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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Find Me Guilty w/Vin Diesel. Surprisingly, I found it pretty watchable, for a lighter comedy.
  2. Yeah, there used to be one, then those types of threads slowed down to a mere trickle, so I guess it was dissolved. I'm pretty sure at least some of the threads were kept/merged and are searchable, but I don't know how many...probably not much. At any rate, it's true there's been a recent influx of new threads of this sort; the suggestion is noted and will be passed along. Thanks.
  3. Oh noes, it's a stupid pet video that I made! I'm easily amused.
  4. Moved to Kotor2 general. If you have an ATI card, I would refer you to this recent thread. Cheers and welcome to the forums.
  5. Thread slightly pruned slightly. I think we could all use to cease the hostile environment spammer-accusations for a while. If one percieves a problem, please use the Report function instead.
  6. Kotor2 specific hardware problem, moving. I don't have a specific answer right now, but you might want to try doing a search of the Kotor forums for 'catalyst'.
  7. They get an A for effort but it's not practical/useful. Walks like an elephant with sprained ankles.
  8. I like the little file better. I can just delete it or copy it back into that folder at a whim w/out an extra program.
  9. If you're on the PC you can, using an Override file that you place in the Kotor Override folder. If you're on Xbox, than no. Edit: I tried googling for it but the original page seems to be gone. So I'll link to the file on my site. It's a very small rar file, you'll need WinRar or similar to open it.
  10. They'll be back up in a few hours most likely. At least, that's typical for their routine stuff.
  11. Which in my opinion would be better used being put into that states education or whatever other cause the state deems important, rather than a likely futile effort at bribing voters.
  12. Ah, but you have to remember that there's a variety of terrain all within a 40-50 mile radius. The beach, redwood forest, rocky low 'mountains', pine trees, grass valley, marshlands, lakes & rivers, green city parks, farmland, and of course 'big city.' But yeah, right where I live, it's bland and hot. The suburb looks like a regular ol suburb, with city planted trees/grass and all that, but the land around us on the hills is all dry and grassy and fire hazzardy. In winter/spring it's very pretty. I'll take a picture next Jan. The central valley tho...I wouldn't want to live there. Too far from the 'variety'.
  13. You can be American and still think things that America's, ah, politics, churn out are pathetic. I don't think this would do much good. If someone isn't voting, having a almost-no-chance odds of winning a bunch of money isn't likely to make 'em stop watching TV (or whatever) and go vote. Non-voting is either 'politically' movtivated or from laziness/not caring or the sensation that voting is 'useless'. To most of those minds, a lottery doesn't motivate. Sure you'd get a little boost perhaps but eh...I dunno.
  14. I like speed runs (or other 'technical challenges') in certain types of games once in a while. It's the challenge of the organiziation/planning required to achieve it; like...why climb Mt Everest...because you can. Course, that much before-hand planning is often too much for me and I never break any records.
  15. Thread reviewed and pruned. A little too much general Kotor discussion/chat, not enough Kotor3.
  16. I tend to agree, and I think the original question has become not the focus of this thread anymore.
  17. Red Dawn! An 80's classic! I have that on videotape. I got around to watching The Edge again finally. Just as riddiculous so it's fun as I remembered. Is Bart the Bear still doing movies? What a great actor.
  18. I live in a valley. The green stuff doesn't survive the summer. :D
  19. Heh, I remember when the news came out about the disc-shattering drives. And I think it was indeed speed-related...something about speed vs. tiny invisible cracks in the disc or something... ? ...
  20. It's not the usual internet wild funny but I laughed a lot, because it's so true. I love this guy. http://youtube.com/watch?v=f_FKhZ1BVD0
  21. I want a "real" digital camcorder, only I don't know what to buy. I'm also thinking about some hobbies suck up a lot more time than others.
  22. I went outside today. During the daylight. I still like the dark better.
  23. Starforce? It sounds broken. Or at least damaged. Could be the firmware I guess but if it just suddenly started to happen...did you just update it (or anything else) recently?
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