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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. The titan death has me biggest worry. He go into a camera posing position before crumbles.
  2. Actually that be a great option say when you are frequent traveler or can game when you are on a vacation!
  3. I think some will find that having one less party character is being even out with multi-classing. I think having that impression is wrong. Having 1 less character means having 1 lesser power/support. It's quite punishing even you have 6 party characters in POTD. I can't imagine with 5. Plus my biggest issue is that i'm having 1 less slot that i wanted a character to fit in. If let's say you always want the 3 core returning characters to be in the party it means you have 1 slot left to choose for the new party.
  4. I think no one will be triggered if someone want to bang a male character. But if it's a female character and the opposite gender is male.. then the internet go crazy with insults where male should go watch porn or get a life. What have become of the internet? Why this happened?
  5. Alright that's nice! And sorry for posting things that already been discussed.
  6. I'm wondering how people overcome damage type immunity or high resist in those damage types. Otherwise, i see the only possible way is to have a weapon to deal dual damage types. For example a Rock Elemental, it should be having high resist on slash/pierce and it's a llittle immersion breaking if the sabres suddenly deal crush/blunt damage.
  7. It's a tough call tbh. Devs are trying to make the game more accessible (possibly to newcomers who have not play PoE too). This is evident in one of the recent interview that i read. IMO, i rather they make the game for that "niche" market rather than trying to make the game more accessible.
  8. I for one found that if i have to always stealth a nuisance just to discover secrets and traps. Why not separate out as a different skill or maybe you don't need to stealth for you to discover traps and hidden places? After all it all depends on the skill ranks you need to have to discover the trap or secret areas anyway? Of course you still need to stealth if your intentions were to sneak up past an area or for thieving. Thoughts?
  9. Priest indeed has many spells. And I have also used only a portion of them. Specifically: But tbh, I think it would be great if we still had ~8 spells per rank in Deadfire as we had in PoE1. Some spells might be underused, but chances are they will be of great use in some very specific situation, and especially if one goes solo. P.S. Potential removal of spells reminds me of WoW (which I've played 11-6 years ago). Just have to say that I still remember the removal of: Spellstone, Curse of Idiocy, Curse of Recklessness, Curse and Ritual of Doom, Detect Invisibility, and ability to cast low rank spells (especially Corruption, Fear and Healthstone). I've heard even Mana Drain and Unending Breath were removed. And all these had their uses! Such removal was just sad... I find myself using many of those Priest spells. Some are situational but they are the answers or counters for some encounters. There maybe few that are less useful. Personally i like the idea of having lots of spells to choose from and these spells may be the answers to turn the tide of a battle. In other words, it's a hidden layer of difficulty that rewards the player for understanding the mechanics? Otherwise if rock, paper, scissor mechanic being removed in an RPG, that will be plain boring of just dealing damage. Of course it's my opinion.
  10. One thing i dislike is they are making the priest spell list smaller? And people find it difficult and confusing? I mean seriously?
  11. This has been discussed since the beginning of the fig crowd-funding. I don't like it at all . But there's nothing much we can do since Obsidian said it's final. IMO lesser characters are easier and manageable maybe on controllers. And they Feargus have hinted the game to be consoles during the Figstarter. So is really no brainer the idea is to make it consoles.
  12. They fix Whisper of Treason. Very long time ago.. when you are able to stealth and then cast Whisper of Treason. One reason i dislike being a ranger, probably because of pierce immunity. Are there any bow that does different damage type like Slash/Pierce or Crush/Pierce? It would make sense if there's actually Arrow Types. I like the idea of Arrow Types where ranger can still use elemental and different damage types.
  13. Wow then i must say PoE tooltip/description is doing very poorly. It should write in the description to state it's not stacking. Plus i only find out that the burn damage is in the description of the Crush Damage. Previously i thought there is no additional burn damage if i craft elemental lash. Also, it seems i accidentally triggered the Bounty and they basically can wipe me. Definitely no fight at level 5. Gotta avoid it for now. What are the earliest level that the bounty can be done?
  14. Hey all thanks for all the help. Much appreciated. And back with more basic questions. White Worm Writhed in the bellies of the Dead: -Causes nearby downed enemy to explode.. for this invocation to work, there must be dead enemy bodies or the description is not important? Come, come soft wind of Death: -2.6 Endurance per 3.0 secs. Is the 2.6 some sort of multiplier? If not.. this must be the most useless chant for the game? Elemental Lash: - If i enchant a Fine Mace which deals no basic fire damage. Does the +25% Burn Damage add +Fire damage to my weapon? Two Weapon Style: - So now default dual wielding has no penalty? In older BG title i remember there's penalty to rolls. So +20% to Attack Speed when DW. Is that even good? Might as well i get something else like Aspirant Mark that debuffs enemy and it's per encounter? Rapid Recovery: - Should i get Rapid Recovery for Eder or Aspirant Mark/Bonus knockdown is a much better decision? Aspirant Mark: - If have 2-3 characters having this abiility. Do they stack? Thanks!
  15. heya. sorry for so many basic questions. i googled and it seems many replies were back then at 2015. so i'm not sure if not, there's many things changed with WM2 and 3.0. so are there any drawbacks in enchanting? i have saint's war armor and have anvil of 2/14. is the anvil the enchantment limit? should i enchant with Fine immediately when i'm able to? are they cumulative? mean to say.. upgrading them in order: Fine - 2 anvil Exceptional - 4 anvil Superb - 6 anvil Exceptional - 8 anvil are they cumulative? if so it means there's a drawback for enchantment. if so it means, i can't enchant it to exceptional if i were to enchant it from Fine->Exceptional->Superb. All of them will cost 12 anvil. also holy crap.. i just notice most of my characters they are still naked at level 5 lol (don't have much good gear) and they are still surviving
  16. congratulations on your purchase of PoE. what i love most about it is the combat. i find myself now abandoning witcher 3 over PoE. i have some thoughts on DW Cipher. maybe my next character. i'm not sure. if the idea of a Cipher as a caster (to gain focus as quickly as possible), i think DEX and PER should be the key as i want to hit as fast as possible and also each hit must also has a high rate of ACC. it also depends on party composition. maybe i can dump to INT or MIG (for CC/DMG) and have other party members and other sources for the ACC bonus. i'm playing on POTD and it seems that normal mob has insane stats. to even penetrate them, i'm thinking ACC is god.
  17. @Boeroer Hats off to you bro. I saw your chillfog build. Feeling an urge to use your build. and currently thinking about my next character. maybe i'll try out a monk, barbarian (as those 2 i have not played before) or even back to DW Cipher. let's not be greedy. i'm still level 5 with my Chanter in POTD
  18. I want action queuing and also spell/ability combo. Example: combine Armor of Faith+Bless in 1 casting. IMO this should not cost 2x casting time. Should make this available at mid levels.
  19. I guess that's a yes since Jerek answered :D Also.. there's another question about survival bonus. 1) Let's say i have level 2 survival and resting you can only choose one bonus right? Either DR or Healing bonus. Or actually which one you choose doesn't matter? You'll get both? 2) So let's say i have 7 level of survival bonus, my DR becomes twice better during rest? Thanks!
  20. base DR: 12 Vs. slash and pierce damage it has a modifier of 1.25, resulting in 12 * 1.25 = 15. Vs. shock damage it has a modifier of 0.5, resulting in 12 * 0.5 = 6. i'm still confused. does this mean i have base DR of 12 vs. Blunt,Fire,Corrode,etc. except slash and shock which applies the above?
  21. heya i'm back with more questions . currently all level 5 in POTD. seems like many of my questions were not answered . hopefully some good folk would want to share some light or perhaps someone should create a thread and pin all the knowledge base about POE . i still don't understand why chanter should go ahead with heavy armor and tank. does the recovery not affect chanting? also it seems armor is not universal? example DR of 12 (Let's say Slash/Pierce 12/12. So it only grants DR of 12 for Slash and Pierce only? And it takes full damage for Blunt? If so this don't make sense at all. If amor provides DR of 12 then it should be a flat DR for all melee/range attacks? Currently i selected Durance to be the one should be having Stealth and Mechanics. What does everyone picks on skill selection? Everyone 2 level or Athletics and all goes to Survival for the resting bonus? Why are people going full levels on survival? Up to 3x the survival bonus? Which one people go for? ACC bonus vs. creature types? I normally go with healing bonus since now most of my characters are dealing melee damage. Also, regarding weapon ineffective. It seems Sagani is really bad and always got this weapon ineffective with her bow. So if said enemy has full immunity to pierce, Sagani basically screwed?
  22. Maybe i'll go with Boeroer's build making Eder as DW later in the stage. Probably have to respec Eder already as i've took the 1H+Shield already. Currently it seems he's much better tank than my Chanter. As for Durance, i understand he's just there for party buffs all the time. Which means why Sword+Shield for him? And heavy armor too? Would that be penalizing his recovery? Would his robes do till the end of the game? I seriously doubt it. I think my first PT was hard and i can't recall if i changed his outfit. My question is.. are having some squishy characters in the party with light armor and no shield viable in POTD? So far, it seems most of the characters will get engaged by enemies now. So going with less armor and protection seems disaster. So for Durance, Sword+Shield with Medium armor? Chanter will be going heavy armor with 1H+Shield. Eder will be going heavy armor with DW. As for Aloth, Arcane Veil is very nice.. but 13secs? Any chance in getting it longer? 2 per rests kinda taxing for the whole party as will need to rest alot. Also, for skill, so everyone need very high survival for the rest bonus? Probably like 12 ranks in Survival for Level 3 of ACC bonus vs Creature Types? Is that the aim for every character? I understand we need 1 character for Mechanics. I'm wondering who will be doing that role though. Since Eder would be going offense, i think wasting skill points on mechanics wouldn't be a wise choice. Also, it seems to disarm trap, it needs 2 skill instead of 1? What is the max stealth required to spot the deadliest trap? And what's the highest mechanics needed to disarm them? For Lore, does everyone with Level 2 scroll enough? As for Athletics, i wonder if just 2-3 ranks sufficient? Thanks!
  23. I find the rotating character to face the selected target breaking a little immersion. Thought that animation was improved. Not a priority but well i hope it can be.
  24. Hey guys thanks for all those valuable insights! You guys are still sticking around and still playing? I'm really amazed how both of you here are so passionate about the game. Regarding heavy armor for DW or 2H Eder. Wouldn't be the recovery super slow? Currently using 1H+Shield he's barely surviving. Also not sure if i've made a grave mistake. I killed Maerwald in Caed Nua before clearing all the areas. Am i going to miss out a tonnes of XP?
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