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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Sorry to hijack this thread.. I think i'm more interested to know how the HUD/UI work this time around? Since the UI customization stretch goal was hit, with a WIP HUD/UI that be great and we all can imagine and visualize how much customization is possible.
  2. That's one of the issue i'm not sure how it's going to be resolved. If they make the companions to scale automatically to party levels the next time you pick them up when you are much higher level, it basically discourage the idea of replaying the game with different party companions. But is also a bummer, to those who actually do not want to replay the game simply because they want to experience as much content as possible in just 1 playthrough. Now i hate to bring this up, with 1 lesser party character you basically have to "park" aside one of the least signifcant companion and to take in the new one that you basically want to "explore" the companion story missions. By doing this, i think combat encounters will be much more difficult? simply because you are swapping out one of the more higher level character with a much lower ones.
  3. Over 2M of fig funds reservation. But the figstarter page only indicate 1.18M. So essentially there's already 800K amount should be added to the funds? Which means it has already break through all other stretch goals that has yet to be announced? Am i reading it right or i'm in hallucination? If someone could shed some light would be great. But still hoping all the first 77K backers would come back.
  4. paypal wont be available until the figstarter campaign complete. basically what i see it as "conflict of interest". just my opinion.
  5. Aloth casting fireblast from his hand with his book. Something i'd really been requesting and emphasizing much earlier during the reveal of the figstarter campaign. I like to see more variety to it and for many other companions too.
  6. So the P&P RPG is a PDF book or guide on how to play it with friends? I guess there's also PDF board that we need to print ourselves and the 20-sided dice we need to get our own? I'm not sure what is it about. Also what is this RPG cook book? What will be the contents? Also.. no stretch goals yet. Would it be fair that it's the 8th companion?
  7. http://www.kicktraq.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/ PoE2 kickstarter has 16 days left, at this point the PoE1 kickstarter had about the same money this kickstarter currently has and PoE1 ended at 4 million. People in general either get things done right away or they're procrastinators, so most of the funding commes at the start or the end of the campaign. It would be extremely surprising if they don't hit 3 million at least. Yes i know. Crowd-funding seems to have slow down or became not so popular compared to when it first got announced. Even simple card game exploding kittens card game get 8M!. If you asked me, a game is much more complicated and complexed and should be achieving 8M instead!. Not trying to be negative, in view of recent backlash in kickstarter projects, i'm trying to stay being realistic. Even they could reach 3M, i would sincerely hope more of the original backers to come back. I'm really clueless why they have not. Was it really fig problem that backers couldn't get thru the backing with their credit card of something? Let's hope they can announce paypal soonest.. even if 50% of the original is back, that would have been great help.
  8. We get rest bonuses in stronghold back in PoE1. I find it too much hassle to travel back to the stronghold just to rest. It would be great this time around if they make different category of food (maybe tiered?) so that you get better bonuses when you rest and consume your food?
  9. I don't like Berath's blessings. I rather it be the 8th companion To even achieve 2.6M looks super hard. I hope at 2.8M .. it will be the 8th companion. Really disappointing that they keep coming up with these fillers stretch goals. They probably want to save it for last.. that's not cool. And i'm abit worried we may not get a jump of backers last min.
  10. ​I believe a lot of people jumped on at the end of the campaign. I'd imagine something similar will happen hear. Once people see all the stretch goals, they feel better about the games features. Then with a final savory carrot on the stick, everyone rushes to get that final stretch goal. let's hope it will be the same this time!. i wanted to see this game successful too. and love the naga artwork!.. plus dragon is back... also the engwithan saint.. i assume this will be the new demilich?
  11. Seeing the number of backers are much lower this time around, this is a right move. Let's hope 20K more backers will be backed at least.
  12. That's the mega-dungeon i supposed and it depends on how many additional backers?
  13. Pillars of Eternity 2 features a new archipelago, revamped combat, and an angry god http://www.pcgamer.com/pillars-of-eternity-2-features-a-new-world-revamped-combat-and-an-angry-god/
  14. I don't like the idea of NG+. I hope they re-consider that stretch goal. Part of me like replayability considering we have many multi-classing and dual-classing options. The reduction is number of companions, probably would help promote replayability as well. So NG+ kind of taking away replayability. Plus i rather have more story-related content than this NG+. Please start with serious goals already. The rate of hitting the stretch goals, if not is kinda really slow at the moment. Without really seriously interesting goals, it will be hard to up the stretch goals, IMO.
  15. naval combat like sid meir pirates or assassin's creed blackflag? if we have that before actual battles.. i'm not sure what game this has turned to became.
  16. This is all I care about, and I suspect having 5 characters will aid in reducing this issue. In the later stages of WM, and on higher difficulties (more enemies) fights could really turn into a bewildering mess of particle effects, particularly at the start where everyone launches their buffs at the same time. So I guess I'm happy about the change, though I understand the appeal of having a big adventuring party. I mean, big as in +1 larger... Changed how visual effects render so they are much less likely to blow off the scene. This should be the correct approach if this is the main issue instead of reducing the party characters to said 5. If we go with reduction, then 4 is obviously better. But even with 4, it's hard to manage the number of visual effects on screen if let's say i make a party of 4 multi-class characters that all have plentiful of spells/skills. Or they really have to reduce the number of active spells or skills significantly this time around?. I don't really like skills/spells to be reduced either. I think most noticeable issue would be static visual effects such as on-going fire on the ground, buff/debuff abilities that visually appear in characters, etc. Also, one of the issues they were trying to address probably would be the pace of the combat. If people still look at combat log or they want players to look at it, then i'm not sure how are they going to address it. Are they going to make haste that increase attack speed for a short duration obsolete? Because of many actions in the combat log, things would probably be scrolled super fast which makes reading the combat log pointless. Otherwise, they can make the combat log to be shown individually for characters to increase readability. With a much slower pace, combat would more likely resemble like turn-based this time around? If that's the case, then having more characters will actually make battles longer and hence reduction of the party character. If this is the case, then 4 is actually the best.
  17. Having a companion which actually a villain? That's an awesome idea... why not spice things up like.. it's also an potential romance and you hooked up you got involved in betrayal and such. It's gonna drive folks mad.. but well at least it make a dent in your heart and memorable right?
  18. maybe change of plans.. the pace of meeting stretch goals are much slower and without more interesting ones, it will be hard to draw more interests from lookers.
  19. I like the idea of a signature weapon that can be progressively upgraded and enhanced. something like celestial fury, carsomyr, etc.
  20. To me.. pillars of eternity is more like baldur's gate, torment and icewind dale. Maybe for people who just like combat like me, they should go for another genre under the pillar's franchise ala Icewind dale? I'll surely buy it. but of course.. i want MEGA.. maybe not dungeon.. how about.. MEGA forest? I love lushful forest. great place for nature characters like rangers and druids.
  21. For new weapons.. i like to see Chakram. This was a cool item IMO. Kingdoms of Amalur and Devil May Cry has it. It would be great if they add it.
  22. Can you please, please, stop misrepresenting what was said regarding UI. At no point has Obsidian said "the reason we've decided to run with five character parties is because the UI won't allow it", what they actually said (in response to a question about modding the game to allow six character parties) was "it should be possible to do, but it will be tricky because of the UI". This is not the same, and I've pointed out to you before that it's not the same. Will we be able to mod the party size from 5 to 6 characters if we don't care about balance issues? JS: No. The UI is really designed around that. Well, I mean—I can't say for sure, who knows what you can do with modding. I wouldn't say that it's impossible to do almost anything. Will it work well? I couldn't tell you. AD: It wasn't easy to mod the first game at all other than changing portraits and sound files. JS: Modding a lot of stuff will be easier in Pillars 2. Modding the party size from 5 to 6...certainly possible, if you want to do that that's cool. I don't know how the UI is going to react to that and everything because things are spaced out for increased legibility for 5 characters, but there you go. Now can stop, stop trying to find faults of others so that you feel that you are intimidating people or silencing people to stop preferring 6 party characters? i don't see any point in continue any argument because i don't give a damn about your reasoning or whatsoever. if 5 party characters or less doesn't matter to you, as i said stop replying if it doesn't concern you. the reason i'm posting because 6 party characters is a big deal for me and so i'm only requesting Obsidian to perhaps allow an option to unlock 6 party characters in the options. no need modding whatsoever.
  23. If there's a new companion available in the expansion, it would be great they make it available as soon as possible. Getting that character doesn't mean you'll trigger the expansion quests. As for the content, i would prefer post end game advancing the story and possibly introducing someone or something that could hype my level of satisfaction to bridge the gap for a sequel.
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