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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. Percentages of conversions don't get added. Since they are rolled one after the other until one works (or none of them) the overall chance can be calculated like so: 0.7(Tenacious)*0.75(Intuitive)*0.85(helmet)*0.95(Lucky) - 1 = ~57.6% Even with 50% and 50% in the beta you didn't reach 100% but "only" 75%. But it's still good. I wouldn't pick Lucky though because it only raises your conversion chance from 55.3% to 57.6% and I think that's not worth the talent point in this case. However, Brute is really strong like Voltron said. I'm playing it right now with Whispers of Yenwood. Ouch ouch ouch! Tested Blood Thirst + Cleaving Stance via console and that's very nice. Comes late though.
  2. Hm. It used to be so nice in PoE. There it had very high DR bypass. Maybe it has higher PEN than Minor Missiles in Deadfire?
  3. Look at the bug report subforum from the beta and you can see how "useless" those people were...
  4. Inspirations remove afflictions as well as supresses affliction. It's my no.1 dump stat as well.
  5. Oops. Thanks for letting me know. I guess a copy & paste error. Will fix it asap... Edit: fixed
  6. This got changed from PoE to Deadfire. You need special abilites in order to gain engagement. Like Defender Stance, a shield, Hold the Line, a proficiency modal and such. So, it's more exclusive. Several enemies (like beasts - see tigers for example) don't have engagemetn either. On the other hand disengagment attacks are far more punishing in Deadfire than they were in PoE. If I remember correctly all diseng. attacks now have +100% damage (and even higher ACC?). And the Unbroken even gets +10 PEN on his disengagement attacks.
  7. Hehe - depends on your level I guess. At lvl 6-9 in the beta it could take some serious hits from stacked DoT-builds. Or it got changed in the final release, no idea. You could try to spawn some other creatures that are tougher. I don't know any names though besides CRE_Tiger and CRE_Lagufaeth and CRE_Lagufaeth_Broodmother.
  8. He was the director and lead designer of WM I and II. For Deadfire he wasn't lead designer anymore but Bobby Null (who was in the design team for PoE, WM I and II as well). Josh was still the director though. Maybe those DLCs are not big enough and don't need a director of that weight. Maybe he has more important/pressing things to do. One could ask him on SA.
  9. Kind Wayfarer may be the optimal choice for a paladin/beckoner. You can not only buff your summons (andthe whole party) with two burning lashes (Mith Fyr: 15% and Shared Flames: 20%) but also heal them when it's necessary (with a dual wielding setup you proc White Flames two times - you can do it from range with pistols, blunderbusses, wands or scepters or in melee with any one handed weapon that you use in a dual wielding setup). Stats are not that important and can be very balanced. You want good INT because of duration for summons, buffs and AoE size, you want ok MIG because of healing power, you want ok DEX so that your summoning process doesn't take ages - the rest depends if you want to be in melee or ranged. PER only needs to be good if you want to hit stuff - thius can be important for White Flames because it only procs if you don't miss. But you really don't need to min/max.
  10. Or scale them with Power Level rather than class level. That would make more sense. Like a lot more sense. Picking Conjurer would make sense, going single class conjurer would make sense, it would even outbalance stuff like monk/wizard with summoned weapons a bit (using AoE attacks with Swift Flurry or Intruments of Pain with Citzal's Spirit Lance...).
  11. You should use the console and summon CRE_dummy for testing purposes. They have a lot of health and don't go down so quickly. They also don't attack by themselves. Same concept is also great with a Ranger/Rogue with Wounding Shots and Predator's Sense. Wounding Shots has its own DoT and it is very cheap. Combining Arterial Strike with a good movement skill (Evasive Roll for example) is also bonkers. You strike with all those DoTs, evade to the next target, repeat. They want to follow you but get tons of raw damage while moving. Also works well with Wild Sprint from the barb.
  12. Ogre's fists are very slow due to the immense recovery penalty of the armor. They hit quite hard though. In order to profit from that you can use powerful Full Attacks - like Flames of Devotions for example. And/or you want to get some big speed buffs - for example from the Streetfighter's "Looking for a Fight" (-50% recovery). If you combine this with Crippling Strike and some dmg bonuses the Ogre Form's melee dps is not too bad. In combination with some fast self buffs you can make yourself sturdy enough to shrug off lots of attackers while getting flanked, triggering the Streetfighter's "Looking for a Fight". Another combo is Corpse Eater/Transmuter --> Barbaric Blow is expensive, but once you can combine the upgrade that refunds the cost on kill as well as Blood Thirst the fun starts. Sadly Blood Thirst comes really late... Corpse Eater just because there's nothing that fits better thematically.
  13. Well, I think most summoned weapons themselves are totally fine now since they scale with level (no need to spend resources on enchantments) and all have some unique property - just like unique weapons. Even the Long Pain is unique because it lets you use melee abilites in ranged combat. The only exception is Firebrand which is really bad (not as a regular Great Sword but as a summoned weapon you have to spend an ability point and a spell use for). And they should reduce the casting time further. How I'd "balance" summoned weapons: What do I pay?I give an ability point at lvl-up a spell use per encounter. I "waste" casting time What do I get?For the ability point I get a scaling weapon that needs no money nor enchantment resources. Seems fair. for the spell use I get a unique effect on that weapon that can be very helpful (draining, AoE damage, pushing whatever) for the casting time I "waste" I get... well nothing. So please keep it short.
  14. If you get no satisfying answer (because few people already have memorized all the equipement) you can open the console and type for example iroll20s <enter> <reopen console> giveitem head_<tab> ...and cycle through all headgear. Unique items look like "head_hat_U_xyz" - they all have a _U_ in the name. Same with every other category of equipment. They will go to your stash where you can examine them. After that reload your savegame so that your achievements will not get taken away (for that playthrough).
  15. That's not really an objective source I'd say. If an employee like Josh Sawyer can go to to a conference and speak about the need ot a game developer's union with the support of his bosses I think it can't be so bad at Obsidian. Maybe the owners are no business geniuses - but I doubt they are *** or **** or even *****.
  16. Number 24 for a pre-financed, crowdfunded RPG with a budget of 4 million is good - great even. It was number 1 right after release. Remember that publishers didn't want to develop those "old school" games because there's no market for it (or so they said). If the development consts weren't higher than those 4 million the game can't flop even with zero additional sales on steam. It can only disappoint.
  17. Good point. Maybe too reasonable. But honestly - they should def. change that.
  18. I guess byte-sized if more like "get Randrbund's Snotty Scarf" as DLC. The three DLCs don't sound as if they are as big as WM I and II, but I expect a few new maps with a quest and some cool items. All three together could be considered as one meaty DLC. Deadfire Archipelago is quite suitable for a bigger amount of not so big expansions because you can always add a bit of stuff to all those islands...
  19. There are also items with +maxHealth and that passive "Tough" which will gives you +2 health per level.
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