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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Dunno...I suppose that's a good way to check some stuff out, too.
  2. After a few hours of struggling to figure out a reason for and way past a bloody runtime error that quite a few would be Caesar's appear to be getting, I finally found the solution (registry entry permission setting) and off I went. Guess it uses the same basic engine as CotN...but looks a lot better on my 7800gs. :D Seems like a cross between the less-hassle features of the newer city builders and the older gameplay of Caeser3. I think I like it. Although, I don't like their 3D camera much, never did. But finally...more areas to build huge "Roman" cities in. Runs smooth at 1280x960 max everything,, no problems there yet. I'm gonna miss fishing tho...
  3. Was just curious. Supposedly a lot of them are unneccesary for everage user and may slow ya down a bit etc. Some people I know like to shut almost all of them down...like have only around 8 going...thought it might be interesting to check it out.
  4. I apparently have 25 running and I have no idea whether I need them all. I've been Googling for a list of the minimum required to run Windows so I can at least start by knowing what absolutely NOT to disable, but so far all I've found is this one: http://www.dead-eye.net/WinXP%20Services.htm Which I find rather confusing, since it has multiple tables with some of the same file names and...anyone know of a better list? Or can rattle them off?
  5. Heh, yeah, I wasn't trying to say that video was a good example of gameplay - I wouldn't know, for one thing...just that it was funny. I'm pretty sure he was doing all that on purpose for a 'funny' video.
  6. Trying to install Caesar4 and having their install process drive me insane. Apparently you're not "allowed" to click away/say cancel when it wants to install stuff you already have installed (dx, some windows stuff for mp, etc) as that means "cancel install" and you have to start all over again. Really sloppy install program. It better run. :angry:
  7. Hubby didn't want to be in an evening crowd so we went to Fry's instead and spent...uh..way more than the price of a movie ticket. Started to watch Prarie Home Companion movie, cause my parent loved that show and I was curious - plus a great sounding cast - but the first 30 minutes bored me to tears. Very rambling/no point style. Good for a radio show, not so good for a movie, maybe.
  8. omg the video someone posted in the comments of that review was hilarious. The first 40 seconds and last 40 seconds, mostly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vu68ebISjHQ
  9. If no mods/cheats used, sounds like another major glitch. Don't think I've heard anyone else mention it yet, myself.
  10. The dir. cut of BladeRunner is definitely tops. We're considering going to see Departed today.
  11. Not SW related, and appears to be an advertisment, which goes against our guidelines. :ph34r:
  12. The first vacation hubby and I went on after I became then-recently hooked on video games and one in particular, I think I spent a large portion of that trip doodling game maps and scripts on a notepad. IIRC, I even took the walkthrough book w/me so I could reference it for the scripts. *rolls eyes* As to WoW...the huge instances never interested me, which is why I got bored of it. Too wildly chaotic, from what I've seen. But yeah, that means you're pretty limited in some things. @ Di - your area still doesn't have any? I know the feeling - we couldn't get it piped to our house until a year and half or two ago, despite living in one of the big Silicon Valley areas. Drove us crazy.
  13. That makes sense in comic book logic, I suppose. Guess "Mag" is too cheap to get such headgear for even his head honchos, too. :D
  14. I think he's asking what the model number for your HP pc...ie, HP Pavillion 312314134c. Pro/Home is the version of Windows operating system. Background stuff might be things like virus scanners, or other programs that stick little icons on the far right of the taskbar, that stay there all the time.
  15. That's good to know...I never tried actually putting anything directly on characters via the KSE. I just put them into inventory and then fiddled with the stuff when I started the game. By the time you're done with at least 2-3 planets, yeah, you usually have plenty of lightsabers. But if one wanted to have that many a bit earlier, it can be a pinch - especially if you like to dual-wield.
  16. I can understand the fear of litigation but it's still inexcusable imo to restrict the children from such activities and set such an example. Should we put our kids in padded rooms with desks made out of rubber, too?...I mean, they could stub a toe or trip and hit their head on a desk! You can't protect everyone from everything all the time. Riddiculous. Tether-ball - ahhh...that was fun.
  17. Xmen3 - I barely remember the first two, but I must have been in the right mood, because I found it vastly entertaining. Mostly because it was so...cheesy, in a kind of good/funny way. Ian's helmut cracks me up. Is there a reason he has to wear it? He just looks so ludicrous with it on. They could've made a better one. hehe I love Ian.
  18. See, now that was why I wanted to build a new computer...my processor is far outdated in terms of games, even if it is a 3.0ghz. Trying to be patient to see what Vista will bring, first...wait, I have no patience... I'm glad to see Gothic has, at least, a "fun" underlying core. I've had games like that, where at first I thought "this sucks" but after forcing myself to continue a while, I ended up liking it quite a bit, imbalance or bugs and all. Y'never know. I'll still wait for a patch I think, tho.
  19. Hey, I love Di. But Atton gets my vote in this poll.
  20. I love aquiring new toys. Fun. @Gorgon - you should see our electric bill.
  21. Thread slightly pruned. Sexual orientation isn't the topic of this post.
  22. There used to be a long thread techie sort of thread about the movie patch debating/troubleshooting the reasons why some saw vast improvement and some did not - but it no longer exists. The only thing I remember is that your monitor and possibly the video card should hardware-support 1600.1200 resolution - although that may not be the actual reason you're not seeing a difference. There are always other possibles.
  23. I agree it has become a spoiler thread. Could split it but think I'll move it.
  24. Why is there a big empty white space to the right of the screen? And...that looks painful. For her, not you.
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