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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. It's kinda a big deal for me. Why are elves shorter than human? I really like that elves can be at least the height of humans. Also Aumaua.. i get it they need to be portrayed as huge beings.. but i like them slightly shorter but still slightly taller than human. And Dwarves? most fantasy.. dwarves are short. I like portrayal of Dwarves.. to be more taller. Still shorter than human but they should be taller. At least allow these options so i can customise the character i want.
  2. wondering.. anyone doing the same like me? stealing awesome portraits here for muhself?! preciouss....
  3. Wow.. 16INT yields 19.5s and 20INT yields 22.5? Seems like INT isn't really a good stats for shapeshifting . By the way thanks for the input on the belt. Was really tempting for the stats.
  4. In my opinion it's not worth it to trade a bit of wounding dps for a lot shorter shifting time. What is good dps if you can only maintain it for 13 seconds (3 INT) instead of 26 (16 INT)? And the wounding damage is not even lost, it just gets applied more slowly (6.5 sec instead of 3.25 sec). And as you said you'll lose AoE, durations of Storms including Avenging Storm, healing power and so on. I'm all for dumping INT to 1 with Tidefall or Drawn in Spring and the Ultimate Hat of Alluring Perfection - but here I think it's gimping your overall usefulness too much. I have INT of 20 with stats boosting items and my shapeshifting is only 22.5sec. How you get 26secs with 16INT? Edit Also do you have any thoughts on Royal Deadfire Cannoneer vs Wildstrike belt? Seems like RDC a much better belt as it's going to provide full great stats.
  5. In one of my PT i heard Pallegina sing. What a beautiful voice she has!. It would be great if we can stood by some taverns in Deadfire and she could actually sing too!
  6. This look like Cassandra Pentaghast. Hope EA is not knocking on Obsidian door By the way, if i understand correctly all the Critical Role portraits will be available for free which means included in the base game?
  7. Found one code where Josh briefly pops out at 4:02. But that frame won't show if you stop at exactly 4:02. BprrJv Oops. seems like already mentioned.
  8. Sorry missed that. But it didnt mention about no burning lash right? At this point in time with 10 PER and 4 RES, i'm kinda thinking.. is DEX overrated? Would a tanky Druid be much better? I'm following the thundercat build though. Thoughts?
  9. so nothing was mentioned for gog users.. at this point we are probably screwed by obs. is getting another copy in steam like a normal pre-order only way to go? are backers going to get all the scavenger DLCs in future?
  10. i just notice that wildstrike belt doest work on spiritshifted anymore? i check the log i only saw slash+shock. there's no burn.
  11. As long as we can't place objects in the game's areas, and script conversations and quests, modding will be confined to rebalancing and cosmetic changes to art. Conversation nodes can easily be edited, but there isn't much point to doing this, even if we weren't "blessed" with full VO. However, even just modifying numbers can bring about very interesting rebalance mods. I have a lot of ideas about how to turn Deadfire into a great grognard experience, and other people will certainly have their ideas. BTW, I also made a small UI mod for PoE: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/8 I'm looking for mods like adding voice lines like "Fus Roh Dah" for chanters, or change the spiritshifted form to the regular animal form (bear,cat,boar,etc.). Hating the weird model of the spiritshifting which looks more like werewolves. Also.. modding the 6th party characters in (however, Josh stated in some of the interviews stating this as impossible as most the UI being designed with just 5 party members instead of 6). I'm not really sure why they really discourage or intentionally disallow the 6th character in. Possibly it would be due to platform parity. As the games going to be released on multi-platform, many developers discourage mods so that the platforms do not have noticeable advantage over the others, in my opinion of course. I personally like the 6th party character mod and i believe this will make many classic players happy. I don't see 6 characters as a balancing issue (if there's a enemy scaling mod). Also mods to change the circles to character highlights (this is already possible as characters were highlighted if they are being obstructed by buildings). I'm not sure how i would i can mod it myself but i would even go to the extend in paying for these mods if any good folks out there willing to do it.
  12. Me too preferring meaty expansions. If the DLCs were mid-sized and highly replayable (adding a different playmode for example) that would be awesomely awesome.
  13. On full VO i think that's really not necessary and it wasn't part of the stretch goals. I appreciate double the VOs on the main conversation and important side quests. Full VO only be great if you were to play the game once or twice. I find myself skipping all the VOs on subsequent playthroughs. On the other hand, OP concerns perhaps not really unfounded. It seems that the stretch goals for sidekicks were just only adding character portraits, some voice lines and introductory quest (not sure how comprehensive it would be, but i doubt it will be anything big comparing to companions). Not to mention on Rekke? Where he was introduced as mute (which basically means he probably dont speak at all). I love banters and adding few lines of banters for sidekicks wouldn't hurt i guess? Probably some of the budget were used and allocated to the full VOs perhaps triggered many post regarding the full VOs.
  14. sorry for asking on the same thread, but is there an UI scaling option available? i saw some videos and it seems the inventory screen everyone looks humongously big. if there a UI scaling option that be great.
  15. i hope modding can go beyond just changing numbers. but nonetheless good job
  16. speaking of iconic projection spell... it was pretty meh in poe. didn't they improve it or at least scale it per level and make it useful?
  17. Just to cast my voice. I absolutely love the 2nd DLC that emphasize on the combat. The sole reason i'm playing so many playthroughs in PoE was the builds and the combat.
  18. that is what i'm asking about. i would like my character to shapeshift/spiritshift to the regular form of the animals: bear, cat, wolf, boar, etc. the spirit-shifted druid form looks really silly!. it's actually a werewolf but being slapped with a shark/cat/boar/bear head onto it. i like that i can shift to the normal regular animal form. just make it so that you have more customization aesthetically like color variation. shift to a black cat, white bear or a brown colored boar.
  19. speaking of questions.. will there be new companions? in term of content size, how big is each individual DLC? why is it called DLC now instead of expansions? was it due to the content size?
  20. it would be awesome it it's going to be 3 expansions.. meaty ones. what i'm getting the feeling is all those 3 DLCs combined are going to be equivalent of a single WM expansion. i'm in favored of meaty expansions not DLCs. they are very careful in their word why it's being branded as DLC instead of expansion. i hope i'm proven wrong.
  21. All the same. I wished i have all the time in this world . Plus the backlog i have in my steam library....
  22. i kinda hate the model used for spiritshift. they are like a werewolf and being slapped with animal head on top. is there a simple fix to change the model of the spiritshifted character? if i spiritshifted to a bear.. i like that it look like a bear. can this be easily done in deadfire? or it's already possible even with first pillars? thanks
  23. @Dr. Hieronymous Alloy Probably there won't be a 3rd one if the game is not financially successful. Even if it did, it won't be anytime soon i guess.
  24. wow the DLCs seems road-mapped pretty soon.. all during this year and the latest one on Nov 2018. color me negative, they are not cut content and put them onto DLCs? wondering how long are the content. are they meaty one or are just small size where each adding few hours of content? also it seems no new companions? that's very disappointing for me.
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