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Everything posted by nikolokolus

  1. Just barely. I still can't fathom why Bethesda turned one of the most feared creatures in fantasy literature into at best, a minor annoyance. It's like watching youth sports where there's this idiotic push to take away the idea of winning and losing, so everybody can get a participation trophy, where true excellence is no different than mediocrity or even ineptitude ... hey guess what people, the kids know what a joke this is.
  2. I'm sure Malukah is a fine vocalist, but honestly I'm hoping for a more subdued score, sans vocals and mostly atmospherics and ambient music.
  3. Call me crazy, but I'd rather the artists were working on the game.
  4. I think tragic elements in a story make me feel a lot more engaged in a story (be that a movie, a book, or a game). Does that mean that PE should lift elements from Torment whole cloth? No I don't think so; Torment was a very sort of self-contained story arc, I'm not sure there's much there to mine, aside from the themes of memory loss, self-discovery and the "Stranger in a Strange Land" motif. Regardless, given the designer talent already committed to working on the game I'm pretty confident that whatever story they concoct, it will be well written, deep, and engaging. That's about all I can ask for.
  5. You know what I'm really looking forward to (maybe I should say hoping?) Decent pathfinding!! I'm replaying BG1 right now and for the love of the Flying Spaghetti Monster ...
  6. 1. Unlikely, they just went through some layoffs last year 2. Not a chance. Why go to a publisher when they will want exclusive rights to the IP they want to create. KS was used because publishers didn't want a small potatoes, PC only game. 3. Perhaps ... 4. Derp.
  7. Actually no they didn't. During the stream of their closeout party, somebody asked them about Chthulhu inspired creatures and tone and JE Sawyer said there might be some influences in places that are meant to be terrifying, but that there wouldn't be a Lovecraftian tone to the overall game.
  8. Well said. If they add the option to sex the companion characters in PE, HUNDREDS of refugees dislocated by the closure of BSN's romance subforums will buy the game. Presumably they'll all be posting here from then on? Nope, sorry. I don't think we can take that kind of risk.
  9. I don't need nor particularly want a mini-map, but RTS controls schemes definitely seem like the way to go. I'm doing a simultaneous replay of NWN2 (MoTB) and Baldur's Gate 1, and in terms of useability of the interface, it's hard to top that RTS feel. As an aside, It had been some time since I'd played any of the NWN2 games and I don't remember fighting with the controls this much ...
  10. words, words, words, blah, blah, blah, hyperbole, invective, parry, riposte, regurgitate, words, words, words ...
  11. Can we please get back to talking 'bout the merits of romance-able companions in the game?
  12. 4.1+ million ... I'd say, that any critique is mostly armchair quarterbacking. Nothiing is ever perfect and there's always little things that can be done better or tweaked in the future, but I thought they did a damned good job.
  13. When it comes to the concept art, it's somewhat apparent that the team is going for a more "realistic" look (whatever that means in a fantasy world?) and aren't going for an exaggerated depiction of form (for either sex). Bear in mind however, this going to be an isometric game where the character models are going to be somewhat small and "distant," there won't be much to see on the screen. This just seems like much ado about nothing.
  14. A giant fire breathing Kerfluffulupugus, that favors roasted paladins would be cool. Also a drunk guy running through the streets of a village shouting "woooooo" would be pretty cool.
  15. Like I said, BSN's romance forums are down. Where were we supposed to go, Facebook? I was going to suggest Match.com, but sure, facebook is fine.
  16. That was like the one Jeremy Soule soundtrack that I really liked -- blasphemy to many of you I'm sure.
  17. Ima break it down fer ya. If you don't like guns in your RPGs then you must not have liked Arcanum? If you didn't like Arcanum, you are a terrible, horrible, irredeemably broken person. You don't want to be a terrible, horrible, broken person do you? NO YOU DO NOT!
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