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Everything posted by M4xw0lf

  1. I find the boarding fights way more tedious than the ship to ship combat. Some of them can also be f*cking unfair early in the game, with enemy shooting squads annihilating you in moments. Also sinking ships gives better rewards in terms of loot and XP.
  2. Letting the game end with a fight against the 100m high invulnerable colossus that rips your soul out of your body if you come near it would have been idiotic.
  3. Only problem: I've sunk everything by now. Sad.
  4. There probably is no appropriate condition available at this point (didn't check though). Timer seems your best option right now.
  5. ... I think there's more wrong here. The way I understand it, protective runes shouldn't show up anywhere in the inventory, but be applied whenever damage from a spell against you is calculated (i.e., when pierce damage comes from a weapon attack, your armor would still be x, but if a pierce spell is used on you, it's x+2). However, the values displayed by right-click menu and mouse-over popup do not add up with the ones at bottom left. So maybe the protective runes bonus is wrongly applied to the mouse-over and menu.
  6. Yeah fair enough I suppose :D Wait is Persistent Distraction melee only? I was planning on taking it on my dual blunderbuss shadowdancer Works only on enemies you are engaging, iirc.
  7. I find I quite enjoy ship combat this time around. On my current playthrough I started to take on all Sloops, Voyagers and Dhows with the starting ship and then upgraded straight to the Djunk when I had the money. My crew levelled up extremely fast and is very efficient and deadly now, not a lot can withstand a broadside of my cannons. I'm having fun with that. I don't think a lot has changed mechanically (the level up speed?), I guess I'm just doing it right now.
  8. That's not really what I'd call ranged fighting, you're bringing pistols to a sword fight is all. Concerning OP's question, I constantly find Maia to be very effective as Scout (Ranger/Rogue). Of course her special subclass (gunhawk) and gear make her probably even better suited to the sniper role than your player character can get as a Scout.
  9. so, the fix we have been waiting for since release is arrived, but from practical pov the actual solution available to us is same today as it were in may and june: restart game with a new character. HA! Good Fun!
  10. Will my party suffer if I go the berserker route? You can also multiclass with Fighter and cast Tactical Barrage before Frenzy, and you'll never be confused.
  11. This time around I even got a -1 to Gullet reputation from somewhere, even if I did everything to help as usual. So after completing food for thought I'm now at +2 only.
  12. Yeah, some items have three (or even four?) mutually exclusive upgrades. I'm convinced that this is not a bug, but simply a failure of the UI to make this clear.
  13. In case somebody missed it: Red Hand can now be bought/stolen in Delver's Row. (location is mentioned in the patch notes, and I got it there.) Apparently it can always be stolen from the store room, without loot randomization, at least that's what the patch notes imply.
  14. I'll test if it makes a difference, of course you're right that it probably should. €: yeah, buffing intelligence first works as expected.
  15. Okay, this is quite obvious and hardly warrants its own thread, but I couldn't find an appropriate topic without derailing an existing one, and maybe someone will find it interesting. So, Berserker, as we surely can all agree, is by far the best Barbarian. ( ) Only the confusion is a bit annoying. Measures to get rid of it are widely known - upgraded Modwyr or Devil of Caroc breastplate will do the trick. However, for Brutes, there's an equally easy way out without restricting your selection of gear: All you need is Tactical Barrage and a custom AI script. I made my AI behavior to always start with Frenzy (+conditions: does not have body inspirations hardy/tenacious), then next highest in the list: Tactical Barrage +conditions has intellect afflictions / does not have intellect inspirations. In action this means my Brute will open a fight by going into Frenzy, and, without delay, go from confused to acute - both Frenzy and Tactical barrage have zero recovery.
  16. I started a new game, couldn't hold off any longer. Veteran already feels much better than in previous versions, I now actually have to manage my party; I even used empower more than once already!
  17. Pale Hide looks super badass on Barbarians/Druids/any kind of character that can rock the feral brute look.
  18. ....oh, I guess i need new
  19. It obviously needs to be a sword, and possibly made from obsidian. Oh wait, that's the other thread
  20. Soul Annihilation, because I'm boring and partial to martial characters.
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