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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. I'm really disappointed with this restriction. I'm not sure what is Obsidian thinking. I'm fine with the main class to be remained for example Eder. His first class must be Fighter or Rogue. But then now he can only be Fighter or Rogue or Swashbuckler really makes no sense.
  2. I kind of wish that they put more effort in the animation. One of the best thing about how satisfying combat animation was Diablo 3. Look at how good monks were animated. Making me having the urge and go back with Diablo 3.
  3. I really hate this random loot especially gloves of manipulation. Is day 4 a guaranteed drop of it in Raedric's Keep?
  4. looks great! but the sandy dessert is really overdone and dessert dont look beautiful anymore
  5. I knew about it but i'm just wondering if there's a big impact of getting negative concentration vs 0 concentration. With 10 RES you are likely getting interrupted too especially if the enemy has high interrupt score. I cast prayers on every fights with durance though. Of course that would mean going solo impossible i guess.
  6. just wondering why 8 RES and not 3 RES? does it make a significant difference? i went with 3 RES so i'm not sure if i'm going to miss something. any insights before it's too late when i'm too far ahead? first time playing monk and OMG.. i'm loving it.
  7. How does it give you zero recovery? It grants stats only for 1 per rest if not mistaken and that isn't that great in my opinion. It allows you to wield firebrand and gloves of swift action at the same time. You used to have to give up the gloves slot to wield firebrand. Alright i understand it now. Thanks!
  8. I agree on faster spell casting and faster recover. Slow spells and recovery should only be for very powerful and high level spells.
  9. It's just beta. If they tweak the food system to be scarce then you will have an issue.
  10. @KDubya My point is it will be difficult to get 2*AR unless the system mechanics allow for it? Is it easy to get 2*AR for you in beta? Sorry i dont have beta so from my analysis, it shouldn't be easy to achieve getting 2*AR and for the 30% damage, it wouldn't be worth it? In regards to caster, i dont quite like the slow casting and recovery and the damage it deals are just mediocre. Why the big nerfs on caster? I think they are overnerfs at the moment.
  11. Pen=AR gets you full damage. You only get bonus damage when you get Pen=2*AR 2*AR for 30% more damage. That was kinda joke? I think for final build of the game it would be real hard to gain 2*AR unless you are fighting severely under-leveled mobs.
  12. I did comment before that the yellowish color palette looks really bland and don't fit the theme. Hopefully more "experienced" modding UI artist can fix this.
  13. I'd expect chargen to be correct. Otherwise a player would feel cheated. If it only works for melee, then obsidian is taking out half the fun of the subclass. Why would they even do that other than limiting and "dictate" how players should play their characters?. Hope it's not just melee in the final release.
  14. All of the other casters have much fewer casts-per-combat than they did in PoE1, which actually makes Ciphers look all the more attractive in PoE2. All caster classes (Wizard, Druid...) can now use ALL of their spell per combat. They can use all spells in a battle and all those spells are refunded when combat ends in POE2. That is why I was saying that Cypher has lost much of what made the class, well OP, to be perfectly honest about it. Not quite i would say. Since casters casting time are long and recovery. For me during combat, time is crucial and casting appropriate spells efficiently are better than spamming unnecessary ones.
  15. Not sure you understood what I said or I understand what you're saying Recovery is the period where characters do nothing in between actions, I'm saying that time could be added to animations(making animations slower) and recovery could be removed altogether. I suspect they wanted faster animation so that it's more appealing to "wider" audience. Basically, i have an idea in my mind about a fast paced RTwP system but the way it was presented in Pillars i think they couldn't get it right.
  16. @Ganrich Basically i love the Skald but a Range skald. At the moment they kind of made it more for melee. Is there a visual indication of how far is 4m? Basically this will be a guessing game if there's no indication. As for Sharpshooter.. it seems that recover isn't my thing. I'm in favor of high attack speed. Wondering with Sure Handed Ila + Modal Rapid Shot, would it offset enough for a Sharpshooter? I'm ok with lower deflection. My Ranger in PoE has 3 RES and 3 CON anyway. Basically Sharpshooter/Skald suits me better. My aim is fast attack speed and gain as many phrase as possible and spam as many offensive invocations like "At the Sound of His Voice, the Killers Froze Stiff". Perhaps Barbarian/Chanter would be the best and very very fun to play if carnage contributes in chance of critting. Thanks for the heads up by the way!
  17. How does it give you zero recovery? It grants stats only for 1 per rest if not mistaken and that isn't that great in my opinion.
  18. In PoE, when i get an injury (and if it's not too steep), i'd still go on with encounters. I tend to spend all my abilities (on each character) before i rest (minimizing the waste of spells/abilities). With per encounter, there isn't a need for me to do that anymore. It seems the injury now is kind of an artificial way to force your character into resting as empowering isn't making such a huge impact (which was their selling point).
  19. I have all the expansions. So in the main screen i can only the white march 2 background. And 3 icons shown: Pillars of Eternity - Installed The White March Part 1 - Installed The White March Part 2 - Installed If i click Pillars of Eternity, screen should show the first PoE background animation instead. I know this is a minor thing but it would be great if they implement this in Deadfire.
  20. If they are saving the base mechanics of multi-classing which is the selling point of deadfire, then they are discouraging and off-putting their fans.
  21. Sorry don't have the beta. I personally like the idea of a Ranger/Chanter. I like a fast sniping ranger and also shouting chants. But it wouldn't work as most chants needs to be in melee. If anyone try out a Ranger/Chanter and could give a brief overview of how it plays, that be great.
  22. May i ask if all injury works the same now? Which is -25% health. In PoE there's bruised ribs, concussion, frostbite, severe burn. etc. i'd like that injury system better.
  23. Guys Boeroer is BACK and he’s making crazy builds again!! In my opinion, the idea of multi-class is to make every combination equally fun. It shouldn't be confined to whichever build that "devs" love. Also, it seems that many of the impressions here were stuff got over-nerfed. Long casting times and recovery and the damage dealt isn't great. Why the big nerfs? In favor of balance, they did it wit over-nerfs and make game not fun anymore. Understand it still in beta but i don't want to wait half a year after the game released for them to get it "right" in terms of fun and replayability. As for the penetration, before the beta many players including myself already foresee the issue about dealing 30% damage by just shortage of one point. It should be a percentage reduction based on the number of penetration vs. AR in my opinion. Regarding injuries, are they all works the same -25% health? I like how it works in first PoE like bruised ribs, concussion, frostbite, severe burn, etc. Are they still in?
  24. +1. Exactly my thoughts and i couldn't express myself much better than you.
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