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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I think he says "uncanny" at least several times. But I'd agree with his main point - it's not ready/very early access. I mean, it looks dead/not lively, there's not much to do yet (I've heard), etc. In that other video what caught my attention is how often the sim seemed to get stuck on an object and the player had to move it widely to keep moving. And yeah, the pop in was pretty bad. Edit: the only Sims I played was the 1st one at release, when you could drown them in their own swimming pool by removing the ladders.
  2. The Pitt, episode 13 - well that was a corker. To me not surprising, in terms of where it all went, but the actors pull it all off. Noah Wylie especially. Also, YT threw this in my algorithm and it made me laugh. I was never a huge Friends watcher, just sometimes after work in syndication, that sort of thing, but I remember that bit. Apparently current disc versions of the show now sold (and rerun cut versions) cut it out because of the song. they lost the rights to use it when copyright ownership changed hands or something (maybe to Disney?), so out it went. Shame. At least one can see it on YT.
  3. Not that I feel strongly about it one way or another, but in terms of Inzoi, from what I've seen, it's one of those games that outside of the fancy chr. editor and maybe snapshot/zoom in modes, isn't that extraordinary visually. Especially if not on maxed out settings I'd guess. I mean 99% of the time you're going to be zoomed out so all sims are "top down far away", not selfie/studio-portrait views. Walking animations are ok but not great. City/homes/interiors are good but not "wow photo-realistic". Ground textures are meh. You can skip around this video to see this person running around the game a bit. I've seen what I'd guess are lower setting screenshots that look quite npc terrible, even. But still beats the Sims graphically by a country mile. Edit: which is what a lot of people want now, hence its pre-release hype. I've waffled between semi-interested to look at it and not at all interested. If it's ever out of early access and on sale, I might try it. Life/social sims aren't really my thing tho, so I'll likely forget about it again by then. And that Himalayan/Ragdoll or whatever cat gives me more weird uncanny valley than the human "sims".
  4. Hubby: "Wanna go to the grocery store later today?" Me: "Sure! Yay! Excitement/event of the week! Maybe we should get some early dinner too?" ...such is our life at the moment. Although last week, hubby's car broke, mine wouldn't start/stay juiced even after jumps with a portable power/jump unit thingie, and the van needed a jump (that one worked/stuck). Hubby's car now fixed (dealer shop), mine has a new battery. I guess lack of excitement is sometimes better.
  5. Becoming a little "bored" of NMS again. 7 Days to Die major update not for another month or two. Or three. Or a year. Never know with them. >.> Manor Lords also has the pacing change of a snail. I don't care about another map, slightly more useful walls, or a 5th type of meat processing, I want the talent tree expanded. What to do, what to do. I appear to have reached a place re: gaming/personal zoned out brain status where, for $5, maybe I'd enjoy this for a couple days. https://store.steampowered.com/app/3244220/A_Game_About_Digging_A_Hole/
  6. If you're bored this list of smaller Netflix "originals" is something you could sift through. They're older and smaller than what netflix tries to blockbust promote a lot. I've seen Spectral, Cargo, 1922 (didn't like that one too much) and Gerald's Game before. Are they great movies. Nah, probably not to most people anyway - but I did like the other three decently enough so I may check out the others. Have seen some of the others in Netflix menu, just never tried them. Text listing:
  7. ^ My husband still can't be rude/abrupt to salespeople, whether in a store, at the door, or on the phone. He'll let them do their spiel while I'm standing there rolling my eyes. I'm at the point where if it's not family/a close friend etc, I will at minimum say "No thanks, not interested" and change topic and/or simply walk away. Life's too short to waste on being overly polite all the time. Phone/door solicitors I'll say "no" and hang up/shut the door immediately. I once had a woman follow me in a large parking lot, asking for money. I said no, and no, while walking rapidly, but she followed me for about 12 car lengths, trying to guilt me, before she got the point. I've had less and less of that kind of thing - possibly because I dress like a half-homeless person myself these days. eg, not a good mark. This is why, even if I had several million dollars, I would still dress in old baggy pants and well worn t-shirts and not care if my hair is tidy. Better to be underestimated.
  8. Because of The Pitt, have been rewatching some House MD episodes. House got pretty silly after some seasons, and the medical stuff was always funny (but entertaining, at least to a non-medical layperson), but I still like the show. Mostly for the (quite purposeful) House=Sherlock and Wilson=Watson relationship. I still get a little teary with their series-ending arc. That was one epic bromance. The Pitt's one episode a week schedule has been interesting - I like it enough where I'd certainly binge it if it was an option, but at the same time it's a show that kinda works waiting for each week. Like in the old days.
  9. Because size matters. I like the one that looks like a SW Destroyer better tho. Just more "wallpaper."
  10. Still No Man's Sky. --Did the recent expedition twice, so I can have two chrs. with access to the "purple star systems" without having to do the entire main quest+post game quests. This only works if you do expedition in a new save slot/new chr. Doesn't work to shortcut existing chr. --Finally got my 1st ever chr thru the MQ (they were close already), so purple systems and the Lush Galaxy. So that means I now have 4 chrs with access to all planet/system types, and 2 chrs. that have access to original Euclid galaxy and the first Lush galaxy. I do not care about seeing the other 248 galaxies or whatever it is. Thinking about doing the Expedition a 3rd time before it ends (7-10 hrs, for me), and keeping a copy of the save right after they finish and it's converted to a "normal" save, so it could be one that isn't meant to be permanently kept, where I keep copying it back to "start over". Because this thing about no purple system access without MQ and post-quest is a serious (30+hr) drag for every new chr you might make. In a sandbox game. there should really be a game option to get the engine required in an early side quest or some other method.
  11. Same. And I like that there seems to be at least some different environments. I don't really care about the actual plot beats or exposition, but re: visually and wtf-brainsploisons, at this point I would actually watch a movie based on Death Stranding (at least if it was animated, not live-human). Where his weird dream and nightmare visions wouldn't be hampered with having to let people have, y'know, gameplay things to do. I mean, isn't that what he wants to do anyway? At any rate - I'm still in. If anything, each trailer makes me more intrigued/interested to see what he's up to.
  12. Hm. Looks like one of the animation styles and sense of action humor I like. I may give it a shot. Not into the DMC lore, only tried playing that one game once. Could be fun.
  13. The Pitt - 9 episodes in and I'm still liking it. A couple episodes were really great, most are pretty good. Stays with the patient stories and doctor reactions/actions, like I hoped. Some heartfelt moments, some occasional ego spats between interns and highers, but no big drama. So far.
  14. No Man's Sky be like: Wallpaper glory! Wallpaper glory! ...wtf.
  15. Like I mentioned, as a kid I didn't know who he was per se. Just had radio stations on 8 hrs a day in those days where they'd play hits over and over every hour or two. So a lot of those songs are lodged in my memory. This round of music nostalgia searching had me discovering he sang this song, too. I used to love this song, had no idea it was the same person as those others. Neat.
  16. Perhaps ... after David Byrne ... the 2nd best dance moves of all time? I remember the song being on the radio a lot. He had a string of radio-popular hits in the 70's and early 80's, I think. Back then I couldn't tell you his name but I sure did hear his songs. This is the one I really remember. It was played tons on "soft rock/easy listening" stations into the early 80's. When I was in a sappy pre-teen mood, it was perfect. More Than I Can Say was in the same vein and possibly a bit more popular. I think I heard both 100's of times. lol.
  17. Is there some tech reason why a game/devs wouldn't include even a simple Brightness slider? Ok, $10 pixel or 2d-ish games usually don't need such, but for 3d modern graphic shadows and light engine games? Is it a big deal? No. Especially if your display has a remote. But I don't understand why a game in this day and age wouldn't include it.
  18. Bokishi saying something like this makes me feel like the sky has fallen. And good lord, everything going to cloud ai or something. Hopefully I'll be dead by then. But it's feeling more and more like maybe I won't be.
  19. @Bartimaeus I'm not sure if I'd qualify as a true hyper visualizer, but I was probably close. If someone says "mom" I think of a specific image of my mother sitting at kitchen table when she was in her 50's. It's pretty much a mental photograph, or sometimes, video. I could tell you what was on the table, what fruit was in the bowl, what color the floor or her dressing gown was. From there other "photographs" might pop up, leading me to other memories. Which is great and immersive with good memories. A downside however is it can be quite terrible re: ability to distance from negative memories. History/books were always my favorite/I'd remember better because they were like mini-stories. I can't visualize tech/math/programming/language manuals so the text in those literally starts to blur after a while, like my brain gives up since it can't visualize anything and just wants to blank the screen, heh.
  20. @Hurlshort My teacher made us read Gatsby and I thought it one of those required readings (well, back then, no clue today). I was always placed in AP English most of my life tho, for some reason (it definitely wasn't for my grammatical ability, haha) so maybe a different routine. That teacher also made us watch the Redford movie. -- Not reading but I saw this video re: Aphantasia (inability to visualize). Which made me wonder again "so not everyone sees a movie in their head when reading?" I probably was aware of this already on some level - hubby is likely someone who doesn't visualize much, if at all (he also doesn't vicariously attach/emote re: films) but it was interesting learning a label for ppl like hubby. The reason I used to read non-stop as a kid (finish novels in one 5-16 hour sitting barely ever looking up) was because after one or two chapters I no longer saw the text, just a movie, and I couldn't "turn off" the movie because too much disruption. It would've been like trying to watch a film in 10 minute chunks over several days. I find the text to visualizing has lessened somewhat for me as I've aged tho. It's still there but less immediate or affecting. Perhaps another reason I don't get as into books as I used to.
  21. Hm, looks like a dark creepy stalker type thriller ... (review quotes later in trailer) "FUNNIEST THING I'VE SEEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE" "HILARIOUS" --- I'm confused. And intrigued.
  22. Watched Elevation (Netflix). Decent cast. Felt like a long pilot for a cheap sci-fi cable series. Hubby kept making me laugh with some sarcastic "logic" comments. Watched 1 episode of Zero Hour (Netflix). Mostly because DeNiro, curious. Hubby's more the political drama/thriller type then myself. The premise itself is kind of intriguing but by the end of that episode I was wondering if DeNiro's chr was insane. It's all quite over-dramatic, reminded of the dramatic pacing of something like that old 24 series, except without bomb threats. --The best moment was when there was this brief bit of DeNiro/other going into a room, sat down, and walls moved up to surround them and glowed, indicating uber anti-tech privacy. Hubby hollered "CONE OF SILENCE!" I laughed for a minute. (Get Smart reference/joke). I haven't seen hubby watch a 2nd episode of it, if that says anything. Watching TV with hubby is always better than by myself.
  23. So, don't buy 50xx, period. Got it. Glad I was able to fix my PC earlier. 60xx (or whatever other brand) generation here I come!
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