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Everything posted by nikolokolus

  1. The OC for NWN2 really dragged in the first act which always made additional playthroughs kind of tough for me. After MoTB was released it did make me want to replay it, just so I could have a fully developed character from the first game and not just a "twink" that you auto-level.
  2. I'm trying to finish a simultaneous run of Torment and the Baldur's Gate games (about 75% of the way through BG1 and 15% of the way through Torment), but I found myself really reminiscing about Mask of the Betrayer when George Ziets was added back to the team ... All I can say is thank god there's a year and a half between now and Project Eternity ... which still doesn't relieve me of my desire to play new games like Dishonored and X-Com (and replay Arcanum, the Fallouts (1,2 and New Vegas) Temple of Elemental Evil and the Icewind Dale games) First world problems.
  3. I don't mind dark, so long as it doesn't feel like some hackneyed attempt by the developer to demonstrate just how edgy and emo they can make something. That said, I favor a world where my hero has some mud stains on the fringe of his cloak and he gets helmet hair. I guess I fall somewhere about here: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [X] | | | | | | |
  4. Isn't this kind of design, just saying, "hey guess what, there's only one way to solve this challenge?" That seems to violate the design philosophy Tim Cain laid out pretty early in the video updates. EDIT: That isn't to say that all options should be created equal. Certainly sometimes the non-violent path should be easier than the "Hulk smash!" route (and vice versa). Likewise, that doesn't mean that every encounter should be winnable at your given level -- it's fine to have challenges that you have to retreat from and come back to at a later time.
  5. $50 dollar tier, with a beta key and the expansion pack (and the obsidian order donation). I would have done more, if I hadn't just spent the last three months dumping thousands of dollars into a remodel of my house. Daddy needs some overtime.
  6. I already gave 'til it hurts. Time for others to pick up the slack.
  7. I don't mind a walk/run toggle ... but if they put one in, then endurance should be drained over time (particularly for heavy armor wearers).
  8. In short: "'X' marks the spot" pirate booty maps are OK (sometimes ... sometimes not) GPS waypoints suck.
  9. There won't be enough cutscenes shot from a low angle, enough boobage or enough 'splosions to get a GoTY award ... thank god for that.
  10. I still love how the conflict between tech and magic was handled in Arcanum.
  11. Let's be real, in all likelihood, these arquebuses are likely to be expensive as hell ... I seriously doubt we'll see every other character walking down the lane packing heat.
  12. Must have taken you a while to find a video which has almost every graphical setting turned off. You are just being utterly ridiculous now, especially with comparing a game developed in 2004 with a game developed in 2012. Go troll somewhere else, it is not needed or appreciated here. Really sick and tired of elistist fanboys like you and nikolokolus who trolls topics of opinion you dont agree with. It's always the same senario on this board. "blah blah blah, I want this." "No, you can't have this because it doesn't fit the spirit of the game, and since I don't agree with you, then you're a troll" If you dont like what he's saying, then ignore the freakign topic. Everybody wants different things in this game, and he has the right to defend his opinion thank you very much. I really wish the mods do something about people like you. I simply detected a "tone" in the OP that made me think it was an attempt to get a reaction. With respect to me being an elitist, that's probably true to a certain extent, but the fact is if people are going to post a comment on a message board seeking feedback and opinions, then they should be prepared for people to disagree with them, sometimes vehemently. I do my best not to make it personal with people and argue out of reason when possible, but If I've offended you then you have my apology.
  13. The thing with limited run collector's items (physical goods), is that Obsidian has to contract with somebody who manufactures the items, depending on what it is (books, printed maps, etc.) they usually have to be ordered in batches, I'm not sure it would be easy for Obsidian to sit on a lot of inventory. I don't know, maybe I'm under estimating the profitability of these goods?
  14. It really doesn't need to adhere to any particular game's style of interface, but freed from the constraints of a console controller, my guess is that a greater emphasis will be placed on bringing up individual elements with hotkeys, and whatever HUD is visible should emphasize the things that you need to see all or most of the time (Character icon with HPs bar, dialogue window). For people that don't like using hotkeys, I would favor a right-click feature that opens a drop-down list of all the various things you might want to open (character sheet, inventory, map, etc.) Right-clicking would be context sensitive, so that if you click on empty space it brings up the general list, or clicking on a character, mob, door or an object brings up a different list (examine, interact, use, disarm, unlock, etc.). The goal of any interface should have a few objectives. 1. leave as much of the screen open as possible 2. Use as few mouse-clicks and cursor movement as possible to accomplish a task and 3. It should emphasize Simplicity and intuitiveness -- menus should be logically laid out and easy to navigate.
  15. New Vegas companions were really good. Boone, Arcade, Raul, Lilly, even ED-E with his little blips, boops and beeps.
  16. Oh man, StarCon 2. Best. Game. Ever. I played that thing to death in high-school. The Drudge ships and the Orz space marines ... so many good memories.
  17. Do tell. I'd really like to know about your compelling necromancer/vampire/"normal" monster stories or fresh approaches. Look, it's not like I want this stuff to be the main theme(s) of the game but if I stumble across a necromancer I want him/her to have a viable reason for being as such. Is that really too much to ask? Not to mention the fact that you might just might be able to extrapolate most of this stuff into the greater whole. Take dragons as another example. They've become more and more pansy as RPGs have gone on. Occasionally you have to gain a few more levels before you fight them but the reality is if a dragon could rend you in half with a sweep of it's claws at level 1 it should still be able to do so at level 20. When was the last time a dragon roar blew you 5 rooms back allowing the concussive force to kill your entire party because their bones turned into powder? How about when said dragon turned the forest you were fighting it in into a giant crater? Exactly... Exactly what? When I said there are many other themes to explore, I meant I don't really want necromancers or vampires (or even dragons) in the game at all. There's not much left in those tropes that hasn't already been done to death in games or popular culture (especially vampires). The game doesn't have to be avant garde, but I would like an emphasis on "other" things ... chuthulu-like soul stealing horrors with underworld black markets where people literally sell their souls to unscrupulous godlike soul harvesters. a shadow society of changelings living amongst the squalor and filth of some large city, a secret society of scribes who assassinate anyone they catch wind of disseminating books without their consent ... or perhaps they've squelched several attempts by inventors to build a printing press? Regardless, I think we're on the same ground. It sounds like you and I both want plausible reasons for creatures and characters to exist in the world.
  18. Even if if something under 3.5 million is raised and they can't do a proper second city, all of that surplus money above and beyond 3 million (which almost seems like a forgone conlusion?) is still going to get rolled into the game, which should still burnish everything to nice shiny amber glow.
  19. Try to bear in mind that this piece was probably done on a pretty tight timeline. It's concept art, it's not going to be perfect in every detail. Obsessing over the details of his pants misses the point of a concept rendering like this; it's supposed evoke a "feeling" about a particular character, not be a design template that will be reproduced stitch for stitch in-game.
  20. It's concept art, not a template for designing in-game animations. I get it, nobody likes to see a passion of their incorrectly portrayed (mountaineering and rock climbing are always wrong in movies) but this is a really minor oversight, given the time-table the artist is operating under.
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