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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. i actually find the number of mobs fine but due to performance issue and visual clarity it makes combat difficult to manage. with all those very cool weapons that does aoe damage having lots of mobs are fun. wondering if it's game engine issue or was it 3D issue? honestly i think the game should go full 3D since there's alot of the in game assets are actually 3D. the only 2D were static background. having the ability to rotate the screen i think it really helps.
  2. Poe was about accuracy and deadfire is both accuracy and penetration. And what's really brilliant about pillars is that obsidian made gear (items/weapons/armors) as part of builds which makes the game really, really awesome.
  3. I don't actually think it's a bad idea to balance based on uniques, because it doesn't take long for your entire party to be outfitted in uniques. Who uses vanilla weapons past the early stages of the game other than maybe guns for that first shot of the fight? And even if I did, +1 pen wouldn't change anything. It's quite rare for 1 pen to be the difference between underpenetration or not, and if it were, I'd get my 1 pen through buffs/debuffs or a different weapon. If I'm in the overpenetration range, I'm probably killing trash mobs anyways so who cares? You'd have to make the pen bonus +3 or so for it to start mattering, which might not be a bad idea. i played in potd with scaling options. i find many mobs have high armor that i often find myself -1/-2 under penetration. That's huge -25%/-50% damage. So +1 does help alot if you asked me.
  4. my last check on her, yes she was fixed and also obsidian changed their rating to PEGI 3 to make it even friendlier for children /s
  5. I'm playing in potd with scaling option enabled. The number of enemies on screen are too many. It's just crazy. It makes the battle unmanageable. I can't even see where are my party characters are. So Obsidian, you gimped the sound effects, you gimped the visual effects and you reduce 1 party character. You solve nothing on combat clarity. I would suggest you tone down the number of enemies on screen and increase the HP and ranks of said enemies instead. I'm not sure if it's game engine issue. With that huge amount of mobs on screen the game performance suffer. I play other ARPG like diablo and grimdawn where they have huge amount of enemies on screen, but there's no such performance issue.
  6. I'm not sure if there's any other gear that Tekehu can get. It goes the same with Xoti. Both their armor is not enchantable. I agree with you i like the look of their gear. Actually before the game releases, i even suggest for a cosmetic feature so that you can change the look of some weapon/armor. They look plain bad. Wahai Poraga is awesome but the looks is meh.
  7. If you are in vilario rest make a turning up to port maje. there's no anchor there if not mistaken.
  8. make the game harder with challenging fights and handcrafted encounters. not gimping character abilities and handicap them to show you the game is hard. of course glitches on unlimited procs do need to be fixed (i dont consider that as nerf).
  9. Nice lady. Sadly, but overall composition of portrait is sucks - 50% of space spended for orange background. Don't understand it, but anyway - here's my try. the watercolor portrait is to align to be consistent with portraits of other NPCs. they can come out with water color portraits quickly (and even forego the quality of it) in quantity. for me i personally don't like watercolor portraits. i have no knowledge in image editing (i believe many people as well) which makes it hard for me to use any images that i want.
  10. i see no point in nerfing abilities or weapons/armor. it's potd anyway and it's still not that difficult. since it's potd, i think it's ok if they up the mobs HP. so all these abilities like charge will only work as "softening" the mobs (with added stun is a nice cc) and it wont 1 hit everything it hit (well of course if all the mobs have low HP already). but this bring another problem for people who solo. so easy way out for obsidian is what we see now? currently in 1.1 things seems hard in port maje. not sure what's obsidian definition of hard? throw you in with powerful mobs early game where you are handicapped with low accuracy, low hp, limited skill and abilities.
  11. i like to see 2H being tweak to have higher PEN or damage to balance things other styles. i hope obsidian dont get the wrong idea of nerfing DW. instead of making weaker stuff better they like to make better stuff weaker.
  12. Full attack would be great but i only see the problem as resource cost. Just up the resource cost so that you probably able to cast once or twice per battle. Another thing that Obsidian can rework is add more hitpoints to the mob so that Charge dont 1 hit them. Stun on top of the damage would have been nice. But then i see it's obvious quite difficult to balance (if players choose not to pick charge) and with mobs having increased HP the game will be more difficult.
  13. I was wondering if you can outright kill him (which i did) just to test the power of my party. Is it advisable to kill him? Any consequences?
  14. Any attacks that deals this damage type, based on day or night. But the problem is the chance is nerfed to 5% so don’t bother build a character around it, it’s a nice bonus but that’s all Any way to increase the chance? Otherwise i'm seeing obsidian really clueless in how to balance and even making procs interesting. They just go the way by disable and removing features which is really stupid. Well if the chance is high, this gear will be too powerful. I have a video about a character dual wielding Sun and Moon/Sungrazer with Dragon Thrashed, it just kill everyone nearby without me to actually attack them. I think the 5% chance to proc is just fine. yeah i watched your video before. i think 5% chance is just low. i think the issue is more about other passive/ability that synergize with it. without that synergy i think it's quite low.
  15. they are quite powerful for me. but in patch 1.1 they nerfed the accuracy ring to become +4 instead of +8. and devotion of the faithful. you can still stack them up and invest in alchemy using deadeye. make sure you have high PER.. i recommend 20 PER (which only nets you +10 ACC). if anything ranger is by far the easiest for me early game
  16. alright thanks guys. so no one knows? if i lower my attributes (just for checking) and reloading earlier save it will still disable achievements? otherwise i'll try out the mod. thanks!
  17. Any attacks that deals this damage type, based on day or night. But the problem is the chance is nerfed to 5% so don’t bother build a character around it, it’s a nice bonus but that’s all Any way to increase the chance? Otherwise i'm seeing obsidian really clueless in how to balance and even making procs interesting. They just go the way by disable and removing features which is really stupid.
  18. i'm not looking to cheat. i want to lower my dex from 20 to 10 and check on the recovery differences. most important question is, i just want to test and check the difference. if after applying the console command if not mistaken it will disable achievements. if i reload to an earlier saved game, will it still disable achievements?
  19. awesome build. next character to play with. now can you attach marin's portraits so i can use it for myself? ps. i like dex and i'll go with 20 dex with this build XD
  20. deals no damage 4s stun. thought they fixed how fighters were only meatshield now 1.1 they make them meatshields again?
  21. I absolutely agree. Scrolls and potions/poisons being way better than native abilities is very bad. i guess the design decision was obsidian need you to use everything to be effective. if they tone it down or balance it lower than effective, i guess then we will need to pray to the god of "dice roll" to win impossible fights? not sure if this is the game we all want that winning fights need high prayers on RNG.
  22. i really like so that every character should be on par with level with the main character. this is important especially if you want to complete the sidequests of all the companions. also having the option to swap in/out party characters anytime will be really important. now everytime i need to run to an in to swap party characters is really PITA
  23. NO. it should not. in my opinion it was by design. it's probably meant for solo build as well as an alternative for subpar builds to beat certain encounters. the game was designed so that any builds should be viable with the aid of alchemy, explosives and arcana. and it's optional. you don't need to use it if you do not want to. IF you know what you are doing, you are supposed to be rewarded. perhaps you are asking for more harder battles even you did the right thing and basically that means you want a even higher difficulty that only certain builds can beat it (which is a wrong game design). the game provide you 55 combinations (and possibly hundreds more including subclass) each of your build should be a viable build by all these supplements. otherwise why not you advise us how you design the game to be hard and not break balance. remember your balance (even it's HARD every build should able to beat the encounter). please enlighten me.
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