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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. So Robert Carlyle was lying? I'm shocked! Funny - because my first impulse was Ian but then Robert called and... maybe it's a conspiracy!
  2. I also thought about that. But then Robert Carlyle called - he wants his passport photo back.
  3. I have the suspicion that carnage is not a mandatory - or an "automatic" - ability anymore. Maybe in a subclass, maybe universally.
  4. Solo barbarian is fun. You quickly reach lvl 11 and then it's Heart of Fury fest all the time.
  5. Ah - I never realized those were horns. The two pics at the bottom make it clear though. Looks like Fire Godlike, yes. But maybe that was the first iteration of the companion who now is a moon godlike. It's definitely no dwarf...
  6. Burning Lash chant while shifted? Count me in!
  7. She's neither male nor female. No judging here - just for your information.
  8. Some of the options in the poll don't seem to be mutually exclusive. Would it be ok to combine two or more of them after the poll is over and there are no clear winners? For example: the BIBs could fight for the common people and still be bastards of noble families. Stuff like that. Or would that be too narrow in the end? What do you think?
  9. Yeah, I also thought about that. No chanter and no druid yet. Would be a smart move.
  10. Maybe next stretch goal. We don't have a chanter yet and also no druid. The new moon godlike may be one of those though.
  11. A godlike connected to Ondra - so, kind of a moon godlike. Ondra also is the goddess of tides and sea and stuff, so you could see him as sea godlike (sounds better than fish godlike I think ). But he also has a moon symbol on his forehead as other godlikes have.
  12. You and I don't know that. There may be a lot of third party plugins that can't be transported over to Linux that easily without some tweaks. Remember the cloaks in PoE1? Turned out they didn't work with Linux. I'm pretty sure there is a reason why they only release the beta for windows. PoE1 for Linux was rolled out the same day as for Windows. I expect no big problems there.
  13. It's definitely a moon godlike for me - or in this case one might say "sea godlike". Whatever - a godlike connected to Ondra who covers both themes. He has a moon symbol on his forehead. I think that says it all. I can only guess what his class is. I'd say druid who loves his Overbearing Wave.
  14. I like that Maneha looks a bit like Sigourney. Although it's only the cheeks which are similar to be honest.
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