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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Obsidian did you put thoughts on your patches at all? - Swift Flurry now only triggers additional attacks for Melee weapons. This basically break an existing build that people already playing.
  2. You can save the abilities, attacks, statuseffects, and items gamedatabundle files from 1.02, then install the patch and restore those files. You'll get the features and engine fixes with none of the balance changes. where is this gamedatabundle files? is it everything inside PillarsOfEternityII_Data\assetbundles ?
  3. Not very good at moding but: make copy of director: data/exported/design/gamedata/ install patch copy files items, attacks, abillities (or only some of them) could also make a copy of patched gamedata, in case there is conflict. thanks will give that a try!. after looking at the patch notes this seem like a mega nerf patch.
  4. anyway to just install the patch without the balance changes?
  5. glad i'm on gog and i did not install the patch. if there's a way to install the patch without the balance changes that be great.
  6. i'm not using the beta 1.1 patch. i noticed that my recovery is 2.2s but it seems i take longer than 3s to fire again with a bow. what gives?
  7. now as caster you need to use drugs and alchemy. otherwise good luck in landing your spells. the only spells i choose now are mostly buffs on my party. the only useful spells are aoe with duration like chillfog for example. i agree for using drugs for very hard battle. but even for normal battle you have to use it, i think it's absurd. i understand you need to use drugs, bombs, poison but those should only applicable for hard battles. not for every battle.
  8. i whole-heartedly agree with you. seems kind of a joke that obsidian version of difficulty is removing features, nerf and handicapping you (low accuracy vs. high enemies defense) swarming you with lots of mobs during low level of the game where you have no gold, no level and no gear. they call that "difficulty". such a big joke obsidian is making here.. i like to see my powerful party with all those awesome builds that community comes up with against high level opponents that uses strategy. but no. what obsidian is doing is eyeing the forum on whatever build the player come up with and nerf the hell out of it. seems incompetent and lazy.
  9. i like to see the pillars franchise to become another genre like 3rd person witcher-like RPG.
  10. they make accuracy into alchemy which require the use of drugs if you are caster. otherwise all your nukes are just there for decoration which not going to hit at all. this make caster extremely suxs compared to physical/melee/range. obsidian just hate caster might as well just remove it entirely from the game. to me the spell accuracy is very badly balanced. every character you make should be have max out PER (which also helps discovering traps). no story companion has high enough PER which in my opinion a very bad game design. as for your stat allocation i like it very much as it's very thoughtful. but with 3 DEX will it be crawling slow? unless your point is to shapeshift before casting any spells?
  11. you can apparently "distract" npcs while talking to them. don't know if it is a bug or a feature but if say character a talks to an npc, character b the mechanics/stealther has a small fraction of a second to open the chest after the conversation. at 10 stealth that worked even at Uto's (the hardest in terms of positioning for the steal). definitely a bug that i read somewhere
  12. most of the chest are heavily guarded. you must have very high stealth or im wondering if you can distract them with sparkcracker before opening the chest though.
  13. Based on my checking on pre 1.1 llengrarth displaced image does not stack with mirror image. as well as arcane veil. so there's no point to cast both. not sure if this is changed in 1.1 though
  14. i hope there's more unique bows or other weapons that's cool visually like the frostseeker. really loving the visuals of the frostseeker
  15. Swift strikes - was granting 20% attack speed bonus, now granting 15% i don't quite like this nerf. of course this make the monk class appealing. but instead of making it worst, why not move this skill universal so that other class can pick it just like arms bearer? i think the game is slow enough (especially caster with casting time + recovery). it's like their existence are waste of time not to mention accuracy and penetration. you cast a spell and miss and you are just sitting duck there and wait to be smack on the face.
  16. That's my problem. No recovery buffs should have been nerfed—recovery was already boringly slow enough. Contrary to the first game, Deadfire makes it impossible to reach 0 recovery (unless you were cheesing Time Parasite, which I reckon no longer stacks with itself?) As though that weren't enough, average recovery time for weapons is 4s, which is way slow. I too packed recovery buffs in priority—as a way to avoid having to stare at my party's idle animation and yawn for the better part of combat. Not only does it make my party feel weak regardless of whether they really are so, it bores me to boot. The game was too easy, yes, but over-nerfing is not a solution. I'm sure Baubles of the Fin wasn't breaking anybody's game; why nerf its damage boost from the already-useless 5% to 3%? Dual-wielding was already stronger than 2H because it's faster; why nerf the only item that gives bonus speed to 2H? And so on, and so forth. I understand wanting a challenge, but do we really want the challenge to be due to the fact that our abilities suck? I'd rather be challenged by smart A.I., intelligent encounter design, and enemies who are strong enough to hold themselves in combat. Again, that doesn't preclude fixing abilities that can proc themselves, or stack with themselves an infinite number of times, or are just too powerful—but many nerfs in this patch target stuff that wasn't too powerful, and/or go way overboard. This is what i have been highlighting where obsidian are just plan lazy and incompetent. Make the game harder by other means like revisting encounters, adding more enemy variation, adjusting more hitpoints/defense, smarter AI instead of nerfing recovery, skill, talents, procs and interesting game mechanics. They are just scouting the forum on the builds and then nerf the hell out of it. I'm sure there are other undiscovered powerful builds where veterans are not reveling to not hit the nerf bat
  17. I agree. 1 VS group. Berserker win. 1 VS 1 big guy. Berserker win. (critical + Accuracy) Problem officer ? Next in line for the nerf bat . Obsidian just want to kill their own game :D
  18. Good idea! how about making resources cost double for multiclass? was it spammable the main problem? double the cost and limit to 2 per encounter? or empowering it will bring back the old charge? better than outright removing it?
  19. here are my thoughts. as soon as they have done all the engine performance optimizations, bugfixes and engine enhancement, i would hope the veterans in this community (you stay long enough here you can recognize who they are) can come out with their own balance patches. i foresee they can do a much better job than the team has in obsidian. i'm all for balance but not taking out the fun of game mechanics (for example taking out procs instead of balancing the encounters and the numbers), attack speed, recovery, etc. i would rather have those interesting mechanics but balance it in a way that is really good "late game". a little of overpoweredness (which procs not so frequent) does no harm and makes the game interesting for me. an overbalance game is moot in a single player game and makes the game boring. i understand some people like challenge. i'm all for it. i would suggest that obsidian provide more customization on difficulty challenges. for example going to a location where it will spawn high level encounters where you cant save in this area and if you died you have to start all over again. without the proper knowledge of game mechanics and preparation of solution: antidote, buffs, debuffs, poison, drugs, bombs, party composition when going to this "special location" you see yourself toast. preventing save scumming and throw in some randomness in here will surely give the veterans some "heart pumping adrenaline" as are no longer safe as they can't save scum. with overpowered builds you can see yourself slaughtered in this area. this is what i envision the game to be if i'm a designer in obsidian. not removing game mechanics and nerfing unnecessary skills/talents.
  20. Is anyone aware that once summoned it's very hard to select it?
  21. there's many QoL features that community requested during development of deadfire and didn't see the day of light. most probably not enough resources allocated for the project as obsidian has multiple projects worked on at the same time if not mistaken.
  22. if you ask me procs is what make the game mechanics interesting. so balance around those numbers not removing the procs is the answer? akin to doc cutting your whole leg due to a small wound and not attending the would itself.
  23. was wondering if anyone knows how we can retain the balance pre 1.1 patch while still applying new patch for the bugfixes, enhancement and improvement? maybe obsidian should release the balance patch fixes so that folks can apply which balance fixes they want? beside this is a single player game not online or MMO.
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