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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. The img tag doesn't seem to like it when you have more address after the .jpg tag, particuarly the ?. when linking to an image, I think it assumes that the img file type tag will be the end of the link. When I try to go to that url manually, it tells me you've exceeded bandwidth limit. And...that's a mighty odd picture. Artistically, surreal, creepy, and kinda interesting. But I like the old one better as an avatar. :D
  2. I tried to watch it three times...I fell asleep about 20 minutes into it the first two times and woke up to see the final 15 minutes the 3rd time. Gah. Well, what I saw seemed a bit disappointing to me too...but can't say since I didn't see all of it at once. I did, however, like Starbuck's storyline. That one I find kind of intriguing.
  3. You went Alliance! For the Horde!! ...actually I have both....but my higher lvls are Horde
  4. The people making the Restoration mod have some. http://team-gizka.org/downloads.html
  5. It's not that you forget you once had a reason to be angry/hate. It's that you don't care anymore. I guess it depends on what you think a 'soul' does for humans in the first place...not that I actually believe in a soul...but if I did, my vision is apathy, not action.
  6. P?? There's no 'P' in that name... And I'd put it under whatever the first letter of the official last name would be. If it's Sumner, than S. If it's Thomas-Sumner, than T. Either that, or S for 'Sting..'
  7. Word. Having no soul, imo, means he should have no 'human-perception' morality stopping him from doing anything he wants to get what he wants, w/the result of making his actions evil only in the sense of cold and empty calculation. Anger/revenge/pathos/whatever as reasons for evil actions from a souless person is non-sensical to me. I react much the same way when supposedly souless demon servants start emoting in novels, for example. I remember preferring the guy from BG1...it's been so long since I've played either game, however, that I couldn't give any helpful reasons as to why.
  8. Some people can get it to run just fine in XP...but yeah, I'm sure it's an XP thing, for whatever reasons. Myself, I've had more problems w/older games since installing SP2.
  9. The game (on normal difficulty at least) is easy enough that if you want to be a melee consular, go for it. Sure you won't be as strong a hitter and you may need to heal a bit more often, haha, but it'll work...well, with sabers anyway. I don't know about sticking with swords, as I've seen some people post about. I don't have any advice on builds tho.
  10. Re: Diablo1 XP Pro, SP2 (MS's firewall stuff is disabled), installed on C drive, using a DVD-RW drive, blah blah. Installed it - it ran. Patched it to 1.09. Made a chr. Went to bnet, made an account, was logged in to the lobby. Tried to create a game and it crashed to desktop. Re-booted. Then every time I tried to click play it would give me a big red and gold box saying "Please insert the CD-ROM." Uninstalled it, installed, patched - doesn't even run the first time at all, now, just says "Please insert the Cd-ROM". Another box says it can't read the main .mpq file. Repeat several times. Hit the computer. Tried another disc (I have 2 copies of the game). Same thing. Give up. PC sees the CD fine, I can go into Explorer and read the contents of the CD etc. Compatiability didn't do anything.
  11. I wanted to play Diablo1 but I couldn't get it to work for some reason. So back to Summoner, then...
  12. I love that line. The guy's looks seem pretty mundane tho. The two women seem more interesting.
  13. Rome! House! YouTube! Games...eh, I mostly play old games now, probably nothing notable there.
  14. It's be nice if more game companies would include more than one option for dialogue handling in games - an option you could check/uncheck for stuff like using continue buttons instead of real-time. Not all games have mod capabilities. I dunno how much more work that'd be for them tho, in todays seeming time-crunch environment.
  15. Very true, that. :D I was thinking more along the lines of the companies making games that way to begin with.
  16. I forgot...this one of Bif on stage is more funny - for the first half anyway.
  17. Bif's Question song ...I've never understood that t-shirt folding video. Probably because I subscribe to 'the 'stuff shirt in a drawer' method.
  18. Since you're using invisionfree, I'd suggest browsing/posting their own skinning help forum would be more helpful to you. http://support.invisionfree.com/index.php?showforum=50 http://support.invisionfree.com/index.php?showtopic=4922
  19. Summoner screen - Rosalind uses Lightning while in the Sewers Summoner screen - Earthshaker chain attack knocks down mummies That fireball sound drives you crazy after a while...the vid is just straight combat, nothing special...but it does show the spell effects.
  20. Of course I use my real name on anything legally binding. heh On the net...well, mild stalking experiences and spam harassment have taught me paranoia. I like my privacy. Tho I have been more lax as of late.
  21. My husbands reaction to the 2nd episode is becoming typical of new series we try. "This is going nowhere." heheh...he's not patient with long drawn out & moves forward at a glacial pace stories. :D For myself, the pacing so far is acceptable, and the characters still interesting, but if they don't move it forward a little faster in a few more episodes it'll lose me. Especially since they still seem to be introducing prominent characters in a show that already has a lot to begin with.
  22. Thank You For Smoking. Funny stuff.
  23. That's always been my thought. And sometimes, the little people believe they can have the big money while still remaining like little people in value and production. Occasionally it's even true. Anyway...mergers and buyouts are the way of business life these days. It'll be interesting to see how this one pans out.
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