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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The reason I stayed beyond Kotor2 is because the people here actually have interesting converstations about "stuff." On Kotor/Kotor2 - Since I played Kotor2 first and loved it so much, I found it difficult to 'get into' the first one, since it felt like pretty much the same game. I suppose if I'd found them in reverse (proper) order, it might've gone the other way around.
  2. Xan's lines amused me. I'd click on him for long minutes while in hysterics.
  3. Sure it does. :D Does rayban still make shades like those? Seems like they used to.
  4. Poor Khalid. I think I'm one of the few who found Minsc annoying instead of funny.
  5. Someone watched boh3m3's video?
  6. It's like a bizarre NWN Hallmark Valentine card.
  7. I may regret this but... Boredom and Mt. Dew: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrHjJB6GQtM
  8. Yeah, that's my current main rig. I was thinking of building the PCI-e system soon because I was feeling out of the graphic card and processor loop...not because of Vista. Most reviews are for pci-e cards, and all of that. It makes my gadget-loving heart feel sluggish and in need of a transplant.. :D I shall curb my tendencies and wait.
  9. Headphones are a marvelous invention. :D Also...moving truck in motion...
  10. I did click on it. I still stand by my statement. :D A picture of the actual sunglasses on a table or something would be helpful
  11. So, from responses here and from my own research - half of which I only partially understood, haha - it would appear that if my present AGP-PC is sufficient to run newer games for a while, I should probably not/there's no pressing need to build a new PC until some DX10 cards are released. ...I wonder how much those will be, in the beginning. :ph34r:
  12. Meh...half an hour after I post on his behalf, he gets past it...on his 22d try or some such. :D
  13. If I recall correctly: You needed to be Lightside or at least Neutral before you encounter the fight of Hanhar vs. Mira - maybe a bit before that, I don't remember. Mira doesn't offically join the party until t3's solo mission is done and you're ready to go to the yacht. If you're already on the yacht and she wasn't one of the options to take with you, and her picture isn't in the party selection screen (even if it's greyed out on the yacht)...dunno...either you were too dark sided at the start or it's a bug?
  14. Oh, I don't mean that...that was bound to happen with a site that huge and so much in the spotlight. I'll miss old music videos if they disappear, but otherwise, don't care. What I do mean is...more rules about original content, more censorship of original content...v-blogs being pulled, for instance, just because they insult sponsers....becoming less about user submissions and more about company ads/videos...which it's already doing to a degree. YT has to become profitable...and it's certainly not so, as it stands (buyout not withstanding).
  15. Just cause they bought one doesn't mean they're neccesarily going to give up on the other. YouTube is still a seperate entity that's not integrated into Google...at least for the moment. I wonder if YouTube will soon have all the fun leeched out of it.
  16. He reached the point where you first get his ship, and there's a bunch of cut-scenes and then one of those ship combat sequences. Apparently he's not quick-fingered enough to get through it. Is there any way to get past it beyond having better reflexes? I had him try the console invulnerability code but that apparently doesn't affect the Ebon Hawk's vulnerability.
  17. http://software.silicon.com/security/0,390...39162902,00.htm I'm just curious what people think of McAfee's position/accusation.
  18. @ alan - You'll notice I used the word "eventually"....I also used 98 for sometime after XP's release, but eventually was "forced" to change when drivers became unsupported/obsolete for both hardware and software I wanted to use and all of that. While this is true of any tech as it advances, I'd switch away from MS "brand" in a heartbeat if another O/S could work for my needs/habits. But so far, none really do...at least not enough to be able to forgo Windows entirely. Thus...I "must" use and eventually keep upgrading Windows for lack of options.
  19. It's just a cliff-hanger...I don't think it's definitive at all. It'd be more typical for the death of the "distinguished character" to be placed near the middle or end of the season. Assuming I'm thinking of the same thing as astrocreep, for all we know the I don't remember the previews tho...oh and I did read others speculating about possible regenerative powers from...ah, nvm, it's all speculation. On another topic, I just watched those 10 'resistance' shorts episodes the sci-fi site has. They were interesting backstory.
  20. The problem is that if you like new software (that includes games), eventually it's a requirement to get WinBlows (in America, I can't speak for other areas). Or at least, it feels like it. I know there are other options, but... ...hopefully either Vista will be not as scary as it currently sounds, or it'll tank so badly MS will scramble to 'fix' it.
  21. I personally like Charisma, but I was always a meleer, not a caster, thus the bonuses to Force stuff didn't matter to me much. And Force Storm/Lightning always worked just fine.
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