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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. Are you sure it's about polishing the game or the Polish localization?
  2. Xoti is a Priest/Monk. Does that mean she's not customizable like Eder or Aloth? Or simply means her first class must be a priest, and the second one she can multi-class any?
  3. I hope you are not forgetting 3 of them are returning ones. If 7 are all new excluding Eder, Aloth and Pallegina.. i'm all good. But i don't think that's the case.
  4. I seriously can't wait for Xoti.. she looks lovely. However.. i find it awkward that Aloth can be a Wizard/Barbarian. of Wizard/Monk.. for gameplay it will be great but not for the feel of that character.
  5. Seventh companion? 3 returning ones which means only 3 new companions? That's quite little . And another one through stretch goals.
  6. If it's the range i would like it so that it would be big enough. But then one can argue that it make scouting moot.
  7. I'm all for this too. I thought they would finally announce this as one of the core features. The dynamic weather and day night cycle, is it that interesting to be honest? Some places meant to be bright and some meant to be dark for the feel. So the day/night cycle may actually break that. Also.. the weather system, it could possibly a performance hogger. Many games when it rains, seems to affect the frame rate.
  8. +1 to OP. If there's no respawning then it make sense to turn off Fog of War for the areas that you cleared.
  9. I don't really have a problem to start back at level 1. I think more of the problem is about i probably have to be at 70-80% of the content to be able to access the high level spells and skills and at that point in time, the game is almost over? Or they could possibly saving the "high level" combat encounters content for the expansion? I have more issues with having just 5 characters much more than this.
  10. Actually i have a very genuine concern about the UI. Maybe this time around, due to the UI design, it's more fittingly with 5 characters instead? (i really hope not). Please leave room at least for adding in one more companions. I actually like the UI for first PoE.. there's quite some spaces in between the UI below. It can even fit 2 extra characters if not mistaken. I hope there's not much changes to the UI as i really love the UI in PoE alot.
  11. Pledging isn't typically at a steady rate in a crowdfunding campaign. The vast majority of pledges come at the beginning and near the end. As Obsidian's video on the making of Pillars 1 said, they got almost as much pledged in the last 24hrs as the first 24hrs. In-between, the pledging rate was much, much lower, and we're into that lower rate now. I wouldn't expect things to speed up much until the last week. Further assuming they let Paypal work eventually that'll lead to a jump there - but one that will only be unofficially recorded, I think. Actually that behavior happens to many kickstarter projects if not mistaken. Comparing to first PoE KS, how much the pledge for the 2nd and 3rd day? Hopefully we are not that far back behind. If there's actually less backers who comes back for pledges, that would be an interesting discussion as to why if not at least majority of the backers are not backing. Were they not happy with the first PoE how it turned out? Let's hope we can get up to 2M soon. I wanted to back initially but due to some disappointments on the game design decision i really dislike, i'm opting for the wait and jump in last min bandwagon.
  12. Looking at the pace of pledges seems to go down tremendously. Grossly i think 16% of the number of backers compared to 77K. Hopefully at least 70% of the backers would come back? On a separate note, would it be better to do a +200K jump instead of a bigger gap? Just a suggestion.
  13. I don't think you're making much sense here, dude. You seem to be saying the devs are maliciously and needlessly reducing the number of characters. That isn't realistic or likely. They are not out to get you or ruin your fun. They're out to make a game that is popular and sells copies. I think it's not me that's not making sense. It's Obsidian. First PoE has 6 and now the second has 5. I can't fathom sense in "constrained" and "more choices". When you are constrained, you can't have more choices but lesser. There's a reason why number of characters were reduced. Just like in Tyranny with 4 and with friendly fire. Are we on the same hypetrain about positioning and tactical battles matter or about button mashing ala Dragon Age Inquisition? Anyhow i'm not here to argue with folks about their thoughts and opinions. I'm here to voiced mine. Hopefully there will be folks out there that's good enough to make a mod for 6 party characters when the game's out? Now.. let's pray Obsidian don't try their best to bar modding community from doing so. Then everyone can play with 6 party characters... and then judge what was the underlying issues of going 5 or lesser for themselves!. Shall we? I'm a programmer myself.. perhaps i have too much logic that i'm not making sense. But my wild guesses is about the balancing and tweaking of the combat. 6 party characters can be making the game much easier for veterans i supposed.
  14. I don't buy what devs said. It's just plain excuse. Do i need devs to restrict how the way i play the game? Folks can play with how many characters they want. 5? 4? Heck even 1 for those who want to go solo. The opposite isn't the same for people who want the default old school 6-party characters. Perhaps they wanted it 4 actually just like Tyranny and it flopped hard. So they just have to add 1 back in. With lesser.. it's actually easier and more simplified for devs in terms of tweaking and balancing combats due to new multiclassing/subclassing issues perhaps? So if DnD ruleset is doable but PoE ruleset cant? To put it blandly, it's dumbed down. And the most shadiest of all.. this wasn't reveal in the campaign pitch when it first goes live. For me personally shrinking from 6 to 5 is really a big disappointment.
  15. There are SO many TB game in the market. There's only ONE modern RTwP game that was Pillars of Eternity. Please don't kill it. If people dislike RTwP it probably means they are not the intended audience. It's just like begging Blizzard that i wan't Starcraft III badly for it to be TB. You get the idea.
  16. I agree with OP. The first PoE .. i'm not sure what's wrong.. this game made my GPU fan scream so loudly and the temperature was kind of hot. This game i thought was just 2D handran background but it seems it's choking my GPU so badly.. it ain't Crysis 3.. even FarCry 4 running much cooler for me.
  17. Level drain.. it seems like permanent complete level drain. I'm not asking to retain the level. At least start at level 8 or so.
  18. @rheingold.. not to mention from 6 party characters to 5... indeed they are not making any sense.
  19. So it means.. out of a sudden watcher not only lost the stronghold.. he was also being erased all of his memories that brought him/her to his level?
  20. Btw.. regarding stretch goals.. did Obsidian missed out any on their stretch goals in first PoE?
  21. Actually the next location PoE should bring us would be the sky or under the sea .. then we can have celestial or mermaid pets
  22. The best monk animation i've seen in game is .. Diablo 3 monk . I want all character classes to have it's own attack animation and more variety!
  23. Same applies with 4 characters.. heck even 3 characters!. So by that theory.. we should go with 3 then?. It's not making us to think. It's more restrictive. There are couple of personal favorites and you dont want them out. But let's say for your 2nd or 3rd playthrough you can't simply because the boat isn't big enough. 6 is the magic number so that you can bring few that were your favorites and mix in say 1-2 new ones with the new party. With 6 party members.. if you so "feel' that you wished that you wanted 5 characters so that you can push yourself further about decisions the character in the party, you still CAN!. You can restrict yourself with 5.. we don't need devs to restrict us.
  24. Fully voice.. In my personal opinion i against it. Sure it be great the first time you hear it.. But TBH, if you were replaying.. i think mostly you'll skip most of it. BUT.. i would love to have more voice phrases.
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