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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. No comments re: AMD's decision to exit the high-end gpu market? Does nvidia have a total monopoly re: super high end now? I don't know if I'd want to spend the likely near/over 2k for a 5090 even if it lasted me 8+ years. Maybe I should just get a 4070ti and be done with it. That might last me 5+ more (4k) years w/my gaming habits and I'd save $1k or more. Pffft. I might not even have to cpu upgrade yet ... although I suspect my current mobo might not work....or the case.....and ofc it'd bottleneck a little even at 4k I'm sure, but still. Sigh. I feel like the consumer gaming rig business is really in bad place, from a consumer perspective. Edit: not just the high end prices but there's the intel chip stuff, and power consumption/energy and ... just feels kinda doom and gloomy I guess.
  2. Spot the zombie. Non-zombie animals don't like zombies. You'll see them duking it out here and there. When in stealth/crouched, you get to see where zombies spawn in to prep for dropping down on your head. Stealth foils that. Hah. Funny clipping. They spawned that way (they are "alive"/would stand up if I'm detected - but looks like the bricks fell on their heads.
  3. Officer Black Belt - a "netflix" S. Korea film I guess? Crime/action. I saw "starring Kim Woo Bin" so I clicked. He was fun/great but like his other recent stuff since he's come back from his nasopharyngeal cancer, it was nothing special. Not enough mentor/student bromance either. I'm not sure what it is, but outside of Train to Busan and The Man From Nowhere, most S. Korean films for me end up being just neutral. To the point I rarely even try anymore. Something about their story beat timings or editing perhaps often feels sporadic/erratic and ruins the flow/connection, for me. They tend to do better with series, any genre, even if they're short series. Although i still haven't watched Parasite. Still waiting for 2nd season of Hellbound. Hoping it will be decent.
  4. I see cat, I click. I was disappointed that this wasn't a trailer for a video game. I don't know if it's going to be a short film or feature length or anything else. But that trailer is great. Edit: I wonder if this is a zero dialogue film.
  5. This generation of would be political assassins are apparently of low caliber. I am picturing Trump running around in (showy, bulky) full body armor/helmet and using that as some kind of a statement-platform. Maybe he'll start throwing hot dogs into the audience (a The Dead Zone book reference...). This election is simply a joke. Although I have hope that Kamala Harris can win/maybe bring some sanity, if nothing else, back.
  6. Never mind the (cute, sorta amusing) meme "song" - it's what happens at 1:46 that made me snort water out of my nose.
  7. For anyone who hasn't seen it before. The sync is great. I would like one as a pet. Best top comment (imo): As a hobby electrical engineer, I can say that this is the exact reason why most chips are usually soldered in.
  8. No Man's Sky - I went to a shoreline. I put some bait on a hook and cast out a fishing line. I got a nibble and pulled the reel/pole. Got nothing. Repeat 20 times. Still nothing. Emulates real life pretty well. >.> 7 Days to Die - I finally have it tweaked to my liking. --biome/outside zombies won't respawn (but I increased their original numbers somewhat) --POI/dungeon zombies won't respawn for 900 days --the above two is so that I could theoretically "clear the map" if I played long enough. Plus I'm just sick of the constant (and ever faster) respawns. They should stay down/gone. --made workstations, wallTorches, cooking produce no "heatmap" Screamer zombie attractant --lowered the "heatmap" numbers for most sounds. I would like to fire a gun more than a few times or mine more than 10 iron ore blocks before a Screamer spawns out of thin air. (Screamers are annoying - they're basically Z-summoners and dev's made them trigger far far more) --lowered the amount that using a headlamp/flashlight/torch will reduce stealth/sneak, I don't care about realism --removed most of the stupid remnant/useless/wastes-space, mostly deco POI's Thus for the first time in some years, I have stuck to one map for a very long time vs. just liking the early game. Closer to the more chill/nomad sandbox feeling the early versions could gave me, vs. the dev's seeming desire to turn the game into an enforced jump-scare poorly coded dungeon looter shooter.
  9. I was just thinking about James Earl Jones the other day re: Field of Dreams. RIP
  10. Wait, what? FFS. The first comment under the video: "Control Panel was a loophole that allowed users to find settings they actually needed." I hate that Settings interface/thingie.
  11. Performance is a bit more demanding I think, but it's not that bad. I don't know what rig you have but if I was playing at 1080 or 1440 I'd get 100/120+FPS with almost everything on Ultra. Although there are maybe currently more of those intermitment 1second lag spikes then before, like approaching/being auto-dragged into a space station, or taking off/turning in your ship. Doesn't always happen, but it does happen. Game has DLSS and .. uh, the other one, FSR? as well. Mostly all High/some Ultra at 4k I can still get "mostly" 60fps - if I turn DLSS/Quality on it's almost stable 60, except for those occasional 1 second spikes. Edit: before Worlds update at 4k I was on all Ultra, minus motion blur etc. So I did have to drop it down a bit for Native vs. DLSS since then. Draw distance was reduced or has a bug tho - mostly noticeable with grass while turning/shifting viewpoint, last I tried. Like it would undraw behind you so when you turned you could see it drawing in again. Kind of annoying, that.
  12. I tried the free demo for We Harvest Shadows via Steam. It's a 1st person "farming horror allegory". It has a day to day chores/mission form, although one can take as long as you want I think to finish the daily chores (finishing such chores advances the story/missions). You're out on a farm in self-isolation, and maybe you're a little (or a lot) mentally unstable. Or maybe it's actually haunted. Or maybe ... I farmed a few tomatoes/chopped logs for money. Built a chicken coop to sell eggs for more money. Bought blueprints, and axe, planted more tomatoes. Took in a stray cat, feed it every day. Explored an old barn and was chased by wolves. Didn't go to bed early enough because I was trying to finish the daily "chores" assigned, and the farm/house began to make creepy noises, whispers and shadows until it became too creepy so I scuttled back to the room to get my sleep.....I like the concept and the artstyle was ok. And the cat was cute. It's probably going to be early access ofc. But I wishlisted it. We'll see.
  13. Fishing? Well it's cool and all, and gives one more to "achieve." I often like fishing. But one can't deny at this point that essentially, Hello Games seems to now just be testing mechanics/tech re: Light No Fire using No Man's Sky. Maybe to gauge what players think of such. Which isn't a complaint, just an observation. Makes sense really. And perhaps in the end they'll add so much I won't feel like I "have" to play a MP-focus LNF.
  14. The last couple minutes or so, was basically how my 14y.o self+friends sounded during end of landline phone convos. Except a much more polite, calm, and robotic version.
  15. 7 Days to Die - version 1.0 is probably the version I've done the most .xml editing/learning ever. I'm not sure this is a good thing or not - since it means I'm more dissatisfied with vanilla than ever - but I guess at least .... I can. Plus it's been rather interesting of itself, testing/figuring stuff out. Single player games should always be gameplay moddable. Not necessarily giant mod-kits/overhauling is easy like frying an egg kind of moddable, but some easy-ish, no special tools required tweaking allowances. Like, if you're not going to give players three pages of gameplay options to checkbox, let them do it with file tweaking. I don't know why every game in this era doesn't allow it. Edit: "Easy/Normal/Hard" does not cut it anymore.
  16. The more I see of Avowed, the less interested I become. Of the shown gameplay: ---if they don't allow massive shrinking UI scaling or turning elements on/off, dear lord, whyyyyyyyyy. UI's where I feel like I'm peering through a fence are not UI's I am going to play. ---that blue companion guy talks way too much. ---why do npc's always tell the chr. to pull a lever etc when either they could do it themselves or maybe that minion that's standing RIGHT NEXT TO THE LEVER could do it? ---the graphics are fine
  17. Splitting off a political thing now and then - 2024 US Election - if/as it becomes a prominent subject for weeks/months ... nothing wrong with that imo.
  18. Full stealth/Assassin's outfit with 100%, check. Infra-vision googles, check. High level Stealth perk bonuses while crouched, check. Can't see me! Verrrry close even when facing you. If they're facing away from you, can kill them without them ever reacting. The other in the room doesn't even react when you kill the first one. I wonder if that outfit bonus will get nerfed back down to 99%. Even if not a Tier6 level, it's still fairly OP'd. But it's going to take most a long while to get there+high stealth Perk, plus it's slower clearing, plus it's not as invulnerable outside/en-masse, so. Seems fair to me. Makes stealth build my favorite thing tho.
  19. Borderlands 4 teaser trailer. Teaser is not gameplay and tells/shows nothing of value except "2025". Eh, maybe. I will at least pray for it to be somewhere between BL2 and BL3 - eg, not worse than BL3. So I can stand being "forced" to play it when hubby wants to buy it. If it looks worse than BL3 - hubby may have to play alone. ======================== Also: Manor Lords update news: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1363080/discussions/0/4434443557916093138/
  20. Figured out how to make myself a sort of pan-chocolate cake/brownie - so it's semi low carb (120 net carbs or so for a 9x9 pan). Greek yogurt/cottage cheese, egg, a little actual flour, a little almond flour, a little sugar, butter, dark cocoa powder. It comes out sort of extra spongy but it tastes decent (I don't need super-sweet), and I have probably made it too often the past week (from trying to figure out a variation I liked). >.> I tried that "cottage cheese/egg flatbread" notion too - I didn't like that as much. I mean, it's fine, and cut into squares would work to put your sausage/cheese between, but it tastes like ... well, quiche, or something. There is zero about it that makes me think "bread." Since I'm not zero-carb, I'd rather just eat a slice of bread a few times a week.
  21. Me: "Oh, I remember this song from when I was a little kid." *off-key loud* "SHE WAS BLINDED BY THE LIGHT! WRAPPED UP LIKE A ... dushin? ... ANOTHER ROAMER IN THE NIGHT, BLINDED BY THE LIGHT!" "SHE WAS BLINDED BY THE LIGHT! WRAPPED UP LIKE A ... *du-mumble* ... ANOTHER ROAMER IN THE NIGHT...." Me: "What the heck is he saying anyway? Probably 45 years hollering the 1st phrase but mumbling that one word. The internet exists now..." Me: .... "Oh."
  22. Supacell, Netflix Most of the 1st episode is chr. backstory/building, which I didn't find all that compelling (per usual) and I was about ready to give it up. But the final minutes made me go "ok, I'll give it 2nd episode shot." Watched the whole thing (6 episodes) in one day. Barely FFW'ed. It does not do anything unexpected (well, maybe one thing but not really), it is not innovative for its genre, the heroes all have typical power sets, and it occasionally has chrs acting/doing stupid things (magic powers logic+one main chr. relation was annoying). Yet for some reason I liked it. It reminds me a tad of a cross between that good 1st season of Heroes and Xmen perhaps. I suspect I simply ended up liking the main actors (all unknown to me, which probably helped - a couple looked slightly familiar) and the South UK/urban culture setting. Or perhaps I was just in the right mood. 2nd season is greenlit - which is good, I'm willing to check it out.
  23. The only mods FO:NV ever needed were the all-companions and the dance mod. So says I.
  24. *fiddle with 7 days .xml edits re: all kinds of things, make maps, play a map, say those edit changes turned out neat but bored of map/chr already, repeat process over and over* *explore planet's in No Man's Sky, build a few bases, explore more planets until I'm sick of looking at planets* <---this game needs more modding capability I could use a couple more chill games of this nature to stick in a rotation. I have yet to find any that peak my interest. By the time Light No Fire comes out I'll end up playing it, even if it's more of an online game than NMS, just because I'll want something similar. I'll just have to hope it's truly large enough that I can find isolated spots that no one has found yet, or no one wants to find. >.>
  25. ^ Oh, yeah, I get that if half the folks are going to "cheat"/skirt around the amateur rules, like big companies skirting/loopholeing their way out of taxes or regulations or whatever, and nothing can be done to (long term/forever) stop it, it's kind of pointless/gets really circular to fuss over it, especially for something like entertainment. And I also wasn't against loosening some restrictions re: having been paid for a few things, like at least ad sponsership if nothing else (wasn't that disallowed at one point?). Training is expensive. But for me it was more interesting to watch, relatively speaking, lesser knowns compete against each other then maybe "the last three winners of the Tour de France duke it out in the Olympics." I guess Olympics to me wasn't really about current best in the world, it was more sort of about discovering the potentials for the new crop of best in the worlds. Edit: maybe that's an odd way to look at them, but that's more why I watched, when I'm not much of a watch-sports person.
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