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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. A lot of the review sites have sample pictures that aren't macro sorts (usually portrait, indoor, scenic) and they're getting so good with the non-SLR digital cameras in a general way that I've been curious. Not going to go run out and buy one myself just to compare w/the SLR tho, so thanks for that. Actually not too shabby considering. And I know what a SLR is, I have one, although mine's only 8mp. The digital SLR's for $800-1600 are pretty decent. I still want those $8,000-12,000+ 'pro' lines someday tho. Har. Liberty statue on the right: Cropped, @ 50% original size 4 sec. exposure f/16 100ISO Liberty statue on the left: Cropped, @ 75% original size 1 sec. exposure f/8 400ISO Both crappy indoor lighting, no flash.
  2. Yup...it was nice of them to give you the 'classic' skin. I can't stand the XP look.
  3. I've never tried any of those fixes they have, heh.
  4. It's a bug, if it's the one I'm thinking of, the solution is to re-load a previous save and when you enter the academy, choose a different response than you did before, when Handmaiden asks you to stand down. Unless there's a mod fix for it, which is always a possiblity..
  5. It's just a buggy spot, that force field. Keep trying, re-load, re-bash, run away from it and run back, it'll go eventually.
  6. 1st season, disc 1 of Deadwood. It's the first time I've ever seen the show. I like the lead guy and I like the Western 'style' it uses; not sure I like the show, yet.
  7. I like driving in the rain a lot and I really like this simple pic, so I'm using it again.
  8. I can fall asleep sitting on the floor behind the passenger seat of an automobile. It helps to be small.
  9. As long as it's not named "Pooky" or "Fluffy"
  10. I better buy some more life insurance, hubby's a gonner w/his sleep apnea stuff.
  11. Eh..MySpace has it's place and it has some value as an easy way for the average joe to mingle on the 'net, make a 'personality statement,' and actually have a chance of it being seen. I tried it briefly, just wasn't my thing. Edit : grammar worse than even my average
  12. I prefer MyOwnPaidForSpace even if no one looks at it.
  13. Look at the flower - totally washed out, no detail. Not my favorite photography/photoshop technique. Good for hiding zits tho. :D Does she remind anyone else of Jamie Lee Curtis in that pic?
  14. Bao-Dur will make the shields for you if you're below a certain number, ala T3 and his spikes. Since I was never below that number by the time I met up with him, he never made any for me. I think Bao is supposed to stop the service at some point by default as well? - I don't know when tho. The leveling thing - as long as they were always in my party npc's were never more than a level or two behind my Exile. Seems like once tho I had an issue where if you switch them in and out a lot, where they're missing the direct act of being the one present to gain exp., the 'global' experience gained doesn't 'register' until you left them on the ship, you left the ship, added them to your party, re-loaded the game, entered a new level loading area, or some such rigmarole. Long ago, don't recall.
  15. Desperation, TV movie based on S. King's novel. The first 1/3 was pretty cool and close to the book. Ron Perlman was great as the deranged Sheriff, good surreal camera angles. The rest of the movie dissolved into cheap 'scares' and a boring/squished ending. That first bit tho...gold...if you read the book, anyway. "tak!"
  16. Heh, yeah, I probably would. But I'll wait for them to show up in the bargain bin...maybe $1000. It's interesting to find out the allergies are from a protein thingie that can be genetically eliminated. I'll be keen on seeing if owners actually think it reduces/eliminates their furry allergies. It would be so nice to be able to hug a cat again w/out getting all sneezy and blotchy and be able to snuggle with them in bed again.
  17. Road Runner! How could I have forgotten him and Wile E. Coyote...
  18. I thought someone here might understand it. Oh well. hehe I only 'get it' cause of hubby's hobbies; I'm not a Unix geek myself. This might help, but...probably not. http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/man/sudo.html
  19. Oh yeah...watching that youtube video...Captain Marvel. hehe
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