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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well, I don't know about sweeping generalizations or 'is black a color' debates, but I do know that my hair, when the sun shines through it, has a very visible reddish brown core, like redwood tree bark. But it's very black on sight, otherwise. At least, it was before the grey started popping out all over the place...
  2. Heh I kept thinking you were Disciple. The vids cool...I know what a pain it is to try and piece bits together like that. Not my kind of music either, tho.
  3. A recent Robin Williams movie about him taking his family on a vacation in a large motorhome. It was so abysmal I can't even be bothered to Google the name.
  4. Alcohol is a personal pleasure, too. It harms livers and other things. it's addictive, it causes harm via consumption and lapses of intelligence or motor control. People still use it to party next door, being a part of both noise and trash pollution. It's still legal and most neighbors don't blink an eye or call the cops for 'violations' unless actual violence is a factor, because it's a socially acceptable drug despite it's rather proven 'harm' to society and people. The thing about smoking is that's it's just currently trendy to bash and crusade against it. People always need something to bash and blame, and with all the media influence and the fact it's not a 'fun party drug' smoking is an easy one to do it with. To me it's less whether such small personal pleasures are useful or not, or harmful/annoying or not - it's that such legal definitions/measures are often designed as the start of making things illegal, or for people abusing the system simply because it's 'trendy' to bash on the one thing vs. another, and that direction I disagree with. Edit: ie, I'd feel the same if they were trying to make beer or burning inscense something you couldn't do in your own home.
  5. Mira is based on your Light/Dark dominance. Bao-Dur's influence (and hence Jedi-turning) is based on him being in your party during certain events, where he can 'observe' them and thus be influenced. He has no dialogue influence options. Visa's initial cutscene is also based on your current Light/Dark dominance - if I recall correctly the scene is played when you first reach either 1/4 light or dark.
  6. K2 - and, heh, I think when this thread was created there was no SWUniverse forum.
  7. *scratches head* The numerical version number is underneath the top header, as it was for the last one. If you think that's a serious confusion issue, I can put it in as part of the top header.
  8. Yes, there's an hour long time limit to editing posts.
  9. Yeah, I do see where the trends of building housing closer and closer and closer together could eventually be a problem, for many things, not just the cig smoking. I think more an more apartments around here are disallowing smoking in their units. Shades of Asimov's Caves of Steel... Still against such regulation or laws, however. You cannot protect human beings from our own tech convienences, all the time. Not yet, anyway. If they ever do get as good at environment processing ala Asimov's books, then perhaps.
  10. Hmm...well if SW Knights doesn't host you I might be able to rig something up for you. It wouldn't be fancy, probably a blog script or some such with you installed as a member so you could alter/add stuff etc.
  11. I like Skeeter's Junkyard too, although I'm not sure incoming members will understand it, thus I'm going to go with Skeeter's Tech Plaza as my first choice, instead. Skeeters Tech Plaza Skeeters Junkyard
  12. If neighbors can take smokers to court because the smoker smoking in their own house/backyard is a 'bother', then I should be able to take my neighbors to court for wearing perfume or planting very perfumy flowers, which I'm highly sensitive to (breathing, sometimes small rashes) and can smell/be affected from many yards away. And BBQ'ing. All that smoke and pollution drifting into my backyard and my windows. Enclosed (or very close quarters, like concerts) public area bans I agree with and don't mind. Laws which are expressly for making it easier for neighbors to sue 'annoying neighbors' for possible 'future lung endangerment' I do not. Too easily abused, for one thing.
  13. This quest is unfinishable in the 'normal' game. There is a 3rd party fix for it if you're playing on the PC. You can find the link to that fix and more info in this thread.
  14. *tosses sand up into the air* Well, I think this one has reached an end.
  15. There was one time it wouldn't let me through for a while either. I think it's just a glitch. I didn't start over tho...I just ran around, kept hitting it and eventually it worked. I might've reloaded a save several times.
  16. Most sci-fi shows follow the monster/tech problem of the week formula. Most detective shows (CSi etc) follow the same murder/mystery/solve formula. I dunno...to me most shows are mostly about whether you like the characters & chemistry between them. The plots are always recycled.
  17. House, 2nd season on DVD. Yay. Saw the first 2 discs last night...good stuff. I love House. I don't watch them when they come on the air; I hate commercial interruptions. hehe.
  18. That particular secret never worked for me either (PC).
  19. I just use the lightsabers. They're pretty. I did sometimes like to have my npc party members be gunslingers tho...it made sense to have them stand behind and back me up rather than getting in my way as they tried to charge into the fray. :D
  20. For all I know hubby's using one of his Linux systems as the network hub. Sigh. oh well, I don't want to mess with it that much, I'll probably just wait for the actual game and hope that works. Disappointing. Thanks for trying to help.
  21. I'm supposed to be the admin on this computer. I'll check tho..sometimes XP defaults to something else when you're trying to install the darn thing... I just had a thought - the game uses MS-Netframework2.0 - if hubby's computers, that controll the networks, is still using 1 - would that be it, maybe? I dunno, w/the browser window thing, seems like it was trying to check something w/their servers, like you having a legit copy of the demo or something. Meh...this is why I hate demos. edit: I used the shortcut properties to run it as the PC/winxp admin and it still errors.
  22. After HOURS at 10kps from Sierra, I finally had the demo downloaded. I let it install a bunch of stuff. I try to play the demo. The first time I hit 'play' it pops open a browser window and looks like it's trying to connect to something, but can't. I get this error msg every time I click on 'start new game': I went to their support page. They said to try clicking on a file in the program directory. I do so. It pops up with a dos window (attached pic). I don't understand what it means. Demo still gives me the error and crashes. I'm on a local network, I'm behind a firewall. Is that what they mean by admin access or are they talking about some Windows admin setting? I'm getting annoyed, as usual.
  23. Actually Atton usually does indicate he likes your actions through dialogue - tho it's true not all his 'stuff' is actually initiated by dialogue. It's just not always obvious, perhaps. Like one early one he'll say stuff like "Well just warn me next time." after you've done something then replied the right way (for influence gain) when he harps on you about it. Also, if you gain influence the game is supposed to tell you via the GUI - with little noises and flashing red or green +/- signs on the screen - again, not always really obvious if you're busy looking elsewhere. And if you have certain GUI options turned off, they won't show up much either. Bao-Dur is the hardest to influence because there are no dialogue tree options like w/the others, he has to be in your party during certain events every time. Or at least, I think every time. It's been a while. Kreia - all I can say is either look at a walkthrough spoiler site, or save before every major conversation with her, so you can reload if you don't get the influence you want. Influencing Kreia, btw, won't make her align with your light/dark self, like w/the others.
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