thing would be takehu's shark shape-shifting. looks pretty much like any pillars 1 shape-shifting cookie-cutter. would they be putting more effort in making these shape-shifting animations and design better?
  9. not only that i like more of the music is poe but i love poe dearly due to it's settings. i like some high fantasy stuff.. and deadfire moving towards a more piratey and a little modern settings? and i dont like that so much.
  10. gosh i can't wait. but on the other hand.. i hope there isn't much spoiler reveal in the sneak peek.
  11. a slight off-topic discussing about death godlike (not the ability).. the revealed look on twitter somehow look like a monster "ultraman" to me. when comes to character creation, i like my characters to be beautiful. i'm honestly disappointed with the horned fire godlike for poe (which i have to make due to the flavor of the build). a fire godlike monk. awesome gameplay but not the looks . to elaborate more.. i like more options for godlikes.. if there's a slider to make them more of "human" and less of "godlike" appearance-wise that will be nice. but i think that's not possible.
  12. 7 full fledged companions (3 which are returning characters).. are pretty "meh" to me. i'm not sure if they ran out of budget, or they are saving for the expansions. here goes the hoping for the latter. on a separate highlight on pathfinder kingmaker.. they have 11. anyway these are both games that i'll surely play. here's hoping owlcat can give obsidian some "competition". right now they have none.
  13. tbfh... there isn't much exciting information & discussion about the game during the reveal of the entire Fig project. they are however few short video clips about new reveal of features, BIRBS and drunkard throw out. quite disappointing for me.
  14. Scripted interaction with party based skill checks.You know, that thought crossed my mind. Then I threw up in my mouth a little and hoped that Obsidian would never, ever do something like that. As much as i dislike it. That's only "cheap" way cost wise for Obsidian to implement it. There goes hoping the scripted interactions can have colors and beautiful paintings. All will they be just black and white?
  15. sorry for being off-topic. the character backgrounds are bland shade of darkness. it will be great if they can put some background behind the characters?
  16. Still not sure if those are the worst sex scenes ever or the *BEST* sex scenes ever. best sex scene i would said it goes to witcher 2 of geralt and triss in the elven ruins.
  17. I completely agree on the characters on the screen. They are too big and seems out of place. Hoping that they can shrink it to a desired size
  18. Yeap. This is a big problem for me in poe. As itumaak is white and my main ranger pet couldn't be white. I also like variation of male/female as well. For example a male lion and female lion pet. Also a blank panther will be awesome as well!
  19. i asked an earlier question regarding maneuvering without breaking engagement. that will be really beneficial if you were to cast an aoe spell or skill. sadly that isn't implemented.
  20. hmm this kind of make me curious.. what the experience would be if let's say poe and deadfire be played using a VR. has anyone tried it?
  21. consoles and PC are no different.. the abomination would be the controller and big TV. that's the big issue with developers gimping the core gameplay that is tailored for desktop experience vs. controller and big screen TV. maybe i would put it as the "platform" issue. if deadfire is going to be available for switch, perhaps the reduction of 1 party character kind of help there. and maybe 4 party characters will be better.
  22. custom characters are boring for me. but it's really great if we have another spin off pillars game ala icewind dale style that solely focuses on combat. that makes more sense for a full custom party.
  23. dont like the reworked portraits of pallegina and aloth. the old version are leaps and bounds better for me. and maia looks a little like katrina to me.
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