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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Not sure about Clear Out, but Charge is now just a stun instead of any kind of attack. Also, Cleaving Stance got nerfed - instead of a full attack on all enemies around the fighter on kill, it's now a full attack on just one enemy. i would rather making enemies having more hitpoints instead of nerfing charge. reason is so that fighter contribute in a fight and not just there soaking damage. of course nerfing charge is much easier and lazier than putting thoughts in improving encounters.
  2. I'm holding off playing until the balance settles somewhat. I don't want to get attached to certain abilities or items then see them get nerfed. I think i'm going to follow suit. What makes a fighter cool, they nerf charge, what makes a monk cool they nerf flurry, what makes frostseeker cool they nerf it? i'm not sure if obsidian has any idea what they are doing. guess i'll just stop playing the game for now and come back a year later or monitor the community beta tester being the guinea pig.
  3. This is my personal opinion on the patch. Instead of putting thoughts on making battles harder by adding/mixing different enemy composition they just go the lazy and incompetent way of balancing: nerfs. Take for example Devotion of the Faithful nerfing -10 ACC. So the idea of making battles harder is making you to not being so accurate? This is incompetently lazy as it solve nothing but frustration. Yeah great balance just nerf the hell out of everything without putting in thoughts. This is what they should do: re-visit and fine tune the battles by mix in different enemy variation to a battle. Enemies that cast debuffs on you, buff themselves, cast summons, use bombs, drugs, potions, traps instead of nerfing any abilities that was awesome and continue neglecting the underpowered builds. Can't wait for the game become even worst and nothing but a dull chore.
  4. I'm making Aloth as pure Wizard. But i seems to make him tanky as i wanted him to cast meteor shower for the PL9. As good tips?
  5. I chose the smoke veil or something. I thought the idea is to allow me to go stealth again for another backstab. It seems like it doesn't do anything. I try to attack but my character doesn't move. A waste of skillpoints.
  6. Thank you. It's such a shame Obsidian is treating GOG backers as 2nd class citizen. I'll think twice to pledge if they ever come out with a new Figstarter. They went all silence and keep ignoring but only to say they are working out something but nothing.
  7. i'm up to a point of no return where i need to kill velera :/ any other way to stop it? as pallegina in my party.
  8. i find the sound of lightning and even effects are laughable. look at real lightning please. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aHboX-5ZE8
  9. damn.. obsidian ruined my favorite build again? im currently on a ranger/helwalker though. so is a waste of time if pump points onto my ghostheart companion?
  10. i dont understand the power level. is it important for build such as this? should i go nature godlike or elf?
  11. aren't all these build interesting? instead of nerfing maybe focus on improving the game and making the game harder? well unless if it's overly broken.
  12. yeap i'm eyeing on dance of death since i'm range. i'm wondering how useful DEX is. should i pump on MIG instead?
  13. i actually split each character to specialized2 passive skill. it's kind of suxs you need at least 1 character to max out the mechanics skill and you can't choose anything else.
  14. i'm starting a new helwalker/ranger. below are my stats: MIG 15 DEX 18 PER 18 INT 15 CON 9 RES 8 i went with ghost heart wolf. seems help alot with bonded grief early game. is it a wise choice in the long run? also what about 18 DEX? should i pump MIG instead of DEX? i made this build for the frostseeker + swift flurry + driving flight. is this going to work?
  15. wow do you have a build for this? let's hope obsidian focus on improving the game rather than wasting time go on a nerfing spree.
  16. for me, the combat is a resemblance of the board tactics as well. heroes has always been turn based and that takes away the awesomeness of real-time. i'm loving deadfire for many years to come. found frostseeker and the siren summon is way awesome! that gave me some wild imaginations about innovating deadfire game modes to resemble heroes of might & magic.
  17. yes this is totally a smack on my face. obsidian should make every build choices viable and worth players time. i thought this build can scale towards greater damage and lightning jumps. there's no point for me to be a fury druid at all other than that +1 pen and 20% range. i might as well go shapeshifter druid. now we have a low damage, long recovery lightning jolt and 1 single target nuke that really isn't impressive. i deal way more damage with unshifted. way to go in rewarding player choices and build obsidian
  18. What are the skill allocations for both active and passive that you went with that get the best out of everything?
  19. sorry maybe i explained it poorly here. i was referring to very low damage when spirit-shifted. yeah the whole idea i made this fury druid was because of it's cool spirit-shift animation. i thought i can make a lady thor or something and kinda disappointed. seems like it's a bad combo that i've chosen? beside the 1 nuke, spirit-shift fury isn't really worthwhile?
  20. i'm not sure about dumb AI but i wish obsidian and better polish the lion sprinting animation. the way it sprint looks unnatural and awkward
  21. is this some kind of joke thread or something? lmao the game could done without? yeah the game could done without combat and killing too. those are totally unnecessary and corrupt mind of the young and encourage them to be violent! tell me what is necessary TS? if you ask me, better you not waste time playing a game too. there's much more things in life you can do than being playing this game which is could really do without
  22. i went with universalist. priest of eothas/fury. i thought fury damage scale. i also went with 10DEX. guess this is a failed build already? i have 18MIG and 22 INT. the rest are just 10s.
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