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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. To be really honest.. what draws me for PoE2 was the first PoE. It gaves me the old-school feel. Frankly speaking, i'm not really a big fan of ships, tropical islands and pirates. I lean more towards the medieval fantasy. About elves, dwarves, druids, forests and ancient ruins. That is why i kind of have some nostalgic feeling when Kingmaker was being kickstarted.
  2. Dynamic Weather (Scroll down to Dynamic Weather, under "What's New"), and I think they are "random" as well. They don't give any benefit or penalty, it's just for atmosphere. As I understand it, they might come and go whilst you explore a map, meaning that whilst you are exploring somewhere, it might start thundering and raining, and in other places there might be a sandstorm. Though, I don't know if it'll pass, but you might go to one location at one point, and there's a storm, and the next time you go there, it won't be one. Remember someone from the Dev team talking about it briefly. Maybe in one of the Updates? *shrug* I remember them saying it'd only be for atmosphere though. Would've been cool with some various effects to it (be it penalty or benefit). I really hope the dynamic stand storm is just temporary. But it seems in the IGN video the storm seems kinda long. Comparing the picture without the sand storm, the details were so beautiful!. As for PoE going to consoles.. The main issue isn't the consoles. It's the controller. There are many game sequels (Dragon Age for one), gameplay has to be dumb downed or simplified because of the controllers. That is what meant by "consoles in mind". 100 spells game became 10 spells. Tactical RPG became button mashers. Also the UI and menus have to be designed with big TVs in mind. This often leads to big texts and lesser details compared to games designed to be viewed in a monitor for example. This has no problem with PoE as the game was first made for PC in mind. As for PoE2 it's really no brainer they will have this design in mind because to be honest, who doesn't like money? And IMHO, reducing party characters to 4-5 characters are the main reason for console ports. PoE going to consoles.. Tyranny will follow suit.
  3. without blindly defending obsidian like many here, i would say who hates money? if i'm obsidian myself i would probably do the same. heck i will port it to as many platform as possible as long as it's money. it's a sad fact that happens to many RPG games that start awesome on PC and turn to garbage just to appeal to the console crowd. Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age 2 / Inquisition are very good examples. The sequel are no longer tactical but made for consoles button mashing.
  4. One gripe i have from the e3 videos is the desert area. It looks so misty .. i mean sandy. It kinda obscure the vision. I understand that's the purpose but it kinda destroy the beautiful art and effort put onto the details? This image without being misty/sandy looks much better. Any chance in turning off the sand-storm or something? Here's the misty/sandy picture:
  5. So the update is a recap.. but anyhow the E3 gameplay videos are so good.. i kept rewatching them. Now to fuel my hype probably backing Pathfinder Kingmaker too!
  6. While i'm happy Obsidian make more money.. i hope future franchises in terms of gameplay will not suffer on over-simplification aka dumbed down. It's unfortunate.. that 1 lesser character for PoE2 is a sign of that.
  7. Why not go beyond possibility? Pets to have their own armor and weapon slots :D
  8. recently been obsessed with big cats. been watching alot of youtube about lions. i like to have more options for ranger pets or maybe semi-perma shapeshifting abitlities? having a male white lion, or african lion, or jaguar as pets will really be awesome!
  9. She looks good. My only gripe she's quite "yellowish" and the over exaggerated bloom is not up to my tastes
  10. That sound awesome to my ears. Have you played Dragon Age Inquisition before if i may asked? Tanks can only be tanks with their warcry aggro ability only for x seconds. And that gets fairly boring when warcry is on CD and the rest of the party just running around kiting.
  11. You can buy the game on Paradox's website and they should give you a Steam key. I can't confirm as I think my card auto-declines Paradox because they are Swedes and I have to wait to call my bank when they open. if i buy the full game on steam without discounts.. it's far more cheaper than with the coupon. why should i buy in paradox's website instead?
  12. Ranger is a must for me personally in PoE2 as that's the only way you get the 6th party character.
  13. does anyone want my coupon? basically it was my mistake to buy into obsidian.. i thought it was a steam discount coupon.. and unfortunately it is not
  14. With lesser number of enemies in encounters, it also means inflated defense and HP on enemies. Look at Dragon Age Inquisition, you will find lesser enemies but each of them takes you like 10 fireballs to kill 1 simple monster. This is not the direction i would like to see Pillars heading towards.
  15. So this 50% Tyranny coupon i must buy the game off Paradox Interactive Store? If not mistaken it was earlier promised as a Steam discount code? I don't live in the US, so basically this 50% code is useless to me as i need to buy the game using USD?. Even with 50% discount on the USD, it's far more pricier than i buy the base version on steam without discount. What a joke Obsidian!
  16. Where's the backer portal? Why didnt i receive any email on it?
  17. I was looking at Naga concept.. then i have a thought.. all of the companions are humanoid.. how about a Naga companion?! That looks awesome. But i would much prefer cat-like race that has probably a tail? Some sort of how Annah look like in Planescape Torment. Maybe too late for PoE2.. so how about for the expansions?
  18. I am and many others as well were very disappointed. Let's hope some good folks out there who care to make a mod for us. I knew the real goal of this reduction which to make it playable on controllers despite many white-knights here will attack you for stating the obvious. I'm just giving it a try. If this turns out bad and not really what i like, then they'll not get my money for PoE3. It's just that simple.
  19. Less than 6 party characters. Unfortunately what I'm foreseeing it will be gradually reduced in future to 4. As that's the number that's most "friendly" for multi-platform games. Going to that direction compromises has to be made. At that point in time I won't be buying the game in full price but probably during dirt cheap bargain sales.
  20. I love battles!. i voted same as PoE1. if they make less battle this time.. i would like to request Feargus and Co. maybe to branch out the pillars franchise to something like Icewind Dale series which is heavy battle focus.
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