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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. One thing: Fighting Spirit doesn't require that you stay at bloodied or below. That's not too bad. Streetfighter's "On the Edge" or Blooded and others are a lot more situational than Fighting Spirit. Too bad there is no Marking enchantment anymore (or is it?) - I liked to combine Marking + Coordinated Attacks on a paladin and Dirty + Vicious Fighting on a Hearth Orlan rogue as team member who single wielded a coodinating weapon like Ravenwing or Cladhaliath. Just for the joy of stacking stuff even if it's overkill.
  2. I still haven't tested if Blood Thirst works with spells - but even with Frenzy & Bloodlust you can cast a lot faster than a "normal" wizard. Blood Thirst would take away recovery completely after a kill. So I'd say it's totally viable. Tenacious (from Berserker's Frenzy) even works with spells - and since a lot of spells have friendly fire anyways... nfuse with Vital Essence should remove Confusion if you don't like the -4 INT that it comes with.
  3. Conversion rates don't get added but multiplied, meaning additional one has less and less impact. So if you already have a 50% hit-to-crit conversion an additional 10% conversion will actually raise the overall chance to a meager 55% (NOT 60%).
  4. It's intentional. Why do you ask the same question twice although I already explained it to you in the Deadfire forum (with reference to PoE)?
  5. You neither need an AOE 2h for the AOE effect of cleave or for killing a single enemy (which triggers cleave). And to get the full potential of the full attacks of cleave you need to dualwield, since you trigger two instant attacks on everyone around you that way. Most times you kill another enemy (at least) with it, which starts the same cycle again. Most times when cleaving stance triggers I just plain one shot everything around me, except higher hp targets like fampyrs. (though charge cleave stance odes quite a lot for those too. ) But with the AoE weapons it's so that their AoE also gets triggered by every cleaving attack - which is very impressive. You also can reach targets that way (with the AoE) that are too far away for a "normal" cleave. One of the best things for HoF, Cleaving/Mob Stance, Blast, Hand mortars and all those smaller AoE thingies is Pull of Eora in my opinion. It works a lot more reliably and less "buggy" than in PoE (where it was pretty great already).
  6. Summons, druid Spiritshift weapons, summoned weapons and animal companions all scale with character level, NOT Power Level. Monk's fists do scale with Power Level.
  7. It works like in PoE. No bug. "Equipped weapon" means the weapons that the Barbarian is currently holding, not weapons that the Barbarian may have equipped in alternative weapon slots. This is a somewhat awkward description for a "Full Attack".
  8. I you're the only one who gets presented to them in the first seconds of combat then they def. do. You should also run to the ranged enemies and then let the melees "clump" around you. The one with Cleaving Stance doesn't even need to be the one the enemies gather around.
  9. People who say things like "Don't play XY because it sucks, play Z instead" should be forcefully multiclassed to douche/flagellant.
  10. It should since it's a passive. It stacked with everything in PoE and so far (racial) passives also seem to stack with everything in Deadfire (excluding Chanter's phrases which have exceptions).
  11. From beginning to start? Sure! That's only a very limited span though. The unique weapons in the game are pretty hilarious when it comes to their enchantments. But the spiritual weapons are still good. They scale with level, sparing you a lot of money and resources and the 50% lash is very good. And I guess we'll see a lot of (badly needed) item nerfs while the spiritual weapons might stay untouched. Although pure priests can use very powerful spells later on, pure melee priest is a bit boring (for me) because there are no special attack abilities. Also Minor Avatar is a bit disappointing atm. I didn't use Magran's Favor yet. Paladin/Priest is more fun for me just because of FoD (lashes stack and the bonus ACC helps a lot) - or basically any class with some nice melee abilities. Rogue's high dmg bonuses pair very well with the 50% lash of the spiritual weapons. Had some testing fun with a Priest of Berath/Streetfighter.
  12. I agree wholeheartedly. I (for example) will not post any build as long as the game is in such an unbalanced state. It's ok for now and for my first playthrough because atm the story is the most important thing. But for long term investment to happen it needs to be more balanced. A lot more.
  13. Then it would be too good. It could get bonus damage on charmed/dominated targets though.
  14. It's both. Conversion only applies once. That was the case in PoE and I remember somebody from Obsidian saying the same about Deadfire. Can't find the quote though. Conversion chances of the same conversion-tier are indeed multiplicative - because the individual conversion chances get rolled one after the other until one triggers or they all got checked. So naturally a 30% hit-to-crit conversion and another 25% hit-to-crit conversion don't lead to 55% but 47.5%. You can never get to 100%.
  15. Powergamers delight in dominating the game, sure. But they want to come up with a smart build idea that's not trivial, test it a bit and then be happy when it indeed works very well in an actual playthrough. When every derp can steamroll the game with a toilet-paper wielding accountant the Powergamer cries. Creativity needs boundaries. Same with achievements.
  16. I would try single class Berserker just to check it out with Heart of Fury...
  17. Wait... what??? I have the strong opinion that you should add a toggle in the game options menu: Undies on/off. Right under the gib option...? And since we already have Big Head Mode...
  18. As this topic arises the second time in this forum, I can no longer keep my question to all those with nudity problems for myself: That is no joke right? The only person that I know personally, that has serious problems with that kind of stuff is a member of a religious sect, so I have a hard time imagining, how one can have a problem with 2cm high figures on screen which are nude, meaning that you can see their buttocks (I love that word. Learned it from a Monty Python sketch). So what's that about? Is this a religious, a culture-specific or a personal thing? First, I did not complain about the presence of nudity in this game, I simply stated that I wasn't aware it was in the game when I purchased it and therefore didn't buy the game for it as the "let's all come clean" post suggested. Second, I don't actually have a problem with nudity in the game. I haven't been back to the bathhouse since because my character was hit on by an old man who wanted me to experience how "vigorous" the bathhouse waters made him and after reporting the man for using the bathhouse as his own personal brothel, my character decided he could take a bath in private by himself or with whomever he wanted and didn't need the bathhouse for that. EDIT: I should add that just because I don't have a problem with nudity in a game doesn't mean that I want to see it everywhere I go either. I don't purchase video games (or movies) for that kind of content because it simply doesn't interest me. I'm not put off by it, it's just not on my list of things to look for when purchasing a game. I will state that excessive nudity or adult themes can be a negative for me as again, it's not content that interests me. Fair enough.
  19. He could just look at the bug section of the forums - then he wouldn't have to deal with wrongheadedness and obtuseness so much.
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