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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Don't hold your breath for that Kotor3. I thnk I finished Kotor2 twice, once Dark once Light, and played the rest of the game up to the end-planet a half dozen toa dozen times, and certain planets/pieces/save games 100 times. I don't really remember.
  2. I used to buy Guides because I hated getting stuck (especially by a puzzle or something) and not being able to continue/finish. That was before game forum/sites were all the rage and it wasn't always easy to find a quick answer. Plus, I liked the ones that gave formulas and percentages and other geeky stuff. :D As long as you don't read the Guide, play, read the Guide, play...nah, doesn't ruin anything.
  3. I think it just depends on who's behind the counter, and what kind of mood they're in.
  4. Sometimes that's definitely what one is in the mood for. :D I'm lost in the first town of Summoner. I forgot how huge it was.
  5. My mother could've used one of those. Funky as it looks, at least it seems like it could eventually be something functional, rather than just a novelty.
  6. Yay, I got it to work. Yeah, it's patched. But for some reason the summoner.exe file won't stop running when I click play...I have to go into task manager and stop the process manually, then it runs fine. Weird. I still got the chain timing down perfect after almost 6 years, hah!
  7. I wanted to play Summoner but so far I can't get it to run under XP. :angry:
  8. Disciple - Grit teeth and take the Light Side hits to gain high influence with him early on, and then as you become DS/take DS points he will as well. If you're pretty late in the game already, there's not too much point in it, IMO. If you gain enough(max?) negative influence, if I recall correctly it achieves the same thing - aka you've broken their will/spirit.
  9. SS2 is a great game for its genre. I haven't played many others of similar type so can't really give a rating comparison but...it's a good game. Not your typical shoot-em up. I would disagree with that highly on a principle level, but I can see where you're coming from. Abandonware is still covered under copyright, unless it has been put into the public domain by the copyright holders themselves. But it's pretty common these days and so far as I know, no company with games on abandonware sites have complained so...people will continue to put them up. Edit: I guess early on there was some flak but...well it gets complicated.
  10. (w00t) ...if you can still buy the first one, I'm not sure. First thing I noticed when I opened the thread. I was almost blinded by the yellow. Heh, that's what I always do at first, till I get a feel for the game at least. I'm terrible with game-guns. :D I also enjoyed your description of the 'miniscule PC section.' That's so true. It makes me sad.
  11. It's worse than how the value of your car drops as soon as you drive it off the lot.
  12. It may almost be time for an Obsidian Member Gallery.
  13. lol...no. Mus has it right. The ever-present DK is on my monitor.
  14. Sounds like the friend I used to play with last year. Except I think he goes on raids/does guild stuff and the huge dungeons now. I never got past lvl 44 or so. Hmm...
  15. Some people develop severe allergies in their 20's or later. In the realm of fantasy, seems plausible enough to me....kind of.
  16. "You must enter a message to post!"
  17. I'm sitting here debating whether or not to reinstall WoW.
  18. There's a list? I'm not sure I would've gotten the Blue Velvet on on my own. That clue didn't make me think of that film at all. I always think of psychotic Dennis Hopper in an oxygen mask...
  19. Yeah...I went through a horror type of phase in my late 20's where a friend and I watched oodles of 'em, heh. A lot of those I haven't seen in years; it's a real brain-wracker trying to remember titles of multiple possible answers to some of those clues.
  20. Got it. That was fun, I want another. heh
  21. The O guys is The Omen PS at 36 now
  22. Awesome. 14 so far, a couple not mentioned already.
  23. Good lord, the insides look like some machine for production of the blue freeze gel they use for ice-subsitute paks... I do kinda like the glo-blue people use nowadays tho. A lot better than some past colors...
  24. Well I had to find the interview on YT since I hate QT...from my unpolitical viewpoint it didn't seem like he was 'making pathetic excuses' - he says several times that he didn't get him and that he regretted it and trying to explain the events or reasons for failure doesn't seem pathetic, it feels reflective and acknowledging that he's only one man and sometimes timing, political atmosphere of the day etc. combine to equal certain results, good intentions or not. That said, it also does appear to me, only from watching the interview, that he wasn't surprised into his verbage by being 'jumped on' right then. So while Clinton has a gift for speech and analytical thinking (most of the time...) it seemed obvious that Clinton had the agenda of saying what he said from the get go, maybe in reaction to other things, maybe as a political influence move, whatever - which feels a bit petty or manipulative, if that's the case, even if it's fun to watch. I'd have to agree that there is no single blame factor & the 'armchair blame game' is usually unproductive. I doubt many of us could do better when out of the armchair and faced with political decisions that are not typically made/created by a unilateral/lone-ranger process. Edit: grammar again, argh
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