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Everything posted by Archaven

  1. I would rather Obsidian focus on what they do best which is make quality cRPG games. In fact CDPR became successful for making games and not for publishing.
  2. I would rather that the stretch goal they come out with more quality painted NPCs portrait than watercolor. But then again, the reason for a "water-colored" PC and NPC portrait could very closely match the visual artistic direction of the overall game. In other words where i most feared, it has became "more cartoony" than being more realistic. It's like what people complained about Diablo 3 art direction over the original Diablo 1 feel and settings.
  3. Nah, the pledging curve is about normal. This was the original distribution from 2012. Actually, Kickstarter drew 73K. Thanks for the graph! Let's hope the closure will have a great spike!. Can't wait. Edit Actually what i'm stressing here is not the amount. Is the amount of backers. Average per backer is very high for the amount. What's actually important for a crowd funding campaign is the amount of backers IMO. So right now it's just 17K (not even 17K yet at this point of the post) vs 73K backers. The amount of interest for a game should > the amount of money pledged per backer.
  4. The player character and companions will have their own watercolor style portraits that will be utilized in this UI. We all agree it looked very odd to have the fully painted portraits alongside the NPC portraits. I seriously dislike this. It's like BG1 -> BG2 all over again. I prefer portraits from BG1 more than BG2.
  5. +1. i whole heartedly agree. it seems like this time around the visuals are more "cartoony" than the first PoE and now with that "water color" portraits goal. i'm getting worried at this point TBH.
  6. pledging has slowed down to a crawl.. not sure how many days to take to 2M and what's more with uninteresting goals with 2.2M. really like to know why previous backers not back yet. i myself (would be a new backer) but that's not much i can pledge for. or was it really everyone waiting for paypal? if not mistaken the first PoE has 77K and all were through KS?
  7. What i'm getting at Obsidian will escape and get away with 5 characters (this is truly disappointing, IMHO). They really wanted 4 just like Tyranny and they knew they can't repeat it for PoE2. Imagine the backlash with 4 when the reduction to 5 already made so many disappointed fans. I be serious 5 is not the size i'm comfortable with. We all know they will slowly reduce it to 4 which is a very good number that possibly great for multi-platform titles. Sad but truth.
  8. Yeap.. that is kind of ridiculous if you asked me. You wouldn't even have a full party if Xoti goal was not hit. Perhaps that's also ONE of the reason to reduce the number of characters to 5 if all previous companions: Eder, Aloth, Pallegina were not present in Deadfire. Aloth is impossible to miss, but you can not accept him (I believe) into the party or kick him out. He might still show up even if you did one those things, though. Eder is really hard to miss. Pallegina is easy to miss. I highly doubt many, if any, people missed all three in their play through. Even still they might show up regardless unless you sacrificed them or they were killed. So, I think they will show up unless they are dead. They will likely have something to say if you didn't part on the best of terms, though. Aloth is interesting one.. will we be seeing Iselmyr again?
  9. If not mistaken it mentioned about "water color" NPC portraits? I'm not sure how it fits to the general artistic feel. Is PoE2 this time around became too cartoony?
  10. Seems like more disappointing goals for me again .. plus i'm not sure how many days more we can even hit 2M.
  11. I am. I'll prolly use it to a limited degree in my first playthrough but prolly have fun with it more later. What I don't like is that it specifically says "for companions". I hope player/controlled character could be AI controlled also like in Pillars 1 and unlike in Tyranny. In Dragon Age Origins it was also restricting like that but some mods expanded it to the controlled character as well as fixing/enhancing its whole functionality. I don't think they'll do that. It basically just watch how your party fights and not fighting yourself
  12. Yeap.. that is kind of ridiculous if you asked me. You wouldn't even have a full party if Xoti goal was not hit. Perhaps that's also ONE of the reason to reduce the number of characters to 5 if all previous companions: Eder, Aloth, Pallegina were not present in Deadfire.
  13. I am with you, but this could give the game a more broad appeal and can easily be ignored by us. It is one of the better parts of DAO, imho, and having it here is a good addition whether or not I care about it. It shouldn't be a stretch goal to start with . Might as well leave room for "better" stretch goals such as *ahem* romance
  14. *Happy dance* .. anyone interested in the AI party scripting? TBH i'm one who is least likes about it. I basically play microing all my party characters!. Also.. should they do the $30+ tier? Maybe there will be more folks looking for that tier?
  15. This is about skill. But i love the changes about gaining combat and non-combat skillpoints. This way there's no sacrifices to be made if you were to go non-combat skillpoint that will essentially make you weaker in combat. But i'm interested to know about spells for Priest/Wizard/Druids/Cyphers/Chanters though.
  16. I'm not sure if this was asked before. What's the number of spells and abilities will be present in Deadfire? I read somewhere about Josh post it seems with new mechanics that similar to Divinity Original Sins, there are number of spells can be reduced. So this time around there will be much lesser spells? He talked about active and passive spells too IINM. Could it be there will much lesser active spells but more passive ones? I know it's me.. but i still look for games that has over 100+ spells.. which sadly at this age, there's no such games except PoE. If PoE2 choose to go with half or even lesser this time, i think i'm gonna be quite disappointed.
  17. I know a few people who don't want to use FIG, but who will buy the game once it is released or will use a Paypal solution if there is one. I'm not sure what's the reason. I heard Feargus is one of the investor of Fig as well?
  18. It's day 24 of what, 29, 30, and this is on Fig, not Kickstarter, so is going to lose a huge bunch of people due to that. Plus Paypal isn't in yet. The interesting thing this time is that people are backing for a higher average. We have 16k backers and 1.7m, so over $100 average. With 77k backers and what, $3.9m or something, it was a much lower per-backer average. I expect the total will inevitably be lower than 77k, given this isn't Kickstarter and isn't 2012, and the market for trad CRPGs is no longer kind of starved, but I also expect there will be a big rush of people in the last day or two. really? that kind of sad to hear. why is no longer starved? basically there's only ONE RTwP game in the market!. This is a gem. I don't want to mention how bad Dragon Age has gone to different direction.. but i hope PoE is not following their footsteps. I hope at least 70-80% of it's backer to return and that will be great. but i'm really interested to know where have they gone. i really hope they will return.
  19. Xoti can't come closer! .. however it seems like currently around 20% of the total backers of the total 77K of the first PoE. where has all the backers gone? are they aware of this KS? or was it there was something that they dislike and decided not to back it? for me there's one noticeable biggest disappointment that Obsidian has done. and it keep my morale darn low without much motiviation in backing.
  20. I believe Josh more or less has explained why the reduction from 6 to 5. It was basically due to "pathing" issues. They have also re-written alot of the pathing code. I'm not sure about this pathing algorithm and how it works. Was it due to game engine limitation or basically it's very hard to get the pathing right programmatically? If 6 character limit having pathing issues, what makes reduction to 5 characters to not have pathing issues? My guesses it still have but "reduced". I don't really have this pathing issue or have not come across one to be honest. Perhaps i micro each and every of my characters? Also.. one thing i noticed about Josh explanation seems contradictory. If i basically create a custom party of said 5 rangers and together with their pets, that makes 10 party too and what do you have to say about "pathing" ? The decision for reduction and explanation seems very shady at best to me.
  21. Cloak basically looks freaking awesome. I'm not sure if anyone want them to be turned off? Well unless it was clipping badly i supposed?
  22. "You fight like a dairy farmer" basically Monkey Island was really a classic masterpiece. and before that was "Loom". 2 of very best Lucas games i've played. Oops i guess i roughly hinted my age. I still remember the Monkey Island theme. Damn that was awesome.
  23. I'm not sure if this was answered before. Basically there's a very high quality model of Eder in 3D on the figstarter page screenshot. Is that model going to be used in-game? I'm asking this because this model does not match the in-game comparison of Eder in PoE and PoE:Deadfire. The one that Eder is smoking with his pipe. So what is this highly 3D model of Eder for? Is it just for concept art?
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