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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I don't think I used Goto enough to tell how useful he is in a battle if you tried to build him up to a high potential. But when I did try to use him, his round bulky profile really annoyed me during gameplay. I was never a stealthy Exile so that advantage wasn't important to me. I did use T3, and if you equipped him with some decent blasters he was decent backup support. Nothing special tho. Mostly, he was 'cute.' Not to mention, very funny when he glitched.
  2. I never used Di's workbench feature, actually. But I still like him a lot. He gets no love here tho. :D
  3. Of the recently featured, I prefer the "Game Over" one. I think I'm one of the few who isn't really that impressed with the '1 pic a day' videos. I've seen several on that concept. It's a cool idea, but it's too easily faked, and thus I'm left feeling kinda hohum; just reminds me of the early movie face-morphing days, except w/out a drastic change to the actual face. I think Peter Gabriel had a vid that had bits that looked a lot like these, heh. And yeah, it'd be more interesting if they moved around more instead of feeling like they had to keep the face in a stationary position.
  4. For the less 'net savvy, no, I didn't make it.
  5. I like DS better, but I tend to go lightside more often simply because it was easier, and because Atton looks terrible DS... :D
  6. He went a bit overboard on the blue-side of the grey color balance in many of those shots, or whatever you want to call it, imo. But yeah, cleaning up the picture to make colors more vibrant etc. I don't typically mind. Old film/negative starts to degrade, spiffing it up and preserving it etc. is par for the course. It's just the added footage, changing of footage, and all of that I can't stand.
  7. Coming home from a really long drive-till-you-drop car-trip, we rented Brick to watch while lying exhausted on the couch. It was one of those kinda weird concept movies that looked like it was made by a bunch of young independant film makers. Not very good, but had some moments. Nip/Tuck season3 was much more entertaining.
  8. The link to their site's progress reports are here, in case you missed it. Think the question has been answered and anything else on the topic of the TSL can go in the sticky thread up top.
  9. I train them all. Although not the first couple times through. Only later. I'm not sure why, I only ever really use Atton and Disciple. But I liked having the others be Jedi for some of those missons. Plus I like lightsabers.
  10. Guys, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the graphics are really crappy. But it didn't look as good while actually playing the game/moving around as in the still screens, if that makes sense. I'm sure it depends a lot on the system and resolution. I tried to play it at 1600x1200 but my mid-high AGP system w/it's new geforce card stuttered and dropped so I had to use 1280. Some of my friends couldn't even get the demo to run. And at 1024 it looked like a fuzzy oil painting to me. Maybe it's just my eyes and what I prefer - I like game graphics that look crisp and sharp, not painting-like. *shrug* The earlier screens loaded surprised me because they didn't look anything like the demo would indicate. If you're curious, I'm sure the demo's still out there.
  11. You're correct, good sir. ....my brain knew that, but apparently my fingers didn't.
  12. No, I don't think it's that pretty for a 3D game - it looked ok when zoomed out but the further you zoomed in the worse it looked to me; I didn't have it on super high AA settings or that resolution you're using, etc. tho. And not that pretty is a requirement if the game's fun. The demo was very short, which could've been misleading, but the controls/viewpoint were really awkward - in the demo those early caves had some weird clipping bugs or something as you'd enter them as well as some frame rate drop issues; and the linear pathed outdoors reminded me of Dungeon Siege mapping. Some of the spells looked interesting tho. I was hoping it'd be something my D2 playing buddies might like but they didn't care for it when I asked them to check it out. Unfortunately the only screen I have from the demo that I didn't delete is the one below - it's a zoomed in one.
  13. I think it's an over-reaction. But I can see how some folks might get in arms over it...TV can be a powerfully influential medium, even if it's unintentional or irrational. *points to alanchu's quote*
  14. Titan Quest - I played that demo, it seemed terrible. Those screenies make it look more interesting. Improved since the demo or just prettier farther along in the game than the demo let you go? WoW screenies - makes me want to reinstall WoW and play my Hunter again...
  15. Yes, that early Atton convo does determine some of those things. I dont know if it's only choosing male/female or whether the DS/LS is a part of it as well...I'm sure someone else here will know.
  16. Thread pruned a bit. Since past threads are locked, I see no harm in trying out a new thread for new members to voice their opinions. If you don't with to participate, that's cool...just remember not everyone was around for the old topic runs. If anyone is interested in past opinions, one of the older closed threads is here.
  17. After a bit of thought, I think as amusing as these types of threads can be, they're more related to spam rather than discussion of SW universe type things, and thus...
  18. I still enjoy watching it now and then but yes, 10 years is a long time for any show, and if they wanted to cancel it now, I wouldn't complain. I still miss RDA as well...that new guy is ok, but he's still missing something...like chemistry with the other characters...
  19. For your first time through the game, there's no 'best' but it is generally thought to be better to try and not level the npc's up (as much as possible) until you turn them to Jedi. It depends a lot on what you want to do with the character, tho. For example, Disciple is a soldier, making him a seeming melee kind of guy, with lots o' feat points etc. But if you Jedify him, he's a counselor and stops getting thosefeats so often. Thus for him, I'd raise his level to about 14-16 for the feats to preserve him as a more melee type. If you didn't care about his melee, then you might not do that. Both Bao-Dur and Atton benefit a lot more by holding off on leveling as much as possible. There's an influence faq at gamefaqs.com that lists influence stuff. Of course, it has major spoilers so fair warning if you go there.
  20. Is the difference here just the price factor tho, or something else?
  21. I upgrade my card to play Oblivion, and my computer isn't too shabby for an older style rig, I could play all the new games. So what do I play when I want to do something other than graphic/video stuff? ....DungeonKeeper. I'm sooo a creature of habit...
  22. Actually, I found Doom the movie rather amusing. Not good...except for the 1st person bit gimmick, perhaps...but amusing... I watched The Edge again. It was mostly notable for the bear and noticing that Alec Baldwin fares better at playing, ah, evil? bad? characters with some complex shadings than when he plays a 'good guy'. The Cooler had me re-evaluating him entirely. Think I'll watch that again too.
  23. If you can afford it I'd go w/plasma. I find their picture brighter and prettier and...just better. Not that I've bought one and taken it home. Just what I see in the stores all the time as I browse, dreaming....and from Consumer Reports reviews. I love Consumer Reports... Plasma supposedly has a minor caveat of eventually losing about 30-50% of it's original 'brightness' over the course of some years...I don't remember, maybe 3-5? If that's not a concern...then plasma. I don't know if it's better for gaming tho.
  24. I don't think it's a big deal, Hades...just something to blather about. Although from a genetics point of view, it might be interesting to know what the codes are for 'black' - ie, does DNA mix color codes (or whatever) to come up with 'black' or is it a single unique 'code' with some minor variables that make black be various shades... ...er, someone stop me, I know nothing about genetics. lol
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