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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. For some reason when I clicked on this thread yesterday it totally passed over TN's post...I didn't realize he'd posted his too! Just listened to them...loved the 2nd one, mangled high notes and all. Reminds me a lot of this net friend I used to 'hang out with', actually. I do best at lower tones, but I still can't sing worth a fart. It makes my cats cry.
  2. Heh..yeah..with today's huge hard drives...that's my attitude as well. *dances*
  3. Michael... Paxton was hilarious...spittle flying everywhere as he ranted...
  4. Atton. Because he was cute, sarcastic, emotionally unavailable, and had a dark and mysterious past... Most hated...erm...not sure I hated anyone...maybe Kreia. I liked her story and the voice acting, but she was a cranky old woman wiho never gave straight answers and I eventually left her in the cargo hold.
  5. I don't see Darque's comment as saying the two Alien styles are really similar. Just that Alien series type suspense is more her 'thing' than Halloween etc. I agree that the 1st Alien was more sci-fi horror and the other more action - but both had the same kind of constant building never-let-up suspense imo. The first made me a lot more anxious/antsy sitting through it the first time, however. heh
  6. I like it, pleasant voice. I was also sorely tempted to merge it with a background beat track, but...I shall refrain.
  7. Ah...sounds like the stun thing is probably some kind of a bug then. Patchy patchy....That's too bad...hope they get a patch out quick.
  8. Does anyone else with the game agree with the game balance thing? It doesn't sound...pleasing.
  9. From what I've read/heard, Kotor2 is sometimes notoriously glitchy etc. with laptops in particular. Not a serious techie tho so don't really know, or remember, why. Sorry can't be more help, hope you find an answer.
  10. And your soundcard? If the game will run with sound disabled, it's most likely an issue with the soundcard, it's drivers, some windows sound setting, or something along those lines. Also, this may have nothing to do with your problem...but is it the launcher that's running as the process or the actual game...I had a weird problem recently where an old game's launcher would get 'stuck' as a running process and thus the game executable wouldn't load. When I manually end the launcher process the game executable then loads. It does this regardless of sound, tho, so it's probably not the same...
  11. That's a lot of doggies in the window. Somewhat like how my life went, only for me it was cats. I respect anyone who rescues and then is willing to give permanent shelter to an animal. And Lonewolf/TN, you WILL share those soundfiles. You WILL. *swings a watch back and forth*
  12. In terms of inventory, you can add any item to the game into inventory, tho I can't say with certainty whether or not certain odd or unused items might cause a crash; didn't try. You can alter influence, experience, character stats, money; you can switch around game portraits and character skins and make Atton look like Handmaiden. I haven't played with much beyond that, tho, so I can't personally give a definitive answer, nor say how stable more complicated edit processes may be - the simple ones I tried were all stable. Since it works on saved games, just backup the save in case something you try goes loopy.
  13. IMO, that whole post was great, but the last 2 lines made it genius. :D
  14. Yes, you can upgrade them. Since this is your 3rd time thru the game, if you're on pc and not concerned with 'cheating' to help out your character design desires, you can get the savegame editor and just edit in a bunch of base short sabers.
  15. Even if it's an "inferior" version or emulation, perhaps it'll at least enable XP users to play those games, albeit with less performance, meaning those not wanting/unable to switch to Vista will at least have an option.
  16. Even if you kept it within the movie era, you could still create some SW movies that had nothing to do with any of the present characters...altho, you might then have no relevant Jedi in the films. I personally would consider a time frame within 2-3 human generations of the SW-six to be within a 'movie era', tho. Wasn't there going to be a tv series or something? Is that still in the works or has it been canned?
  17. No, you can't build them when you want. Even the first one you don't really build, Bao does. heh As to where to find the most - I always thought it was fairly balanced planet wise, although Nar Shada may be one that has one or few more than the others, if you do the right quests. The saber type-generator tends to be random, too...so unless you do the save/reload stuff you may find yourself with a lot of short sabers.
  18. I'm trying to get motivated to run some much needed but reviled errands.
  19. @ meta - That's a good point re: official concept. I should say here that this would be in no way affiliated with or officially endorsed by Obsidian. It's just a member thingie, nothing to do w/the company. As to what it would be used for...that's kinda up to the people who end up using it. It's one way to consolidate images people might post in the forums, in one place - wouldn't be deleted, closed, or lost behind 50 pages of new posts, so to speak - or a place members can check (or lurk..haha) now and then for stuff other members might wish to share but for whatever reasons they may not want on the forums themselves - even if only because they don't want to make a single new post just to share one new picture. Also, sometimes people on forums dont want to point to their other accounts on other sites, for whatever reasons, and thus this would be a place where they could put all their "obsidian forum sharing" things. It doesn't have any real purpose beyond that. So either you like that sort of idea, or you shrug and say "I can post/attach pictures in the forum threads, what's the point" and ignore it. It's possible to create individual member folders, as well, that people could then link to in their forum signatures or profiles if they wanted...I dunno. I'm still free-form thinking. heh If those interested have any suggestions please list 'em.
  20. @ Maria - Oh I don't know about that. I think those voting for the 4th (or 5th) option are kinda saying that, as well. If I make it I don't have any big expectations for it. There's plenty of general & categorized image hosting/sites out there. I've seen other forums with small member-oriented galleries tho; seemed like fun.
  21. That Thing You Do, The Wonders. Slightly annoying yet somehow...catchy and upbeat.
  22. If it came out around Xmas I'd be a happy elf. This project is 99.9% of the reason Kotor2 is still installed on my computer. :D
  23. Moved to the Kotor2 combined general and semi-tech forum.
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